Continuing the discussion from Why? [Priest Hero Talents]:
Because not everyone thinks PI is trash, and you don’t speak for the community. Did you get some kind of poll or have stats that back up what you say?
Look, i’m not completely sold on what they had showed of the Holy / Disc hero talents and feel like they need more time in the oven. It is a cool idea and hope they will continue to iterate on it, but don’t speak on behalf of the community when you don’t have any factual information.
If we’re adding a poll I vote for make it self cast only again. Aligning it with the DPS’ offensive cooldowns and not getting to use my own cooldown whenever I want to play optimally for the group is silly and feels bad.
Buff priest damage + make PI self cast only. Priest damage is justifiably lower because we buff someone else and the thing is that I never asked to buff someone else.
Where’s my favorite EU priest to break down Power Infusion pros and cons for me?
Hpellipsis, I summon thee for halp!
(I pulled a random quote from a random thread for no other reason than to get the notification to go through!)
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Hero talents gonna make next expansion be awful for any kind of balance and playstyle
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A warcraftlog poll had the majority of users voting to burn all pi logs to the ground. Sadly, administration decided that it was going too far.
To be fair, the people benefitting most from PI are people who were absolutely cheesing the velveeta out PI by stacking multiple priests and tons of PI. It ruined parsing for parse chasers because they simply couldn’t get enough PI to compete.
With that being said, I love PI. Both giving and receiving PI.
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I haven’t seen much people being happy about PI outside of just pissing off people that care about their performance or parses.
Personally, I hate that classes have been balanced and at this point with Unholy designed with PI in mind. I have also seen a lot of angry spriest being unhappy of being balanced around PI, moreover when a lot of them didn’t want the support playstyle.
I’m a Sin rogue, and I hate being the PI target. I do the most of it as it is my responsibility for my raid team, but being tuned around it feels terrible everywhere else.
PI feels bad from any angle I look at it, and I honestly do not know many, both Priest and PI target players, that have any love at all for that ability.
Wow. Really? You came to GD to gloat. LOL
Tbf the CC needs all the good pr over here that it can get 
Gloating over the fact that he was listened to and someone else wasn’t is… “good PR?”
I guess im missing context i just saw a cc member posting something about how devs were recognizing feedback
Not gloating, just happy they listened to feedback (which there is a ton of) and made adjustments to their plan.
At least look at what thread you’re posting updates in first. It was a tad out of touch with the OP, who linked your thread to say that not everyone agreed with you and you didn’t speak for everyone.
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The CC shouldn’t even be a thing. It’s even more of a waste than the old MVP nonsense was.
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actually, it should be a thing… without highly overturned tanks you need that cc to help take some pressure off… people forget that in Vanilly and especially TBC, a tank could die if more than three mobs got on him at once. You get to tell the old-school MMORPG players from the new ones because they don’t understand that the Trinity used to be a square. Buffing was actually needed and I pray they don’t nerf the dungeons in Cataclysm like they did the first time around because some didn’t know how to play the game. A good CC’er and buffer could get you a dungeon run because you knew how to hold down two mobs and still do some dps…
I had a hunter in Cataclysm that could ice-trap one mob and slow the other with aoe frost trap and on top of that. He could solo a mob while the tank was dealing with other stuff. Now I did heal his pet like an off-tank because he was worty of off-tank healing. CC and even Windfury totem with. Shadow Priest, and others were worth being in your groups because they brougt powerful and useful tools.
I was confused with your reply at first, but now I think you might have been confused. By CC I meant the Community Council.
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I’m not a fan of the CC myself, but on this Grampus was at least speaking for the majority regardless.
I hate being the target of PI, and I hate not having basic utility on my priest because of PI.
It because Power Infusion is not “trash” that people don’t like it. It’s the same reason people don’t like Augmentation Evoker.