Fresh Classic Only Helps

People holding onto blizzard stonks desperately trying not to innovate as that could potentially cause them to lose tens of dollars

Literally what?

FRESH servers that progress to the further expansions is the way to go.

When the upcoming FRESH servers transition to BC, a new batch of Classic can, and will, spin up.

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Exactly what I said.

That’s what the Classic Servers (the ones we’re currently on) are, though…they were “fresh” and now are progressing into BC :woman_shrugging:

Righhttttttttt. And that’s why we need FRESH.

Blizzard CAN spin up FRESH servers within minutes of deciding to. It’s always the people with absolute NO knowledge of server hosting that speak up about how expensive and difficult it is…lol.

The thread is filled with people who never even hosted a Counter-Striker server but they are going to school the people that work on network and server infrastructure on the daily. Lol.

I’m sorry, I still don’t get it :woman_shrugging:

I’m not saying it’s “difficult”. I’m saying if Blizz can, then they will. It’s not a “promise”. Those words do NOT “promise”, anything. Their main priority are those interested in Progression and so their time is focused on them over anybody else. Listen to the Round Table meeting, again. Those players are first in line.

Right. That’s the problem.

That’s the entire reason this thread exists. This is a request to Blizzard to think differently about how they plan to proceed.

We here showing our interest in a product and providing a suggestion. That’s all. Blizzard can take it or leave it. Just like they can take or leave my business.

It’s a request. That’s all.

I don’t think so, when the Progression players are the majority, Blizz is going to listen to them over any minority group which the “fresh” group is.

IK, you want to be “first”.

They’re just not going to do “fresh”, right now but will in the future, and I totally see it.

And, the answer is “not right now but in the future”.

Rightttttttt. That was the answer. Let me break this down for you.

  1. Blizzconline occurred. Blizzard stated that they would look into this in the future after BC launches.

  2. This thread was created.


Blizzard stated something, we provided feedback, now we see if they provide a response. That’s how feedback works.

“Classic WoW will never happen”

Not once did I say “fresh” is “never” going to happen. In fact, I’m one of the few stating that it IS going to happen.

JUST. NOT. RIGHT. NOW. (this doesn’t mean it’s NOT going to happen).

Just be patient and wait your turn is what I’m trying to tell you.

If you want something, you let people know you want it. “Being patient and waiting your turn” isn’t what forums are for, otherwise there’d never be any discussion.

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Can you imagine being this dense?

Let me try this a third time.



Feedback - information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.

Glad we understand each other now.

It’s already been discussed. It’s not going to happen “right now”. There’s nothing left to discuss :woman_shrugging:

Ad hominems don’t strengthen your argument but continue.

We can kick and scream all we want, IK for a FACT there will be no “fresh” Servers at the launch of BC. When they say “no” about something, they tend to stick with it. Yes, IK, they said “no” about Classic, but that “no” during that time was consistent, at the time that it was said, and no Classic Servers came to be during that time.

Now, I think they’ve learned their lesson and will do their best to create “fresh” servers, when Blizz feels like that’s what the majority wants. We’re not getting “fresh” servers at the BC Launch. HOWEVER, we WILL get “fresh” servers “soon” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Lol you make a statement then try to cover your argument with the next line and immediately prove yourself wrong.

It’s been discussed and we are discussing it more, showing Blizzard that they should change their minds and have it happen sooner rather than later. I don’t think you understand the point of these forum posts, people aren’t trying to debate with you personally, we’re trying to tell Blizzard our points of view.

I personally don’t care about your opinion one way or the other. I’m trying to tell Blizzard what my message to them is.

Anyhow, bring on the fresh servers. SOONER rather than LATER. This will be better for everyone involved.


I didn’t prove myself, wrong at all. I’m showing you that the cry for Classic, when they said “no” (at that time) didn’t give us Classic then. It didn’t. Just like the cry for “fresh” at BC Launch is not going to.

I get it, and I’m telling you, it’s not going to happen at the launch of BC and to not be disappointed, when you realize that they won’t be there.

I do understand, and I’m not “debating”, anything. I’m explaining reality. “Fresh” is not the majority nor on Blizz’s priority list. They’re not going to turn their backs on the Majority that prefer Progression. That’s NOT going to happen.

That’s fine. IK for a fact that Blizz doesn’t care about the Minority, either.

And, it’s heard, which is why that eventuality will happen at another time because “fresh” is not the Majority, unfortunately.

I agree about Seasonal Servers just not NEW Servers :slightly_smiling_face:

Ohh nice! Didn’t realize you worked for Blizzard or had any say on what Blizzard does. Who are you on the Dev team or the board?

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Who I am as a character or a person doesn’t strengthen your argument. Try again.

You are making claims FOR BLIZZARD as if you had any say. Try again.

No, I’m not. I’m repeating what they said at the Round Table, which you even agreed to that is what they said.

I’m (also) utilizing common sense. Do you honestly think Blizz is going to turn their backs on the Majority more interested in Progression than in “fresh”?

Wow. This really going full circle? Ok. Lets do this.

Lets try this a FOURTH TIME.


This is exactly the problem here. FRESH servers do not mean “TuRniNG tHeiR bACks oN tHe MaJoRiTy InTEResTEd In PrOGresSIoN”

This is not a zero-sum game. We can have both and they DO NOT NEGATIVELY IMPACT THE OTHER SIDE.

Going to quote something I said in the original post because I saw this coming.

You seem to think that FRESH means a worse experience for you. That’s not the case. Play the version you want to play. That’s it.

Lets make this clear and break this down for all the people that seem to think this way. People asking for FRESH SERVERS are NOT requesting a delay or lack of Progression servers like you are.

The people interested in progression only attempt to stifle any discussion about FRESH because they feel it will impact the version they wish to play. I cannot understand where this is coming from. This “my way only” mentality is sickening.

We can have both. Not just the version you are interested in.