Gatekeeping started already.. RDF is needed

thats like your opinion maaan


Nexus in LFG last night had like 150 people in it and countless tanks/healers so IK people out here being extra lazy.

Being EXACTLY as it was does not mean it’s the best state.


Ah I see you are a demon hunter. Here in classic we dont have RDF and walk everywhere. It is a joyous experience if you will.

You’ve had ten years to get good. No one’s fault but their own.


Gatekeeping is good


That solves nothing. A person not getting into groups because of their gearscore, spec, etc makes their own group and magically people join? No, you just have 4,000 listings of 1dps trying to form groups. Tough concept I know.

But speaking of forming groups, did you know you can manually form your own groups even with RDF in the game? Because you can.

So clearly it’s not about wanting to form your own groups. It’s about having the power to gatekeep others because they have no other option.


Suprisingly yes. Being the leader of a group is like being a medium in a seance, as soon as you start you get voices in your head. Also as creator of the group you are the keeper of the gate. Sure not everyone will want to pass through your gate but many will.

Gatekeeping will never end in this game, there will always be a desire to weed out invalids which usually ends up being totally asinine, particularly when brutal was welfare gear to those who spent the time running to noob hill in AV for the 4 week prepatch. We started seeing rumblings of that gatekeeping via wow hero score and ‘link achieve’ requirements during wrath, but the introduction of parsing exponentially increased the level of elitism to drive that gatekeeping. Despite the hopes that classic may bring back the nostalgia of a simpler time, optimization and meta for parsing sakes have spread like cancer to all edges of the known wow universe.


Not sure what the problem with RDF is. It’s a QoL tool. People can still make their own groups and play with their friends. I personally don’t want to spend hours LFG.

To me sitting around forming groups for hours on end is not fun and a waste of time when I could actually be playing the game.

What about low populations servers? Just create another character and level. Oh locked servers, 10-hour queue times, can’t create a character. Perfect!! A better way to spend your time!!

I have read instances of people spending up to four hours looking for group and just giving up because nobody was on or available. How fair is it to them?

Introduce tokens to cut down on gold farmers, bring in RDF/LFR for QoL, and ban GDKP scammers permanently. There is a reason these tools were introduced into the game. IMO it made the game much more user-friendly and a lot more fun.

Can someone message or link the polls showing this isn’t what the community at large wants? If the majority say no, then I am cool with that. From what I have seen, classic is a TERRIBLE rendition of vanilla. For those of us trying to relive the glory days…forget it…stick to retail and leave classic to the people making a living off wow :smile:


it allows people to bypass the sweaty tryhards and actually run content in a timely fashion. and the sweaty try hard gatekeepers absolutely hate it and are doing everything including alt stacking and botting on the forums to fight the inclusion of rdf


gatekeeping in wow was really bad until rdf was implemented. it was like a door that had been closed off to majority of the community was finally opened. the elitists hated it because they no longer had control over the population. so many guilds fell apart because people up to that point had just been sucking it up and taking crap from their dirtbag guild leaders in the hopes of ever getting a spot on the raid or some dope drops. The problem wasnt RDF. It was power hungry nerds who thought they ran this game, and all of a sudden they were nothing


I want to play less and less errrryday because of this community lol. This game sets you up to get screwed at every turn by devs and the players. Not sure how you all stuck out this long lmao.


It’s almost as if Blizzard added all of the QoL stuff that makes retail “bad” because it was the only sensible solution to make the game accessible for more people. Funny how that works, and yet people think that accessibility and ease of access is a bad thing.

The biggest issue with WoW is the community, and that has nothing to do with Blizzard. The community has killed WoW more than Blizzard ever could.


Three days left on my sub. :smiley:


and will continue to kill it until there is nothing left other than non official options.

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You can call the community an issue, but that’s part of the reason why you are a CC member. There are millions of players in the game, most have an opinion on what they would need to be happier and how to improve, yet holistically 99% of the ideas are untenable or ignorant. It may frustrate you to see so many people with wild ideas, but you are the chosen rep to voice more articulated and mature concepts to our parents at blizzard. It’s pretty akin to how democracy works, except we didn’t vote for you to be our representative :slight_smile: so please don’t come in to flame the community of millions because of your dislike for normal human nature


This is precisely the problem. RDF didn’t make the game worse, gaming culture has simply changed writ large in the literal decade since Wrath came out. I see people treating the current system like its RDF anyway, just sitting in cities waiting for their summon and not communicating. RDF or no RDF players will behave how they want to behave.


The community turns on itself at any opportunity. That’s why things like RDF are essential. An automated option for forming dungeon groups is vital. Otherwise we see the toxic gatekeeping that dominates the scene. Other players aren’t an asset; they’re a rival. Which is why accessibility is so important.


With how the majority of people are geared…

You can 5 dps a dungeon. It may be a lil rough, but it can be done.