Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

copy pasta… lol

I think they’re really just that unhinged

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I think they managed to post an image as text…

It’s not. She went on like a 3 post tirade in another thread the other day cause I referred to her as he, when I had no idea what her gender was, about how I was misgendering her on purpose and such.

It’s why she’s on ignore.

I’m not sure WHY I keep pressing View Hidden. Morbid Curiosity I guess?


It actually is. And I know this because the realm that I played on had to take issues into our own hands because Blizzard wouldn’t do anything about it. The amount of times I had to deal with hate speech in game to report it and have absolutely nothing come from it has happened so often that I’ve forgotten count. Literally had people on our realm do a fake BLM movement by making all Black human characters and was parading around SW to antagonize others. Which I knew even if I reported them, which I did, nothing would come from it. So I decided to take actions into my own hands since it was the Legion prelaunch event.

They don’t care.

But like you said that social/community element has pretty much gone out the window. So you can’t really condemn others who will just disappear into the ether once they leave your group.

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sometimes when you pass that mess of a car wreck, you just have to look


A player can only be kicked if all the following conditions are met:

  1. they are failing to meet a certain threshhold of engagement in the instance
  2. all the other players vote to kick them
  3. it is before the final boss

Reminds me of when I watched both seasons of Paris Hilton’s My New BFF.

It was so bad, but I couldn’t look away.

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Thank you. I prefer not to get involved in forum drama and just like to talk about WoW. Easier said than done!

I was concerned but honestly, I have my own problems. I was going to reach out for help but I think it’s in my best interest not to. But that’s very disheartening.

If it confuses you, the right uses ‘jokes’ to try to get away with everything they do including ableism, transphobia, etc.

You’re still doing it, because I never even stated my pronouns are she. I’ve always stated they/them or character name. But hey

Of course I link evidence and you decide to try to move away because you got proven wrong.


like… the movie version of Cats…

It was so awful it was hilarious, I watched the whole danged thing, and at the end could not figure out why I sat through that.

Or when my roommate tricked me into watching The Room

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Nothing they said was toxic. You disagreeing with what they say doesn’t make them toxic.

Your accusations towards the entire community and attempty to belittle others is toxic, though.

They have absolutely zero say in game development. They’re there to give advice to Blizzard on topics Blizzard cares about. They aren’t there to agree with your opinion constantly.

If your gaming experience is predicated solely on what a couple of players with orange text think, thata a you thing.

And you’re the prime example of that.

It is not.

This is true! Caps is just Caps. I don’t know what’s going on there, but I guess we’ve gotten to the tin foil portion of the afternoon?

If you ever need anything, we’re here for you.

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You were “being kicked” on Argus fight

You’re not even supposed to see a notification that says “do you wish to kick Pawzer”

That second picture is from eonir or whatever her name is, not even related to the first screenshot nor at Argus

You’re a really bad liar


Linked the thread they did it in, but hey wouldn’t you dealing with tin foil being more apt because you claim what happened with OP didn’t happen and it’s all a conspiracy because no one gets kicked from dungeons without good reason even though I provided at least two examples myself.

Guess you’d rather try to talk poorly of others in the discord you run, despite that breaking rules of the server… Very ‘Rules for me not but for thee’

Wasn’t me, it was a healer. Guess you didn’t read my post.

Guess you should’ve read my post then, but you didn’t think didy ou?

No, it’s after Eonar rezzes you during the argus fight. You can even see the others in the background.
Go ahead, keep trying to deny stuff happened and deny evidence.

Keep gaslighting, posting the entire room screenshot and censoring all the names was too much effort but hey - tin foil hats like you will ignore reality as much as possible.

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There’s also the fact that not all healers have more than one, and, that they have a 10-20 second cooldown

Oh, that is very sweet! :heart:

I may have worded it poorly, but I meant I wanted to reach out to someone else since they need help. I inquired but got no response so I think I will just be moving on and keeping this in mind going forward.


The sad thing is that some of the people who need the most help are the most resistant to the idea that they might have a problem.


You showed talk about kicking for RP

I want to see the actual kick

“I saw them say it” doesn’t mean anything unless I see an actual kick

You gave a screenshot without context of why they were kicked

All three screenshots are not related together cause you separated them

Now show us a screenshot with the name “Pawzer” questioning people why you’re getting kicked for RP Or be called a liar