Gatekeeping started already.. RDF is needed

While waiting for my friend to get back from his vacation iv been mining and selling all the ore since launch and made about 10k gold so far. It’s been really nice selling stacks of saronite bars for 500g each.

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I’m so jealous. I leveled up alchemy thinking it’d be a cash cow. Boy was I WRONG-O lmao

The gate keeping is brutal lol. I got denied several times as a healer for UK. I thought this was an entry level dungeon that starts at 68. I had no idea I needed raid/SwP for this LOL. :joy:


Make your own group and do the “gatekeeping” yourself then. Seriously, just make your own group and stop acting like you’re owed a spot in some one else’s group. You’re gatekeeping yourself by not being willing to be party leader.

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lol saw that too. the guy got made fun of by the entire server for an hour for it


Can’t be gatekept if you make your own group


What a ridiculous post. Hundreds of dps characters starting their own groups. They can’t get into someone else’s group, but magically people will join theirs? I swear anti-lfd posters have no common sense.

By the way, even with RDF in the game you can continue to manually form your own groups. So clearly it’s not about you wanting to make your own groups. You just want to control how others play the game.


[quote=“Zaalg-ashkandi, post:188, topic:1350683, full:true”]

How else are they going to feel important in life if they cant play god in a video game?
How else are they going to make 1000s of gold if they cant scam people with gdkp runs?


Buy dual spec. It’s not that hard. You have tons of options.

This isn’t reality. They can get into groups. This post is whinging about the very few gatekeepy listings made by really bad wannabe minmax players who think they need to have a specific comp to clear UK quickly.
For every gatekeepy group, there are dozens of normal groups to join instead. Let them waste a run’s worth of time waiting for a comp that can hold their hand through it.

The answer is literally to make your own groups though. Guarantee you find your UK within 5m.

Stop it with this stupid attempt at an argument. “Don’t like it don’t use it” is flawed, for obvious reasons.

Games need rules, direction, structure. This isn’t a literal sandbox.


I will invite anyone to a group. The only requirement that I have is that people are respectful of how other people like to play the game. The moment a random starts trying to take over the group with how he/she wants to play - they are removed. That person can form their own party and play however they wish.

You are not going to impose your will on other people simply because you feel entitled to their time. Too many people think they have some kind of right to be involved because they pay a sub. You have the same opportunity as anyone else. Make of that as you wish.


Gotta love self-identifying idiots. These dungeons are EZ. People who add requirements like that are a literal joke, and people stooped below that level when they come post about gatekeeping because of it.


So they join RDF and its hundreds of dps in RDF? Cause it’s not like other servers have tanks and healers just sitting around waiting for dps so idk how RDF is gonna help those hundreds of dps. I swear pro-rdf posters have no common sense.

And if you say they will get tanks/healers eventually because they will be put in a queue, they will also get tanks/healers eventually waiting in LFG watching for them to sign up. It actually might even be quicker than rdf if you’re fast enough.


Don’t misquote me and abuse the quote system. And people can never control how you play if you just make your own group. If I don’t want to invite people who can’t even out dps my shadowfiend, that’s my right as the group leader. It’s not controlling how they play the game, they can continue being bad in some one else’s group or start their own group and never get kicked for being bad.


so your little window of experience on your particular server MUST BE the whole truth of the matter for all servers and players everywhere. exactly how delusional are you?

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Sadly that is precisely the type of player for whom Blizz is crafting Wrath Classic.


except the point is that gatekeeping is a sweaty tryhard move and its what alot of us DONT want in the game which RDF if the solution. jesus. your logic is “go on and hate other people yourself because everyone else is doing it.” smdh.


Not as delusional as you, who claims people kicked you out for being a mage after you ran to a dungeon for being a clothie, or for “being a breeder” which in addition to being an unlikely scenario, is also quite hilarious, because I’d question whether you’ve ever even been in arms reach of the opposite sex.

I have spectacular news for you. You can actually still manually form every single dungeon group with RDF in the game!! You don’t ever have to play with a scrub. You can handpick every single person you group with.

Isn’t that wonderful?!?!


Not nearly as delusional as people who have already been told that X is not happening, by the people who make the decisions. But waste tens, and in the case of some of the more prolific whiners, hundreds of hours on making elaborate reasons why they can’t do what countless other people are doing every single day.

My friend wanted to get a dungeon quest done, they were playing a boosted feral druid, not really geared at all. So I decided I’d find us a tank and a healer, and it took me not even ten minutes to fill the group. Through the supernatural power of being able to open the group finder, and identify patterns, in the form of tank/dps/healer icons, and the equally superhuman ability to engage in the most basic human interaction to form a group.

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you mean the same people who said… “let us know what you think, make enough noise and you will get heard”… are those the ones you speak of? or in your world you didnt see it so it didnt happen?