Gatekeeping started already.. RDF is needed

You’re just plain wrong. RDF is trash, and dramatically increased player toxicity because there are no consequences for being toxic.
Didn’t get the loot you want? Don’t finish the dungeon. Drop the group. Another one is waiting for you with more meaningless strangers. Don’t care to learn to play your class? Don’t bother, we’ll completely remove the human element of matchmaking away so you can surge your tiny brain with dopamine without any intellectual input. Love being toxic? Here’s an opportunity to be as absolutely toxic as humanly possible with no repercussions, because you’ll never see any of these players ever again!
The one thing they’ve done right so far was remove that function. It was an incredibly large nail in the coffin of the original experience. It also took the focus away from challenging content and turned it into a loot-a-rama, where every single interaction is devalued as a consequence of its very existence. A game like this should be tiered in its accessibility. It should be harder to get into endgame content. Attunements were great. This shouldn’t be a “play casually and see everything” type of game. It should be a game with seemingly limitless horizons because so much of the content is just out of reach…until it isn’t. Ever since they started catering to that mentality of everyone gets a turn, equality of outcome, the game when to crap.
That doesn’t mean that toxic gatekeeping is okay either, but the point of the game is to find a guild, find a group, and work together to get through content. If you can’t do that, then this game is not for you. That is the reality. Or should be.
Player behavior and Blizzard’s unfortunately spineless reactions to it have completely destroyed retail. We are only in queue for 7 hours right now because people were tired of that paradigm, and wanted to return to a time in the game when accomplishments were earned. That means find a group, getting geared, and struggling.


Increase deserter debuff, and still give it out if 1 boss dies, problem solved. People are just as likely to bail on a bad LFG group as they are RDF. Only its more painful when the group falls apart and it took you 4 hours to join.


you can’t use vote kick in rdf in the first 15min, also a vote kicker can’t use vote kick more than few times a day to prevent him from abusing it, if he tried to? he/she will be locked to ever start vote kick or vote on kicking anyone for a whole week.


Why can’t you just make your own group though?? If gatekeeping is so rampant as you say it is, then wouldn’t there be more people for you to choose from to make your group then? Im not understanding the argument “people are gatekeeping me” therefore RDF.


Three days until you resub and change your posting character. Someone who is posting 20+ times a day every single day for months isn’t going to just stop. You’re going to switch to a different character and continue to complain, for years most likely.


Gatekeeping started a long time ago. This isn’t some new community of toxic gatekeepers. These are the classic andys that don’t want RDF because they can’t gatekeep with it. They have been doing this gatekeeping since vanilla and enjoy it thoroughly.


That might be the most hilariously inaccurate post in the history of the forum. :rofl:

And shocking it’s your very first post. Definitely not an anti-lfd trolls’s alt.


i wonder if one day i’ll see “you need to have tier 10 and logs to run deadmines” xD

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Players setting standards for their groups is fine? Can just make a group with everyone who is not in bis gear, no?

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Is easier to cry and make draman than look for a solution, is like crying because nobody carry you to get KSM on retail while you can simple do it yourself with your own keys, this is the typical ppl who ask everything from the gov but never do their part.

Blizzard made the solution in 2009. It was called RDF. And 2022 Blizzard removed it.


It’s not an alt. I’m just a guy making my way slowly through the game, as I did in 2007+. You have no legs to stand on. What did I get wrong? Are you getting your feelings hurt by mean old raiders “gatekeeping” you? Or do you just like sitting in a capital city and queueing for generic content so you can eat cheetos with one hand and never actually have to do anything? Are you sad they took it out so you couldn’t rage quit after 10 minutes when the tank called you out for absent-mindedly allowing your Voidwalker to pull 50% of the dungeon by mistake?

It’s not gatekeeping. People will just have a head start. Who cares?

If you don’t like RDF, then don’t use it…problem solved. And yes, this is totally “gatekeeping”. RFD was in Wrath then and it should be now.

Plus, “Classic Wow” still exists, you know…right? You can always play on those servers.


This isn’t a horrible compromise. I think any change to game systems should at least be run through a lens of “Will this increase player toxicity?”. At least with increasing the deserter debuff they could reduce the amount of people who leave at the drop of a hat. It still doesn’t solve the issue of lack of social accountability, but it would be a step in the right direction. The biggest thing I noticed up front when they released it originally was that it became all anyone wanted to do. Easy dopamine rush a la classic Skinner box. I lost interest in the game shortly afterward. It was enough to run each heroic once a day for loot. Having the option to do it infinitely, daily just wasn’t fun, and it took the “world” out of world of warcraft. Retail players can scarcely tell you where a dungeon is located, let alone what its context is. The greatest strength of Classic, in my opinion, was that the vast world they created mattered, and you had to explore it to be successful. One of the strengths of Legion was that it made players go back out into the world again. None of that really matters now. In retail you can get to level 10 in about 15 minutes, casually playing, and then spam dungeons until max without ever moving your character in the world. That’s absurd.

That’s no different than manually removing someone for poor performance or being AFK through a group that was built using LFG. If you are suggesting that a group of friends all vote kick a pug because he is a pug, that is a rare situation and likely not a reason to keep RDF out of wrath. Similarly, that same group of 4 friends do not need to use RDF and can simply walk to the instance and enter it that way.

Where is the gatekeeping? Who is stopping you from forming a group? If that exists then surely Blizzard should do something about it. Otherwise, you’re just whinging.

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Forming a group is an option, but a lot of people prefer not to, and there isn’t anything wrong with that. Using that argument as justification for gatekeeping is a toxic mentality. I encourage you to start your own group and tell me how many people queue into LFG with the incorrect spec listed, and suddenly you will find yourself with holy paladins queuing in as a tank, balance druids signing up as tanks, and mages swinging in there listed as healers.

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why are you sooo worried about how other like to play the game, do your thing and let them do their thing


I was ret in Classic. Folks would randomly ask me to heal their runs… Then tell me I should kill myself and ignore me when I said I was ret.

Some groups were cool. Others were jerks.