Siege of Orgrimmar exit portal not working

I have been doing vision of time quests for quite sometime . Zone into siege turn the hourglass view the scenario zone out . Now with at some of my characters I zone in but can not zone out .I walk into the exit -entrance portal and nothing happens . I did just try with character to enter and not turn the hourglass to see if I could exit and the answer was no . I have not confirmed if this is just with some characters or all .


happening to me aswell after doing a mision of kairoz at the timeless isle

Happened twice to me now, on two toons (shammy and warlock). Shammy can’t exit through main entrance, warlock couldn’t exit through orgimmer portal.

just experienced this. walked into mythic soo and tried to exit but you just run through portal but nothing happens.

Just happened on my hunter… you can get in, but no way out but to hearth.

Happened to me on my warrior. Just wanted to switch it to Mythic, but no luck. Hotfix anytime soon?

Same here. Tried to exit to change to Mythic and won’t let me.

Just did this too. walked into normal SoO, can’t walk out.

This is still an issue. I have this issue on all of my toons with addons disabled cache cleared out, etc.

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Not to necropost but yea still an issue… Entered heroic by mistake, wanted mythic, had to teleport to graveyard which hearthed me instead, and now I dont have enough time to finish it before I have to leave my house… Extremely disappointing.

Still not working

still not working

Still not working.

Still not working.

Stilllll not working lol

Still an issue :^)

Still an issue after 9 months. Blizzard really cares.

Still not working.

Neither exits working. For me as well to avoid hearthing back to maldraxxas I’ve been going into
dungeon finder
making a group
log out
Log back in
Click toons portrait
Select leave party
Then it’ll tell u can’t be instance teleporting u to nearest graveyard in1 min


Still not fixed since March? Just happened to me.