How to turn off a player from this class

Read the class forum and all you’ll see is people “Demanding” to have 2 handed frost just because it was a thing before. (Although I’ve always pref dual wield in wrath)

But seriously, you guys made tons of different threads on the subject, one would have been enough. DW is perfectly fine and fits with the DK, it ain’t because one major character ( Arthas ) wielded a 2 handed that it means all spec should do so as well.

If anything, a more positive / useful thread should be encouraged, much like this one:

Otherwise keep at it, but that just gives you a terrible image.


That’s your opinion, and people disagree with you.

The rest of your post is just ranting. I mean if people asking for something in a game forum put you off the class then your desire to use it wasn’t that great to begin with. You yourself said you’ve always preferred Dual-Wielding. Frost Death Knights Dual-Wield right now. What’s the problem?

Every opposing party in an argument says this. You don’t dictate or get to decide the limit on how much people get to express their desire for something. You can easily report the posts for spam without making an biased, accusatory thread that achieved absolutely nothing.


Instead of jumping on your toes please read the thread and know its message.

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This seems like a bait thread.


Not everything out there is trying to bite you.

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I wish I could bite everything out there personally.


Better go make an identical thread in the mage forum because lolarcane, rogue forum because sub isn’t shadow magic, and why not shaman because of all the enhancement threads. Those are just the ones that I can think of off the top of my head that spam one topic more than the three or four 2h threads in the DK forum.

EDIT: Alternatively maybe you’re just an alt for one of the DW only folks in the 2h threads, who knows.


Why do people go to “you are just some alt” when they really have nothing to say?


As mentioned, maybe they’re an alt, I clearly don’t know. It just seems strange that the DK forum gets this post when other forums have spammier topics, in addition to being strange in general to get turned off of an entire class because of a couple topics in a class forum.


Then why bring it up at all?

He’s posted here before, and after seeing this low quality of bait I did check his collections against the various other anti-2h posters. I cannot find anything that says he’s an alt.

Funnily enough though, he also posts in the Hunter forums telling people to stop asking for things back. Seems there’s a pattern there.


Yeah, people want to repeat the past. It’s why there is classic.

wtb pandaria classic


Ohh man… rofl where do I even start.

You would be turned off from playing a class because of its class forum posts? How do I even describe how pitiful and cringey that sounds.

Then you complain how there are too many 2h forum threads so you decide to make a new one yourself. Like you couldn’t post this idiotic paragraph in another thread?

How dumb do you have to be.


The perfect toxic replies.

I guess the forums does really shows only the toxic side of WoW. Good thing they’re only a small % of the actual players.

Only the best for a thread that can be perfectly described as spam.




Yes because dks in classic lol


What? Is that what you got from that statement? Read it again.