Why are you so bent about this feature, which wasn’t even present until the tail end of Wrath? You can run all of this content just fine in retail if you just want to queue for content from a safe space.
BG queuing wasn’t a feature in present wrath either. Your argument is totally invalid.
Imagine having the basic competency to form your own group. Outstanding
Words are wind.
Blizz can say whatever they want. Clearly it’s just bull
maybe so but this guy seems to think HIS experience is the standard for the entire game and if it didnt happen to him it just doesnt happen. and hes the one that brought the devs into the conversation.
Just wanted to say that my dps is so high that I go out of my way to invite “bad” dps so they can have fun too.
My friends think I’ve gone soft though…
The mobs die so fast that it doesn’t matter.
Does anyone find it off that some people hate it when the tank is easily pulling “too much” dps? I swear I have a buddy who gets depressed from it. “Why am I here?”
I find it rather humorous that anyone thinks Blizz has any respect for their playerbase.
Oh to be young and naive.
see now, on my server, this doesnt happen, ive relayed my experiences several times and i wont bother you with the 4 hour wait stories and the general comments me and other members of my guild have gotten in the current lfg system because you would just deny them anyway. i dont buy your story either because the ONLY way on my server that your story would occur would be if you already had 3 of your friends with you and you were looking for a dps.
And guess what? I’m not anti RDF. I dont care if it’s in. My point is that people choosing not to play with you isn’t gatekeeping you from the content. Blizzard has provided players with all the tools they need to successfully put together a group and complete dungeons but apparently that’s not enough. RDF won’t solve the wait for a tank/healer either. If people spent half as much time typing in chat for a group as they do complaining on the forums they probably would have run UK/Nexus/AN a dozen times over by now.
Blizzard provided players RDF in 2009. And there’s no reason to remove it. People who want to form their own groups still can.
Right, because there are far to many dps as usual. Imagine if people also played more tanks and healers, this wouldn’t be a problem now would it?
Sure, but you just said there were a ton of dps in lfg and i assume next to no tanks or healers, tells me there is a lack of a couple roles does it not?
You mean tanks and healers ? Because you should have np having tanks and heals regardless right? OR maybe just maybe the real problem is the lack of those roles in numbers.
Heroic+ … you’re misleading people.
It’s basically mythics. It’s loot from dungeons that’s better than reg heroic.
and dolphins live in water, basicly a fish, doesn’t make them a fish.
What’s the difference other than it’s raid gear instead of higher ILVL dungeon gear?
RDF makes it more convenient for tanks and healers as well, so not sure what your point is. At least in an RDF queue we’re free to play the game and you know you’ll get into a dungeon. Understand the lack of RDF is what motivates a lot of players to gatekeep.
As far as when Mythic dungeons get added, even if RDF was in the game obviously it wouldn’t apply to Mythics, just like Retail. So that’s going to be a toxic, elitist mess consumed with carry buy/sell runs.
I won’t have a problem as i am part of a guild. We work togethar. I understand what you’re saying is you want tanks and healers accessible and that’s the bottom line. You seem to fell that ALL tanks and healers will gatekeeps so not sure how rdf would help. Again, RDF helps 1 role only … the mass overplayed numbers of dps.
Just wait a week for all the Classic try-hards to move on, then LFG will be full of normal people who understand you don’t need Sunwell/Brutal gear for normal dungeons.
Not to mention he explicitly stated he was a poor performer and so he recognizes that there are people who haven’t played the game or are new to their class, so a first experience with them would probably also be a poor one. Imagine blacklisting a new player because they don’t have a few years experience yet.
A surplus is expected at the start of an expansion. It will become much more difficult to form groups when 5 man dungeons are irrelevant, as we saw in classic and in TBC classic.

Just wait a week for all the Classic try-hards to move on, then LFG will be full of normal people who understand you don’t need Sunwell/Brutal gear for normal dungeons.
Someone didn’t play TBCC. The gatekeeping only ramped up as time went by. It’ll be even worse in Wrath. When Mythic dungeons get added, it’ll be unbearable.