Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

I server transferred and lost my trust level so I have to use emojis like a peasant



That’s all you’re getting.




Do you believe that cruelty/toxicity is exclusive to the WoW community? This is certainly a social issue, and I am not refuting that there is toxicity to be found in the game. However, I don’t think that WoW is some kind of anomaly in this regard.


Get your microfiber cloths to clean off the spittle from your computer monitors! Get ‘em here! Only 13 dollars. Only accepting 20 dollar bills, no change!


Jokes are still ableist, same for sarcasm. They knew what they were doing, but then again so do you considering you evaded ignore on multiple alts and continue to post at me every chance you get despite how many times I told you to stop especially given your penchant for consistently misgendering intentionally.

I’m clearly not high enough to understand what you are referring to here. Where do you get the good stuff?


No you implied it. Even a blind and deaf person would have gotten that implication… but hey you just keep being toxic you.

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I didn’t, sorry if that confused you.

No. I’m just calling a spade a spade. Just like anyone can clearly see that there’s toxicity in League of Legends. It’s right there on the wall for everyone to see. I mean honestly I hate to say it even though I don’t play it, but the FFXIV community CAN handle things like LFG better because the playerbase doesn’t put up with that and the Devs have no problem putting people in jail for acting out of line.

The point I’m making is that the WoW community is now completely unchained to social issues and can do and act however they want without repercussions.


Is this satire, social commentary, or is this a serious conversation right now? How did we get here from the topic of votekicking?

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This is 100% not true. Hang out in the CS forum one day and read the threads of “I didn’t do nuffin but spew hate in trade chat why did I get banned?!”

Why am I a “they” now? Didn’t you just denounce me as a CIS hetness?

Also why are you assuming my intellect? Isn’t that against the SJW rules?

I can see that and agree to an extent. In my opinion when they introduced cross-server queues and sharding, and began lumping servers together, a lot of the social aspects of the game went out the window. I don’t think that Blizzard 100% doesn’t care, and I feel the same way for the majority of the community. Often times blatant examples of toxicity are called out and condemned by the community.


Ignore is account wide on the forums.

They literally cannot evade ignore.

Which means you are manually pressing view hidden.

Also, Capslock is literally the toon they’ve posted on for god knows how long.

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It is not. I can provide evidence of it not being. I can link the post even where it came up.

Only on characters of theirs I’ve added to ignore. Go ahead, why don’t you hop onto an alt and I can verify?

Want me to link the post where they did it, showing their collection tab is identical and how they claimed they were not the same person? Since you never believe anything without evidence yet never give any yourself?

You even talked about the timer which was incorrect.

They were sockpuppeting in a thread and acting like they were not the same person. They evaded ignore. But I bet you’ll just move right on past that.


You did…



adjective: implied

  1. suggested but not directly expressed; implicit.
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I’m not sure what you did, but I’m scared.

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It’s satire. It has to be.