Then keep crying, you deserve not to be invited if you have bad gear, long life the gatekeepers, I rather play with them than someone like you.
this is EXACTLY the toxic self entitled gatekeeper attitude that makes people want rdf. you do realize its a virtual world of a GAME and your achievements are completely meaningless in the real world and in no way make you more important, more successful, or more important to people with actual lives?
Ok, better revert all the class balance to 3.0. Remove dual spec. Remove a thousand other things.
Or maybe don’t delay the one system compared to every other system for the past 3 years.
By the way, it’s not coming in ICC. According to Blizz it’s never coming. So your post fails on multiple levels.
sadly for you, this forums are related to a GAME, not to IRL sittuations, so yes.
- cry like you are right now
- be a man and make your own solution, this isnt a kinder garden for you to be carry everywhere, it seems that is really hard for you to understand that.
aaaahhh so im right then… you NEED to be virtually validated cause real life is so horrible to you. you know, if you actually left the house and put as much effort into real life, you would see how sad your current forum trolling really is. and feel free to yell at your mom about the bad people on the forums, welcome to the no fly list.
Id prefer that it didnt appear at all, youre the one bringing up authentic wrath.
You seem quite mean spirited in general, just an fyi.
I just want people to stop calling themselves ‘pumper dumpers’ in lfg chat. Keep that to yourselves, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
rdf is hurtful, but gatekeeping is much worse. this has literally become a battle of choosing the lesser of evils. seeing as gatekeeping only benefits a handful of players while rdf benefits everyone, its a no brainer where this will go. Stopping RDF in theory is super simple. Nerds need to simply stop being a-holes to the community they swear to love so much, and get in line. They never will though. They live for power abusing people in video games. They will gatekeep right up until the final patch that implements rdf because so many people left the game from being excluded out of content
I am, and that means it should have RDF. Let me explain it so maybe you’ll understand.
Pretend it’s mid 2010. It’s the latter part of Wrath. Blizz creates a fresh server. That is what we’re playing. The only difference is they release the content (raids, dungeons, daily hubs) progressively. Everything else is as it was at that time. Which it is….except for RDF.
Understand now?
I feel we were meant to be together.
It’s a well-known fact that the community is absolute garbage. Yes, Blizzard has made some TERRIBLE decisions in regards to, well, everything, but you can see that even just on the forums there are PLENTY of people wanting to gatekeep, wanting to make it difficult for the average player to progress.
99% is a pretty large number when you’re calling a population ignorant.
That’s actually NOT the real reason they exist anymore.
There are even Reddit screenshots of full blown elitism already.
I dunno about gate keeping…
I spent all of yesterday dungeon spamming, each time I posted LF3M dps I got about 30+ messages from people wanting to join, I can only invite 3 so always invited the first 3 to whisper, is this what people consider gate keeping?
I don’t think being toxic and unwelcoming to your fellow humans, players, community members etc is “normal” human nature. lol.
The authentic experience cant exist because of us, thats the simple fact of all matters involved with going back to a game being relaunched. Its been exploited and mulled down into a simple matter of mathematics to too many players. Ill be here regardless of what is or is not implemented because i am enjoying the community i found, I will still express that RDF was not a good option as it was implemented.
I specifically mean for heroics. Abusing the lockout system just made progress start being an expectation over a reward funneling us into the mobile game aspects retail is full to the brim with. For leveling i do agree it is a great tool after launches and has the chance to create something for community, in heroic dungeon spams it began the silent grind for endgame that eroded too much communication.
There is no going back to 2010, thats not how it works.
My favorite time in all of wow was spamming wrath dungeons with my guildmates. 3-4 of us and randos. I have never had more fun in this game.
In that case, every community for every game is garbage. There will always be differing opinions, hence the human nature portion of my op. As far as gatekeepers go, forum trolls don’t dictate my game experience, there are normal things in game required to do content i.e. apply to a guild that does stuff, if that’s too much to ask from an average player, then I’m not sure RDF will fix the game experience for them.
I’d be curious to what you believe the CC’s role is at this point in time? The purpose has been vague every since inception as it seemed more like a soothe the masses movement to feign attention as opposed to a legitimate progression in communication with the playerbase.
Plenty of trolls on both sides of the coin. I feel like I’m reading different articles from fox news and cnn in here on the different political parties, the gas lighting is nuts.
Blizz can’t change the players, but it can create an authentic Wrath. What players do with it is up to us.