Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

Terrible point of view. Yeah lets just leave the system with some major flaws… it was literally one dispel in a time walking dungeon lol, where 2 friends voted against me, and one person probably just auto pilot clicked yes on the kick.

Please get off your high horse, and come back down to earth. If there is a problem with the design in a multimillion dollar game, they should be looking to improve on it in any way possible.

A simple BS kick from a dungeon like that can easily make someone quit the game.

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Yeah I’m uncaring because I’ve been using LFD since the day it was implemented and I’ve never been kicked for this mythical “no reason.” There’s always three sides to the story: your side, their side and in the middle is the truth.

I’ve been kicked twice since Wrath and both times I did something on purpose.

I could not imagine being so fragile.


Grouped or not is irrelevant. Each person gets a vote. They voted to kick you out. The system doesn’t choose, doesn’t play favorites, doesn’t discriminate.

People voted. That’s all there is to it.


You must be extremely lucky if you’ve never been kicked like that, or you haven’t played a role in which youd be in a position like that.

If youre doing things on purpose to cause a problem, then youre part of the problem and I can see why youre against the changes. Youre the one that wants to keep it the same so you can get away with it.

Thats cool, youre not the only one playing the game, it shouldn’t just be designed around you. And you also said you’ve never experienced it. Come back to me after you have, so you can have a legit experience to go off of.

Grouped or not is irrelevant? So you think its okay if someone commits a crime, and their friend that was with them gets to be on the jury to vote that they’re innocent, and then vote against the person they committed the crime against?

That system is flawed, you giving excuses for the system doesn’t mean its okay. The system needs to change. I am well aware of how the system works, and how the current state of it is exactly how you explained. The problem is it needs to be changed.


Played all three.

Nope both times was because I wasn’t going to take the abuse. Unlike you, I didn’t cry on the forums about it, I got revenge.

Get away with what? 9 times out of 10, I will vote no. Someone has to be afk at the entrance or a jerk for me to hit yes.

Right back at you. You getting kicked once doesn’t mean the entire system needs to be reworked.


best advice? next time, dispel

Four people decided they didn’t want to continue playing with you, those four people’s voice matters more than anyone here on the forum.

Additionally, those four people, all in agreement they no longer wanted you in the group? their voices matters more than yours. (as far as being in that group or not goes)


I’ve been kicked a total of two times since the system was released in Wrath. And I’m always running as a healer.

So now we’re making stuff up?

You’re attempting to compare apples to shoes. That was an extremely poor try.

People are going to hit the button for yes or no regardless of group. And if a vote comes up, some don’t even look at the reason. They just assume something went wrong or someone said something to someone and will just hit yes.

It’s not flawed. It’s the group decision. You disliking the outcome doesn’t mean it’s flawed. It means you didn’t like getting kicked.

Everyone gets a vote. I’ve seen tanks try to kick DPS for no reason, which fails, and then we turn around and kick the tank for being a jerk. I’ve seen all sorts of scenarios where people have been kicked or they tried to kick. Most are legitimate. Very few have been for no reason. And then if that happens, I usually just leave the group. Let them find a new healer. I don’t care.

If you want to avoid the kick function, then run with friends or your guild.

No it doesn’t.


The flaw is people, therefore the fix is people. Blizzard just needs to actually hire GMs (Impossiburu these days) and moderate dungeon kicks for when it’s used for a reason that isn’t particularly legitimate since being kicked from LFD is disruptive to gameplay especially with a deserter debuff


I don’t believe a GM should have any say in who gets kicked from a dungeon. If the group simply doesn’t like the lack of damage someone else is doing or that the tank is getting lost and won’t listen to others, a GM shouldn’t have say in that.


I think a GM should, if people want a group to be entirely in ‘their control’ of who is in it… Then guess what?

They can make their own premade group. :wink:


They can already do this and avoid the kick feature altogether.

It’s not broken and doesn’t need fixed.


Bull. Just because someone is grouped with someone doesn’t mean the pair share a hivemind. They may have both thought you legitimally deserved the kick.

I think it’s petty given the nature and ease of the content, but not listening to your teammates and being a teamplayer is perfectly reasonable grounds to get kicked.

Edit - Also Blizzard does people queuing together. If you queue with 3, you need the 4th person to kick with you or you can with all 4 (but at that point it is effectively your group anyway). If you’re finding yourself always getting kicked, look at the common denominator in all those scenarios


Really are rules for thee but not for me Rhielle ain’t ya, use your own argument and you go ‘noooo that’d be bad’.

It does need to be fixed, people griefing others in group content should always be resolved. Like kicking for poor reasons after someone waited in queue and will have to wait to requeue.

FFXIV solved it.


You’re the one making nonsensical personal attacks here. Not me.

And if that’s the way you’re going to be, then we’re done. Goodbye.


You actually did towards OP, try again.

See you later, as always do continue to run when someone pushes back and points out how much you hate the same argument being flipped on you.


I know you think you have a point but you don’t.

Your idea is to hire hundreds of new GMs to do nothing but watch dungeon groups 24/7, 365. I couldn’t even imagine the nightmare cost of that for something so silly.


Oh I’ll bite here. Where exactly did I personally attack the OP? How have I once made a personal insult towards the OP?

Right? I also couldn’t imagine how long it would take to get an approval from a GM for a kick, considering how many groups are constantly running and how much stuff there is to check for each one, 24/7. It would be pretty insane to try to deal with that.

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They do. They can only kick one person, then they get stuck with like an hour long cooldown.

So my money’s on the fact you aren’t telling the full story if they were willing to endure a long cooldown that guarantees theyc an’t kick another person.

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I know you think you have a point but you don’t.

That’s not what the FFXIV team does, just if someone gets kicked and they think it was malicious/for no reason they get to open a ticket. A GM investigates, actions the person(s) if they found wrong doing just like any other ticket.

Plus, ya’ll claim this ‘isn’t an issue’ and ‘basically never happens’ so that’d be very few tickets wouldn’t it? :wink:

Called it.

Well if you think what I said was a ‘personal attack’ then the accusation of

as well as

Would be, unless you want to retract that calling you “Rules for thee but not for me Rhielle” is a personal attack.

It’s hilarious watching you think you have me or someone else in a “gotcha!” moment.

People can open tickets in WoW and report someone for being malicious. That’s not tied to FF14 only.

Also, if it’s so much better, why are you here?

This is what I mean. they talk gibberish. Seen it in another thread.

I would just avoid this blackhole argument. I’m done with him.