I am a 2 hander fan. I have been for a while now, which is why I really loved dks when they came out. All 3 specs could use 2h. That being said, if blizz suddenly changes frost so it can use 2hs, it isn’t really going to fix the core issues we have with the spec. I would be completely fine if we were forced into DW again and they fixed the spec.
Obliterate: Why does this skill not scale with mastery? It is called obliterate, but it honestly feels bad to press since the numbers are so small. This skill needs to scale with our mastery. They can either let it do frost damage, or simply change our mastery to also have it effect obliterate. That would make hitting this skill feel great again.
Frost Fever: Can we have another way to apply this other then HB?
Breath: So, I personally HATE this talent with the way it works. That being said, it does so much damage if you pull off your rotations well. This needs to be changed. How, I am not sure but it does.
I guess that leads into my next topic of Talents. Our talent tree for frost imo is just bad. There are so many choices you overlook because another choice is just superior. (though a lot of classes have this issue)
There is so much more to discuss with Frost DKs in general. I didn’t even touch PVP in this topic. I want to know your opinions on what needs to change to have our spec improve. Please don’t just say bring back 2h frost. That wouldn’t fix any issues *(though I do want it)
There will be no end until we have our two-handed weapons back AS FROST.
This is the type of response I figured I would receive. Do you have any input on how to fix the spec mechanically other than adding 2handers? What would that fix if they did add it?
Give us back our weapons, and then we’ll talk about fixing the spec.
okay. So say right now in game, frost was 2h and not dw. The issues still remain… I am a supporter for 2h frost. I have been tweeting Holinka weekly for it to come back. But without real changes to the spec, our issues will still continue.
I don’t agree with everything you’ve written here. I do think obliterate should deal more damage but I don’t think that it needs to necessarily scale with our mastery. I think a general thing would be a siphoning of damage from passive sources to active ones. I’d like FF and auto attacks to deal less of your overall damage.
I don’t think Breath is an issue honestly. Looking at the trinkets next tier, Icecap will probably be the better choice for single target. Furthermore, Icecap performs well in M+.
Our talent tree does have some dead talents but I feel like there are multiple choices to be made. CH vs Inex, RA vs ME, Asphyx vs Blinding sleet, FwF Vs GS, Icecap Vs Breath.
Agreed, but cart before the horse. We can’t fix the spec until we see how our weapons perform 
I see your point. I 100% agree with the passive damage aspect. I guess only time will tell on what Blizz does with it, (To dks in general at that)
I specifically feel like high aa damage is detrimental to melee classes in general. It makes us suffer more from downtime and I feel like it’s a part of why melee is less wanted in raids in general.
our runes need to get off the 3 at a time group and runic emp needs to recharge all runes on cooldown
it seems the AA thing is here to stay from what i hear. I dont like it really oblit should be doing 110% and FS doing 60ish% and Frscy went from 135% to 14 and it should be 90% i guess
this is a problem for all classes tho. also should Frost and unholy using runic coruption or empower
ams needs to do the full 75% again untalented like it was before.
Is that 110% + 110% or just 110% total? Right now it’s doing 120% normal before armor and versatility being factored in.
Auto attack damage being high helps with downtime. The question is should downtime even be a thing? I don’t think so. The old wrath rune system was fine but they wanted it to be impacted by haste for some reason.
Let me clarify. I talked about downtime as in downtime when you’re not hitting boss at all.
I think Biceps was referring to downtime from attacking a boss, etc., not downtime within a rotation.
I agree with your point about rotational downtime, though. I don’t think it’s good design that we start out every expansion slow, and struggling for enough buttons to press, and then hit high points of Haste by late expansion where we may feel like we’re scrambling to hit everything fast enough.
I don’t think that being affected by Haste is an awful thing, but not to this degree; either end tends to be too extreme for my taste. I know this feeds into the progression/power feel of gearing, but still. Some downtime should probably still exist to provide leeway in rotations, but not at the cost of the rotation feeling sluggish.
Well, let’s just take the gcd difference when it was always 1sec if I remember correctly they had a 1sec gcd baseline, compared to a 1.5sec gcd. That right there makes a world of difference between blowing everything, and keeping a relatively steady output of damage. It might have been baked into unholy presence now that I think about it, but the point still stands.
That alone wouldn’t fix anything in terms of gameplay, but I think it would be a way to slow the spec down with a better resource system and over the course of the expansion it would pick up pace when you get into higher haste levels. If that is what they are trying to do then go back to the roots.
I like always doing something. It’s not like this is a game where timing attacks against an enemy is a thing. Slow gameplay just removes me from what is going on. Not everyone might feel the same, but on average people don’t like downtime.
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Now she’s having a conversation with her alt. Crazy.
Not everyone hates DW… in fact I love it since wrath.
Forum just filled with negative players.
I don’t imagine many others who also want 2h to return feel the same.
Some dont. They want 2h to come back over anything else, which makes me wonder if they themselves had played it at all since many have claimed that they stopped playing Frost at the beginning of Legion when they were forced to DW like it was some end of the world thing. They even talk about it like DW is the reason why the spec has fallen from grace which isnt the case either.
The spec is the priority. You need to bake the cake before you put sprinkles on it. Right now, 2h is not the cake, its a sprinkle and the cake is undercooked.
A lot of people have the idea of give me 2h then we will talk kind of attitude.
Without real changes, having 2h will solve nothing other than appeasing to a few who want it above gameplay. I want 2h back myself, but id rather them fix the spec in general. Maybe adding 2h would be a part of it, but simply giving us a weapon type back alone wont be enough.
This isn’t even the primary argument for 2H. #1 Seems to be the aesthetics of wielding an actual 2H. The “mega oblit” concept is really secondary. Anyway, it was revealed at Blizzcon that no overhauls were being done and we would be using the same exact spec concepts for a third expansion pack in a row, but with a few old abilities coming back and some current abilities becoming baseline. What are these “spec fixes” and when are they coming? How long does everyone have to wait?