Share your Favorite WoW Memory. Mount Giveaway Over

Disclaimer: To those just seeing this now and didn’t participate in the raffle I will recap what happened. I hosted a mount giveaway weekend giveaway. I hosted this 100% on my own and out of my own pocket. Why did I do this? For fun and to generate positive community involvement. I gave a away “Sunwarmed Furline” mount. All people had to do to enter the raffle was share their favorite “wow memory”. Anyone who did share a memory had their name added to a list. At the end of the weekend raffle, all the names on the list were cut up and placed into a fish bowl. One was drawn at random. In this case Brahmina was the character name drawn. So congratulations to her for winning a FREE “Sunwarmed Furline” mount. I then met up with her in game to get her battletag privately to “Gift” the mount to her. This event was such a success that I may do it again in the future. To all that participated I would like to take this moent to thank each and every one of you. It was nice sharing in your memories.

With that said Id like to keep this positive thread going. So share your favorite WoW Memory. Please feel free to be as detailed as possible. We should feel like we are reliving this memory with you.

My Favorite wow memory was from back in the early days of LK xpax. I was Horde at the time on Blackrock in a guild called “Sup Fresh our turn Baby”. It was actually Byrons guild (Reckful) god rest his soul. We were in wintergrasp and had one of our Guildies on an Alliance Hunter that he didnt care about. Right as the Alliance raid got the wall down and started pushing the keep he turned on “Aspect of the Pack”. EVERYONE suddenly became Dazed. It was pure pandemonium! Multiple people created forum post in outrage and due to the fact that no one looked at their buffs we were even accused of Hacking lol!

This worked so well at winning us Wintergrasp we did it a few times. People were so mad that we finally attracted a GMs attention. A GM sent our Guildy a tell saying “Look I have 30 reports within the past 2min. What are you doing to make these players so mad?” He replied simply with “I am just using Aspect of the Pack! I am trying to make everyone move faster!” The GM chuckled and said “Lucky for you this is an aspect of the game and you are not exploiting a glitch; however what you are doing is highly disruptive and is effecting everyone elses game play and I would kindly ask you to stop”. Well James had quite a mouth on him and told the GM “this is a PvP server and I am pvping. If you didnt want this happening dont put it in your game”.

As you can guess this did not go well for us. Me and all our guildies involved found our selves in the Detention room at next login. Which was basically a gray box that there was no way out of. So we turned that night into a dance party in the box, told jokes and just chilled all night.

Good Times

Congratulations again to Brahmina!

Enjoy your new mount! and MOOOOOOOOOOO!


I don’t want the mount so I am not going to share a memory with you, although I have plenty.

I just wanted to say what a lovely idea and you are lovely for doing such a thing.

:cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: for you!


Oh please share one. I’m sure there is a mount of equivalent value in the blizzard store that you really want. I included in my FAQ did I am willing to do a different store Mount of equal value for those who already bought it or just didn’t want it.

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Oh I hope there’s a few romance memories.

I love romance.



People have met their husbands and wives in this game so you never know


Si you posted something 40 minutes ago that ended nearly a month ago. Nice work there pal.

Lol!!! I apologize! I have corrected my original post. It’s not the first time I had a dunce moment and it won’t be the last

I am pretty embarrassed about it


That’s going to be hard…so many memories… Like the first time I tried to raid and through multiple groups I would get ridiculed and kicked. Even the time we couldn’t get a second tank, but said I’d try it though never tanked before, then got kicked for not knowing mechanics for tanks.

Or, every time I try to do PvP, but get steamrolled by players who went gladiator the first week of the season, have full conquest gear, and now just play unranked, so I have to lose games for several weeks to earn enough honor for the honor gear.

Maybe how in 9.0 I finally started feeling like I was making progress in ilvl so I could do heroic raid or actually play PvP competitively, maybe even getting to the first rank…only to have the season reset, dashing those hopes, and starting the grind all over…the grind for nothing.

Actually, I think my most fond memory hasn’t happened yet. I think the day I unsub/uninstall will be the best memory of WoW. I had a similar feeling towards a different P2W game I finally quit playing.


