Gatekeeping started already.. RDF is needed

“We need Blue to comment and implement a dungeon gating system in order to stop players gating dungeons themselves in their own ways…”

It’s almost like the community have gotten used to, and feel entitled to, having Blizzard take complete responsibility and control of all the player bases in-game social challenges…


Bingo… people just want the game to play like an afk battler.

Who gatekeeps the gatekeepers? :thinking:

I personally didn’t mind RDF when it was put in and wouldn’t mind it now. But I also think there were people who would have wanted that option in vanilla, we were all just so young and inexperienced in the concepts of wow to have any sort of cognizant opinion on the matter as to how it would be put into the game, it wasn’t just ‘wrath babies’ starting it. I’d also go insofar as to say it’s culture in general for the desire of instant gratification that has in turn trickled into the gaming scene creating an entitlement for free things like sitting in cities making no attempts to teamplay doing things like summoning or mechanics. Wholeheartedly agree that people are going to suck as a whole RDF or no RDF.


Title says nothing that hasn’t already been said ad nauseum and rejected. It’s bad for the game and devs are well aware.


it’s inception! quick, we need to get into their dreams!

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So, make your own group. Problem solved.

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except it doesnt work when youre a dps. you become 1 of 4 dozen dpsers trying to create a group while the tanks are listed for their own groups and healers the same, 4 hours later still no group.


i run as dps all the time and get groups up and running 10-20 mins or less, it just requires a bit of keyboard work, or you can keep strawmanning the matter, ill just be running my dungeons.

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is it sunny in the world of delusion? as of 3 weeks ago the devs said RDF was in the conversation again as they were closer to later than never now, and the backlash for the never rdf was far greater than they could have imagined. so our voices are making noise enough to get noticed. and have MADE noise enough to put it back in the conversation.


It’s bad for the toxic, elitist gatekeepers. There’s literally no negative to anyone else.


I enjoy seeing how the people who demand everything in life call others gatekeepers when their greed is met with a wall.

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i love how youre experience differs than mine so i must be strawmanning the matter. get a life dude, youre either lying or trolling or both.


I agree with this and that’s why social contracts, rules and regulations must be enforced.

okay, so officially youre a lying troll. welcome to the no fly list.

if you are a boosted or just full greens, you can also do quests, I mean the solution is there but this feels like a little children crying because hes not invited to a group where he doesnt fit, so:

  1. Keep crying about not being invited
  2. gear up doing quests, and then join later on dungeons
  3. make the group yourself.

Peoples social ineptitude means every game in the world must bow down before abject greed over any thought to substance? Youre also so quick to call troll or liar when a reality of thousands of people getting into dungeons hourly is occurring right now.


Wanting an authentic Wrath is greed? :rofl:

You had authentic Classic. You had authentic TBCC. You continue to have Classic Era. But that’s not enough. Wrath needs to be changed to suit your preference. That is greed.


OMG!! you mean all we’ve had to do for the past 15 years is make our own group? It’s that simple?? Wow! Where has this advice been. I have never heard such great advice before.

Make our own groups everyone. We can close the forums now, this guy solved all of our problems.


Okay then, authentic wrath means that RDF doesnt appear until the ICC Raid is activated.

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