Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

Then bring your own friends. The system isn’t designed so Bob can bring a friend but Mechlovin can’t so I don’t see how you can cry about it not being fair.

The dungeon system is majority rules. It’s the best they can do. They can’t watch the hundreds or thousands of dungeons at the same time so there’s no way to evaluate every kick live to make sure it was fair.

If you want the benefits of running with friends, guildies and/or a premade group, then run with friends, guildies and/or a premade group.

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What dungeon and mob was it anyway?

I mean… kicking is a bit harsh and there is no reason to lose their mind over it, but…

IDK, maybe they need a queue for people who want to blitz. Let the casuals casual together and the pushers push so both sides can enjoy themselves.

And here I though I’m coming into this thread about people wanting healers to have their kicks back. But it’s about people whining about getting kick :man_shrugging:

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So you’re wanting, instead, for a single person not pre-grouped to have all the power in a group?


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The VTK system does need a small look at. It doesn’t need to be a major overhaul, it could be as simple as requiring a minimum character report to disincentivize frivolous reporting and absent-minded reporting (those who just press yes). I’ve said anywhere from 50-100 characters before, it might not seem like a lot but to some it would probably not be worth it to even take that little bit of effort.

Would also like to know if the group is trying to kick me out and the reasoning being put up, seems a bit stupid the person getting kicked out might have not a clue why they were kicked. In fact, Ive seen someone initiate a kick in a dungeon and just put “xD” and it goes through. Like what??? A small character requirement and an extra prompt would maybe dissuade people from pressing yes thinking they are funny for saying yes.


The intent is that if enough of the group don’t want you there that’s a valid reason. Should people take the time to think about it? Maybe. But the system shouldn’t turn into a pain to use because someone wants a detailed explanation of why they got kicked.


I question how much you have played if this is the first time you’ve been kicked in such a situation :laughing:

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Post on your main, not alt.

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Is there a reason why this player is getting reported? I see no way of determining whether the story is true or false, and last I remember the group finder is a pit of terrible content designed to make players hate dungeons and raids via association with the worst kinds of players who do dungeons and raids.

Is this a case of people who hate an in game meta gleefully partaking in a forum meta of reporting common threads describing common issues?


A group requires a +1 outside the group to kick you. That is one of the limits on it. Otherwise, it is majority rules. Blizzard is not going to MAKE people play with others. We control our own groups and who is in them.

THIS is against the game rules though. Use of profanity and abuse of other characters is reportable. To do that you right click the line of chat and report for Language. That captures the name, server, time, chat channel, and chat logs for GM review. You would also want to put the person on Ignore so that you are not grouped with them again.

With regard to getting kicked, it feels pretty bad but the alternative is having someone able to hijack your group and be very unpleasant and uncooperative. To prevent getting kicked, look up dungeon mechanics ahead of time and maybe find out if there are any “conventions” that people follow. Otherwise, don’t get too bent out of shape over what random internet people think.


I actively play this and FFXIV, the duty vs queueing systems and the vote kick are exactly the same. It’s just the people who are different.

I don’t think WoW should need to change it’s rules. You’re correct - yes being with friends allows you to unfairly vote kick someone, but I wouldn’t say it’s done (atleast yet) to the extent by which it needs a change in the system.

Yeah lets just ignore this blatant problem by bringing friends along to avoid it. Or we can fix the design flaw. The group finder is literally for when you don’t have friends online to play with at that time. Your “solution” to the problem isn’t even for a realistic scenario, because if I had friends on at that time I wouldn’t even use the group finder at all.


So the kick was justified.
Got it.

I like your post, but your post also points out how flawed the kick system is. The one that was breaking the rules and freaking out in whispers ends up getting off without being kicked, meanwhile I did nothing wrong and I got kicked.

How is that a fair system?


There’s no flaw. Like I said before, Blizzard isn’t going to babysit every dungeon to see if this kick was fair or that kick was unfair. Three people decided they didn’t want to play with you. Guess what? They don’t have to.

Right which means you don’t get the benefits of running with friends. Three strangers decided they didn’t want to put up with you not dispelling.

It’s not my solution, it’s Blizzard’s.

Then wait?

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Just one more person to prove my point how messed up this community is. Blizzard has some real work to do to try fixing this.

Its wrong to just let it be the wild wild west. They gotta do something

I don’t have the heart to read the comments, which I am afraid will be full of explanations why it’s fine and why you shouldn’t be so sensitive.

I have experienced similar kicks from cruel or uncaring groups for literally nothing. When I ask the group members why I was kicked, they say, “Sorry just hit yes wasn’t paying attention.”

The old adage, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game,” just isn’t applicable here.