One of the many:

WSG. I’m on my hunter and they’re on their holy priest. Enemy team is all outside so I make a break for the flag. Just as I’m hitting the field to run home I get intercepted by two alliance. I say in vent “I need help”. My buddy says “I’m trying to heal the flag carrier”…

I yell back in vent “I AM THE FLAG CARRIER!”.

Then there’s the hunter pet fiasco. Same friend. Many levels earlier than the WSG. I don’t have a pet and we’re in south west stonetalon. We’re getting our butts handed to us as I’m a really bad tank derping around as a petless BM. I tame the nearest spider trying to eat us. We manage to clear some of the pack… have no HP… no MP… no pots… we decide to run. We’re heading north and some leash, but we pull more. Keep running, bit of MP, renew, keep running… some leash, pull a couple more, keep running. We make it to the lake at the top of the zone. “IT’S STILL CHASING US!” We run into a camp of mobs and die… green spider we were running from despawns.

We ran the entire zone trying to get away from my new pet.

Edit to add: Don’t want to be in the running for the mount. Not playing retail currently. Thread just reminded me of the stories again.


well, let’s see… there was the time a friend and i made a bet about a blood-elf woman’s irl gender. won 5 gold off’em! (they said they were a girl, we made the bet, then he asked.)

there was the vivid teenage memory of me, riding across the dunes in tanaris on my undead hunter, spider skittering alongside me as i blared dragonforce on my mp3 player.

there was the time i wa incredibly bitter toward the alliance due to someone bullying me, and a new friend i met (we were starting pandaren) brought me back to feeling like the alliance was’nt a bunch of jerks (made me realize the alliance is less focused on being professional, over being friendly). same friend from the belf story.

um, what else… there was my myriad of adventures in goldshire (though, can’t say any by name for obvious reasons).

there was the time an old buddy of mine’s power went-out, and we could only talk over discord for a short while through his phone-app (not really a WoW memory, but still).

um…what’s another one… oh! there was the time i tried healing as a holy pally and kept getting my tanking-friend killed on accident (i did’nt know my bop was screwing him over). felt like some kinda… heavily-armored healing tinkerbell that time.

oh! i made friends with a pandaren giantess once! she was using a glitch that made players massive by abusing a part of a cata-quest, and we had fun messing around with that.

let’s see… there was of course my adventures through lfr during legion. that was pretty fun, with the massive lasers and giant death circles… that was pretty cool. also the time i made a priest purely for a shot at a hood from battle of dazar’alore… only to get it on another character JUST as i got them to cap (still have that priest, don’t really wanna delete’em).

um… what else… there was the several dozen times i did the dk starting zone to get all the racial mounts, and get gold for my first-time flying (…i was pretty dumb, and have a.d.d. i did’nt know i’d get more money by just playing a single character more).

oh! there was the time my buddy got invincible, and literally the exact same day i got it too! that was pretty-dang memorable.

i have a lot of favorite memories… i can’t remember’em all but… i have a lot of fond memories.
also… i’d like to not put my battletag on here. that feels a little awkward to me.


So…long ago…in a frigid place we called Wrath of the Lich King, there were two very noob adventurers. One was a blood elf paladin and one was a blood elf hunter. They were high school sweethearts, loved this game, played together all the time, inseparable. Their extended family of elves decided to help them along their journey up in levels quickly and showered them in wealth. It became a common joke among them that the hunter wore white gear for looks instead of proper green/blue gear (what a noob!)
They continued on, even skirmishing against others until Cata until fate broke them apart IRL. But! Fate would not end there. 10 Years passed and their love for the game still stayed and their hunter and paladin still existed and they reunited!

(Honestly how I got into wow is my favorite memory. It was thru raf. Yes, he still has his paladin, it just hasn’t been leveled, my hunter is unfortunately a vulpera, not a blood elf. She went thru a rename post break-up but once we reunited, I renamed her back to what she was in honor of our reunion and once the patch hits, I plan on even finishing leveling her!)

