EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

Linking threads to bridage them,

Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on - #485 by Pawzer-moon-guard (The thread they linked, where I had corrected someone that constantly called me ‘it’ and continued such behavior through March and Thallia/Rhielle continually defended them despite me correcting them previously and in that thread.)

Open use of slurs (derogatory towards women, etc, as well as Ableist ones commenting on mental health.)

I provided a name. All the logs I’ve posted are my chars, all connected to the same account.

Yes, as most EU posters do? Are you even aware that there’s a bunch of EU posters that got put on the Community Council and even had to make a US account to become one and post in the CC forums?

?? Depends on the country, I wouldn’t say it’s particularly ahead of the USA. A lot of people on EU say the same thing about the US because of specific states.

Ah yes, ye olde victim blaming. Again, more fitting for your name.