It has never been as bad as the people losing their mind over not having RDF would lead you to believe. Every single post they make, is carefully crafted narrative, a story that’s supposed to support the outcome they want (RDF being put in the game). Reality doesn’t help that goal, so don’t be surprised when the things they say/claim don’t match up.
It doesn’t have anything to do with not being able to get groups. An absolutely flabbergasting amount of people on the forums are simply making up absurd stories about rejection. And those that aren’t making their stories up already understand. They just don’t accept it.
The stance seems quite paradoxical. I guess it’s just being too used to instant gratification, and zero barrier for entry. If you can’t be bothered to learn what to do, then it is not gatekeeping for someone else to not be bothered to carry you. Forming a five-man group is almost the lowest level of competency expected out of this game
Form a group. Or at least find a guild and let them do it for you.
These people aren’t even 80 yet and they’re complaining about not getting in groups for dungeons like it’s some existential threat to their emotional well-being.
Hasn’t even been 2 days. If that struggle is enough to make you quit, the rest of us welcome the reduced queue times.
You say that like rdf wasn’t needed in classic.
I lost count of the # of immoral actors.
Only reason the current LFG system is fine is because most of the players are on the same page. Once everyone gets to a certain point, you’ll be way farther compared to a new, returning, or alt players down the road. They are not going to be able to get a group most of the time. But your solution is to skip dungeons till it matters, F that. Doing dungeons is part of the experience, not an exclusive.
Wtf is gatekeeping
Ironic that you talk about gatekeeping but also mention that you would remember people’s names and blacklist them from grouping. Literally you gatekept them from content because of one experience. Oh the irony.
Would just like to have the xp buff back lol. The thought of slogging through Outland again just to get to the preferred content has already burned me out on Wrath classic lol. As for RDF, I never really used it when it was added towards the end of Wrath. Was in a great guild(mostly real-life friends) on Gorefiend realm back then though so that helped. After those folks stopped playing not long after Cata went live, I started using dungeon finder all the time. Have no problem with it at all tbh. It’s a good tool for those who are not in guilds imo. Heck even for folks that are in guilds it is a good tool to have. How many times have folks not been able to run a dungeon, because they didn’t have enough people online? Especially small guilds. Guess its ok, if you like spamming trade, and general chat for hours lfg lol. Just a wait, and see, if they do decide to add it eventually. My guess it depends on how active the wrath classic servers are a year, or two from now.
depends on server and faction. i joined a ‘high’ server. turns out they only have 2000 players and it was impossible to find a dungeon after 10pm. sat in que for 3 hours(ON A PRIEST) after midnight while questing and never once got a party. this is all pre-70 content im talking about. if youre strictly talking 70+ right now, its no problem for obvious reasons
Anyways, Ive since restarted on a real high pop server(15k+) and finding dungeons at any time is pretty damn easy. So no, not everyone is having the same experience. The low pop servers are getting murdered
why do you think so?
-when it comes to chat, you can put the toxic person on ignore.
-when it comes to not playing? you can report him/her and that will give him few days ban for not playing same as pvp reports, tons of people who tend to not play get “not practicing in playing after joining the queue” and that’s ban between 1week 1month"
-it also stripe the abusers from abusing the power of being group leader and kicking you if they just disliked you, and this been happening in tbc for year, toxic leaders kicking people in a whim, so in truth RDF is the perfect solution to everything that happend in tbcc and it also disable the ML which was badly abused for ninja looting all over the way, tbh i see no problem with RDF at all, it has 10000% pros more than the tiny amount of cons it has.
Same faction BGs weren’t a thing but there was a problem and blizzard changed how pvp BGs worked 3-4 times that went against the whole “warts and all”.
So your statement is void.
It’s definitely ridiculous. I am in full SWP bis on my tank and I have literally not looked at the gear of anyone I have run with. It’s all so easy I am not going to be a jerk over a few minutes because someone was in bad gear. You can 2 man or even solo many of these dungeons.
bro, returning to the game after 8 years and then joining a classic pvp match to see its horde vs horde…what a freakin trip. I was so confused because this is supposed to be classic lol
Just wait until the “5.5K GS FOR POS FARM” groups start, you’re going to love those.

The community has killed WoW more than Blizzard ever could.
Yeah, sorry. I’m the reason why IF is dead in retail when I created a soulwell with a hidden ingredient for the Dwarves. All I know is they won’t even let me do the same thing in Stormwind either.
The dungeon are so braindead easy that literally any group of decent players could do it in boe greens. On the other hand a group of incompetent players would have an opportunity to learn a lot from the experience.
Just saw this at my LFG channel “LF1M tank for Nexus - must be sunwell geared and know pulls”
I hope those sweaty players power level to 80 asap and I gonna take my own pace to avoid them
Can i have your gold

No it doesnt; retail WOTLK had LFD.
LMFAO jesus christ you guys are getting desperate
Retail Wrath had death knights too. Better remove them!!
Yeah, the anti-lfd clowns have really gone off the deepend.
LFG is completely spammed with that crap right now. I’m doing questing VERY casually and still making gold off the AH before I even bother actually leveling seriously. Gotta let these 40 year old sweaty chads that think they’re still 12 get out of the way first.