Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

You personally brought my name into this as a condescending attack that you consistently use, instead of having a mature discussion.

Nowhere is that even remotely close to telling some that they made stuff up and their comparison doesn’t work.

And this? This is somehow a mature reply?

You don’t have the high ground here. You began this as you always do. I always attempt to have a mature conversation with you and one reply in, you inevitably fall to personal attacks and “I know you are but what am I” comments.

Enjoy your life. Permanent ignore for you for all time.

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I joined a dungeon were 3 people were grouped up together and they were all clearly immature teens.

Ot was at the end of Mists where the bugs cam yeet you off the edge. Both me and one of the guys went flying by an explosion but since I was a rogue I managed to teleport back

They didn’t think that was fair and said “I had to jump to make it even.” Got kicked right before the last boss because I wouldn’t do it

Take away the power from premade groups. It’s easy for them to kick people


I’m convinced at this point Pawzer is a shared account.

Sometimes they are very nice and un-confrontational.

Then other times…


If Joe afk is doing auto shoot and cobra shot nothing else in a dungeon/raid

You’re getting kicked

I know this is a troll post but perhaps you should take a step back and learn how language works.


If things are fine for you, and you have no issues with no group kicks work, that’s … great? For you?

I question your motivation in replying on this thread at all.

You read about a person who has a negative game interaction. You read a statement validating their experience. Then you make the voluntary choice – nobody asked you to do this – to essentially accuse those people of being oversensitive liars.

Just like I expected someone to do.

So the question is: why? What did you hope to accomplish? Do you even know, or are you just reacting from some sort of learned instinct?

And if you don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish, and you are just reacting from learned instinct, why is that learned instinct to witness pain and respond with, “Stop exaggerating, you baby”?

I’m as fascinated as I am horrified.


Something something wrestling with a pig something. I do believe the pig is having the time of their life.


ROFL I just couldn’t take your questions seriously. I mean, you’re acting like I kicked someone’s dog then poured acid on it. “Horrified”. Again, I couldn’t imagine being this fragile.

Someone got kicked from a dungeon. It’s not a big deal. It’s not worth raging about it on the forums. Just move on with your life and dispel next time.


You can’t for malicious vote kicks in dungeons currently, can you; despite it fitting ‘griefing/disruptive’ to your gameplay if it’s not done in good faith.

“Oh em gee you like this one thing from this other game and think this game should also have it? You think THIS GAME can be improved in ANY way? HAH well why don’t you go to that game instead!” You sound like those people that tell someone to leave their country/state/etc if they dare make any criticism of it.


Oop, then you misgender me too. Not surprised to have another poster with the SAME exact viewpoint as Rhielle end up being the type to misgender.

Like you did with OP? :3

You were being ‘condescending’ and ‘attacking’ them so I guess it fits.

You don’t have the high ground here. You began this as you always do.

I always attempt to have a mature conversation with you and one reply in, you inevitably fall to personal attacks and “I know you are but what am I” comments.

See you later, you’ll do it again because you’re a rules for thee but not for me type.

Too bad you decided to even take this out of game to label and harass me in your discord, you didn’t even last 5 minutes.

No attempt at even talking to me or asking? It has entirely everything to do with the tone of the person I’m replying to and how they set, and what they reply with. They reply with nonsense, they get nonsense.

Nice name calling and accusation. I know how language works, now go make like your name and loaf.


hate to break it to you, but that fourth guy? he voted to boot you too.


LOL. Thanks for proving my point.

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LOL. Thanks for proving my point. Both of your post, this one and the last one fall under the CoC for trolling in itself. Unconstructive, picking a fight specifically with me, and attempting to derail a thread by not posting anything relevant but continue to attack me when I never even posted at you.

It’s also hilarious Rhielle will brigade the thread by linking it in their discord to try to get more people to keep attacking me, too. What a shocker, too bad Blizzard doesn’t enforce their targetted harassment policies outside of game.

Don’t worry, I always report posts I think break the forum CoC (Not ToS btw)


The 1 hour cooldown doesn’t take away from the fact that they can kick people for little to no reason.

This feature doesn’t entirely prevent them from abusing their power. It just deters them

Just like how people get a 30 minute penalty if they leave a dungeon early. That deters them from leaving, and prevents them from joining a queue again immediately, but they can still do it again.


Feel free to ignore and report me if you think I’m breaking TOS. Physician, heal thyself.

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They are entitled to kick people if they want. Is it fair? No. But it’s something they can do.

No one should be forced to play with someone they don’t want to.

What SHOULD be fixed is the fact guilds can kick people from LFR without said hour long penalty. I’ve literally witnessed people in discord talk about how their guild queues for LFR then when they get to the tier boss, they kick everyone except guildies to ensure the tier goes to guildies.

EDIT: Which I find funny cause I’m almost positive Blizzard said int he past that loot in LFR is completely personal - all 25 raid members could technically get loot if the game rolled it.

the only reason they need is “I don’t want to play with this guy anymore”


Thanks for meeting my expectations.



I said something at 12:04 pm blizzard time, prove what I said about you

This is a member of the WoW Community Council, folks. This is an overused sentiment, but when someone tells you who they are, believe them. When a ranking member of the community tells you who the community is, believe them.

I’m out.