Fresh Classic Only Helps

You’re right, we can! HOWEVER, they’re main focus is to ensure the non-fresh servers are working right. That takes time and energy to ensure it’ll work out smooth for the audience that they’re trying to impress. They don’t want lose members from the Majority, so they’re catering to them, first then proceeding forward onto the minority group because even if they lose members of the minority, they still have numbers in the majority.

I’m actually going to say that this impacts Classic Era Type Servers, when BC becomes Perma, and population dwindles down, and now we have an abundance of Servers to consolidate, and I’m afraid Blizz (instead of merging) will just turn on Connected Realms wiping out any Server Identities on any future Perma Classic Era Type Servers.

That’s another conversation to be had.

I mentioned it in my own thread, here:

Right. Spinning up a new realm for FRESH takes less than an hour to do. Literally a few button presses.

Yup. FRESH is easy, progression takes much more work. So spin up FRESH realms with the push of a button.

Yup. Just spin up a new REALM with the push of a button for FRESH. That way you can concentrate on BC which takes more work.

Not going to talk on BC perma because that’s not really the topic here.

FRESH servers are players that are mostly going to be avoiding BC (looking at you 10K+ private server players that just started playing). I can personally say for a fact that a vast majority of my guild will not be playing BC. Its either FRESH or nothing at this point.

I am willing to bet that the majority of FRESH players would only be subbing for those servers

I’m not denying that. That button pressing is just not on Blizz’s list as a priority. They want to maintain their Majority numbers.

Again, they want to ensure their Majority are taken care of, first. If something is wrong to the Majority, Blizz utilizes their time and energy to cater to that over pushing a button for the Minority.

I am because you asked / think your command has “no impact”, and I pointed out how it does. But, I agree, that’s another conversation to be had, and I linked my thread to where you can talk about it. I’m just pointing that there is an impact. This includes Perma Classic Servers, too.

I plan to play both BC and Classic and trying to avoid Connected Realms touching any Perma Servers whether it be BC or Classic, doesn’t matter. I don’t want it, period.

That’s fine. I believe Blizz knows what numbers they’re going to lose and are satisfied with losing the minority over the majority, that’s why they’re catering to the majority.

There’s two “fresh” Groups. NEW Servers and Seasonal Servers. NEW Servers is garbage. I see potential in Seasonal, though.

Before anyone drops in here with the “cost of running the servers” crap.

macrotrends .net/stocks/charts/ATVI/activision-blizzard/financial-statements

Over 8 Billion in revenue and over 5 BILLION in profits in 2021 alone.

Stop with this argument. A few realms cost a couple grand a month…if even.



Trust me. They have enough money and profits that even if they took a loss(they won’t) it would be worth doing so just for the publicity, positive “hype”, coverage and all around happiness of their fans.

That’s not even my argument LOL

Agreed. That’s why they can do things like Connected Realms instead of Server Merging. Which I prefer Server Merging over Connected Realms, but I digress.

No, to NEW Servers. Yes to Seasonal Servers with a Paid Service option to archive/save Seasonal Server Characters onto the stagnated servers.

I know. Was getting in here pre-emptively.

I could feel someone readying that response.

Would love to see this supported.

Unfortunately, I do not because of how they’re handling the Perma Servers.

I believe the perma servers are going to be quite low on population and just be a bit of a “pitstop” for some to check in on. For the true experience(phase releases), FRESH servers would be needed.

The way I look at the REALM COUNT(not population) break down would be like this.

This excludes retail.
Current Classic Content(Soon to be BC) - 80% of realms. (Maybe 85%)
FRESH - 15% of realms. (Maybe even 10%)
Perm - 5% of realms.

As FRESH progresses some may choose to go from FRESH to perm while other progress to the FRESH BC realms opening.

When we do FRESH Classic we should proceed to FRESH BC at some point with the option to bring the FRESH Classic characters to BC.

And with that, a call to “Merges” or (in Blizz’s case) Connected Realms.

To experience the Phases over again, I agree calls for Seasonal Servers :slightly_smiling_face:

Sounds like Seasonal, to me.

Interesting. That’s another point to take into consideration, when discussing Seasonal Servers :slightly_smiling_face:

Heck we can call it whatever we would like as long as we get FRESH with the option to transfer into FRESH of the later content. :slight_smile:

Not just “w/e” we’d like because some (not all) saying “fresh” don’t care for the Seasonal concept.

Just to clarify. When FRESH Classic has the option to go to BC there should also be new FRESH Classic servers.

So just reroll on the new FRESH Classic if that’s what you would want to do.

This option supports all playstyles.

I imagine that’s what Seasonal is…

To be clear, when the Seasonal Classic people are progressing into Seasonal BC, what do you do about the Seasonal Classic players? Obviously, “fresh” Classic isn’t going to be “fresh”, when the Seasonal Classic Players being on those servers…doesn’t make it “fresh”, anymore, now does it?

Launch new FRESH Classic servers if they wish to continue playing that.

That’s not my question. What do you do about the characters that have already been established on these “fresh” Classic Servers, that are now transitioning into BC, but these Classic only players don’t want to bring/take their characters over there. Where do those characters go?

If you’re telling me, they’re taking their characters over to “new ‘fresh’” Classic Servers, it’s not “fresh”, anymore, now is it?

Right. That’s why you don’t do that.

They can either go to the permanent Classic realm they have setup now or go to BC.

If they want Classic FRESH they will have to restart.

Simple solution.

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Right, and I don’t mind that. I just don’t want the Perma Servers to be used as a dump site, so I’d rather players pay for it with a Paid Service, in order to archive / save their Seasonal Characters.

Honestly? I’m all for that.

You heard it here first Blizzard. Lets go! Make it happen!

This is what I’ve been saying the WHOLE time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Actually, where I first heard this was in my “What is ‘fresh’” thread:

Plus this:

Well seems like we have come to an agreement.


Lets make this happen on the DAY BC launches. Give us our choice.

I know you have been watching this thread. You know you want to chime in and throw us a little something :slight_smile:

My wallet is fat and ready for Classic.