Garrosh skip Disconnect

Super anecdotal info here.

I run 7ish toons through SoO weekly, so 14 runs for heroic/mythic.

For 8 of those I was able to not disconnect by zooming in the camera a bit(Not like first person, but maybe 4-5 mouse wheels back from first person?) angling the camera at the ground as I ran in and then at the wall as I walked toward the scroll and taking the teleport. Basically you want to avoid facing the camera towards the opening area/first boss/trash.

It’s not much but it cut down the number of times I DC’d significantly, that being said it also didn’t work 6 of those times, and it could have just been luck/rng for those 8 times I didn’t DC.


I’ll try anything at this point thanks!

Here’s to hoping that this week is the one that they fix it! :joy: However, gonna try what Evalidge suggested and try zooming in the camera/re-angling it as well.

This certainly doesn’t bode well, considering they acknowledged that they’re aware of the bug and are trying to fix it! :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

Side note- from the minuscule knowledge I have on coding, I would think that there’s just some slight deviation to the code that needs to be tweaked in order for the DC’s to stop occurring… Like, the scroll should not be attackable/killable, so that right there tells us that the scroll is marked as a creature or NPC or something rather than a non-creature item.

It’s a small problem in the grand scheme of things, but just seems to me that if they could dedicate one Dev to actually sit down and spend time with interfacing this bug, it would probably be pretty easily resolved. /shrug

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The disconnect is reminiscent of the anti-teleport/cheat code they’ve been running in the game for a long while (usually experienced in the open world and may sometimes be referred to as “terrain glitch disconnect”). It’s intended to prevent you from being in an area that you shouldn’t be able to access either at all or until certain conditions are met. I think the problem is that Garrosh’s room is being opened at the same instant the teleport is occurring which causes a race condition with the anti-teleport protection.

That being said, I’ve kinda gotten over the problem because my loads and reconnections are really fast since I disabled IPv6 this week. There’s a separate issue going on with IPv6 causing connection initiation to drag quite a bit since last Tuesday; re-log times are much improved after turning it off.

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Yeah, the 10 seconds it takes me on each toon each attempt isn’t bad just annoying lol.

You make a good point it doesn’t seem to work like a real teleport, so the game probably thinks you’re moving so fast you’re hacking

As I have stated with a lot of bugs for Dragonflight and stuff like this. They are not a prioritty for them or they don’t have enough staff available to either A)They are not concerned enough to put people on these problems.B)Don’t have enough staff spare or in general dedicated to that part of the game in general or C) Have the majority of there current staff working on the next Patch or 2 and the rest are all on the next expansion which is most likely why dragonflight feels so unfinished/polished to me.

Out of curiosity I went to test this on the PTR again last night after the latest update to release candidate and it’s still broken. Disappointing that we got confirmation over 3 weeks ago they know about it and a fix hasn’t made it to live or any public testing environment.

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Yup, it must be much harder to fix than they thought. I know the above mentioned it being low priority but even cosmetic/transmog bugs usually get fixed quickly after noticed.

This is just absurd the fact they pushed this update with such a annoying bug like that and they still haven’t fixed it. Every single time I enter the raid my character gets disconnected, it’s almost as annoying as running the entire raid for the past few years without having the skip. Can you guys please fix this bug?

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Bump, happens to me as well.

Every. Single. Time :anguished:

damn still no fix to this day :frowning:

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Someone above said it’s still broken on the 10.1.7 PTB so it may not be fixed for a long time

Still broken in new patch. =/

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A shame, I have started placating myself by thinking “it’s either this or so the whole raid including I think 4 roleplay events?”

Same Issue. But better than the alternative

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This is going to be one of those bugs we don’t see fixed for a few years isn’t it.


Maybe never. I think they’re banking on us saying “well a little 30 second disconnect is still better than the full raid and all that roleplay.” Which is accurate I guess.


Bumping this, as of this week I have done 4 chars and no DC.
Seems like they finally fixed this.