Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

All healers can do magic, but curses, diseases, and poisons dispel support varies from healer to healer. Only paladins can do physical, and that’s BoP (3 min physical immunity). Standard dispels are single target, 8 sec cooldown.

Admitting you have a problem is the first, and hardest step.

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What. Hunters can’t even dispel, can they?

They have tranq shot, which is a purge and a soothe. It removes a magic buff (purge) and an enrage (soothe) on an enemy mob. Can not be cast on friendly targets.

Ah, gotcha. Well, if there’s anything you ever need, feel free to mail me in game and I can share my Bnet or Discord information and I’m always willing to talk or help with helping someone else. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah, and I show where in the chat they said that and in the same raid during the fight they did it.

No duh, because them saying something in chat happened before they initiated it.

No, because it never happened on this character. But hey, you’ve shown that you never cared about evidence in the first place all you cared about was trying to deny what happened. You made up your mind already, which is VERY reminiscent of what happened in the US last year with some big events. It very much proves that OP was correct at least about you being willfully toxic.

Proven yourself quite the liar.

I thought this post was about interrupting (kick).

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So, Hunter still couldn’t remove the stun from the rogue in the OP.

I think the OP was on his Priest alt when this happened.

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My comment about dispel CD aside

I think vote to kick could use some work, and should, in my opinion, get the following changes

  • Vote kick for afk should require the target of such to not do any inputs for more than 3 minutes before it’s able to be used. This would solve the issue of people using it to grief for dungeon deserter, but still apply it for actual AFK folks
  • If there is a premade group, instead of only 1 getting to vote, it instead becomes a number of random people in the group equal to half the group size
  • More kick options so people doing bad things can have that documented more clearly so bliz can act upon it. Like, lets say some one is just being super toxic or the like, a kick specifically for that so it creates a log and after so many logs of that behavior Bliz can manually review/step in to deal with it, or other such things

These are just some suggestions to improve it off the top of my head, but even then, I think these ones would go along way to help with some of the current problems with it.

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What about requiring at least 3 members to manually request to kick? Big part of the problem seems to be people just auto clicking when a vote is initiated. People are lazy. Make them manually click and request a kick. Once 3 players independently vote to kick you, you’re out.

This wouldn’t fix things like guild groups trolling, but honestly, how common is that really? I’ve only run across a small % of groups that are guildies, and probably near 100% of them have been some of the cooler groups. Often times those groups are carrying a guildie so it’s a smooth run they just want to finish and get some gear.

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they actually do. There are certain protections around this exact issue. Ive been in a groups with 1 friend pugged into a group a 3 premade. they were absolute d-bags, and arguing was a plenty. They couldnt kick us, and we couldnt kick them, we actually sat there in the dungeon stalemated both parties refusing to leave, Them refusing to tank, my healer friend refusing to heal. It wasnt until about 30 mins into the stalemate, 2 of them were AFK and we were able to vote kick one of them.

And in asking you to show me your names with it being said “you are kicked”

I want to see the healers “person is kicked”

I want to see the raid people actually kick said person about RP

“Gaslighting” for being a liar is validated

Show me then show me the same fight and the person’s “x person is kicked”

So let’s go ahead and break your new rules.

  1. Run into a wall. Not afk.
  2. What? Premades already are limited. If you queue with 2, you can still be outvoted and even kicked yourself. If you queue with 3, you need the 4th person.
  3. Whatever the most generic or default is will be picked. The group didn’t want you anymore…and odds are really good you had it coming and know full well what it was for. I’ve done literally hundreds and maybe even thousands of runs and next to never remember seeing bad kicks. Most were afk and some were petty like getting the group wiped (I’d say < 2% of groups actually kick though in a leveling dungeon unless the offender keeps doing stupid stuff). I don’t ever remember seeing anyone kicked for saying there were new. They get ignored and the group just plows on sure, but not kicked.
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VtK in dungeons is already a majority vote.

That means group chat would be a completely hostile environment.

A mod really should lock this thread.

Both sides of this discussion have been pretty toxic.

There have been very few toxic people in this thread. Disagreement isn’t toxic.


I know how it currently works, but I’ve encountered ‘troll groups’ of 3 man premades who will grind the dungeon to a halt and start, litterally, preaching and vtk any one who doesn’t just listen and praise jesus so…that’s why I suggested that change, in response to another suggested change of premade groups in the dungeon only getting 1 vote for the group

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