Edit: in spirit of it being kitty related, we also have a kitty we share. He still has said kitty 10 years later! I know this part is not wow related but I thought I’d add it in :cat:

Pic of said kitty (When he was younger): (Yes, he’s trying to attack my screen whilst I was playing!)


I switched factions and joined Alliance during MoP on a heavily Horde server, and joined a guild. The guild did as best it could…it tried to progress, but ultimately failed.

I stayed in the guild, until one day…the option came up to take over the guild.

The GM and all others had abandoned ship, so the option was now available to take over…as I had been made a senior member…

So I did what any terribad guild would do…I listed on the guild page, and spammed membership…

While I did the worst that any bad guild would do, I did do things right…made most guild bank tabs available, and asked people to contribute. At the time…OQUEUE was a thing, and I was a big contributor. Organized raids, Lead Raids, did what I could for the LFR generation…and so it happened that this little tiny guild, on the brink of failure…turned into something WAY BIGGER than myself.

Somehow I had gone from a couple people leeching off the guild bank, to bringing down Garrosh Heroic and leading AOTC raids!

I suddenly had one of the most successful and largest guilds on my server…

Queue WoD…

My guildmaster…Gone after over a year (I never demoted any of the OG crew), logged in, and literally told me he was crying…I was never a “major” player in his eyes when he recruited me, and only promoted me…because no one was left…he couldn’t believe what I had done.

And now he had the biggest Alliance guild on the server.

I did what I thought right…handed back the reins, and told him…“Its what you would have done.”

Killing Achimonde…with our guild, being AOTC…was epic!

All it took was one person, caring, and giving others a chance, and the avalanche that happened afterwards is indescribable.

I’m sad OQueue is gone. It allowed you to rate peoples efforts, and make things that seemed impossible possible…

But clawing back from total obscurity on a dead Alliance realm, to giving so many people AOTC, a victory, hope…still brings tears to my eyes.


I would like to thank you for your very kind words it means a lot. I just hope more people see this thread that want it


You’re amazing to do such a kind thing!

When was Nyalotha? A year ago? two years now? Time flies…
Around that time, I was active under the name ‘Unian’ but because of personal reasons I switched to this toon.
I consider myself a forum regular even though I’m on the other side of the pond, with matching timezones. Dreta, another regular was forming a discord group with others that frequent these forums. I joined it.
We had tons of fun chatting, and discussing WoW, but playing together was never really a thing other than the occasional ‘hey I need help with X, can someone come on?’

Cue Nyalotha being released.
Cue me drooling over that AOTC mount. (Uncorrupted Voidwing)
I never been much for the endgame content. Especially things like raiding or M+ So I asked Dreta and the gang if I could buy a carry. I got b-slapped. I got a BM hunter guide tossed at me (my main) and they dragged me through M+ to get gear. I held myself properly, doing decent DPS. Luckily, BM Hunter isn’t hard. Then came the harder part. Learning Nyalotha’s encounters. I was given links to videos with guides. I studied like I was back in college.

But here comes that sneaky timezone again. Earliest they could run a raid would be 7pm my time. I believe… 10am for them? I’m a weird flower, I need over 10h a sleep a day… I usually go to bed at 8pm.
The raid, which was 70% PUG lasted till 11pm. I only died during the ‘soccer boss’.
I still feel like it was a carry… So I donated a token to the community to raffle to sooth my mind.
Although the discord community merged with that of Rhielle, I’m still active in it and love all of the members greatly!


Thanks! Look forward to reading it! Remember you have all weekend. Don’t rush yourself

Edited in and a bump so others can see this for you. :slight_smile:

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Im actually shocked this thread is not getting more responses. 300+ reads. Minimal actual responses. No trick to it. Its pretty simple

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The hate for store mounts runs deep. Just wait till America wakes up. I’ll get the flame thrower ready for the trolls.

Gnome Fire-mage: Excuse me.
…You burn down trolls, you get cookies.
Gnome: Yes Ma’am!


Oh man it’s hard to pick a favorite, but here goes:

Back in the early days of Vanilla (like, the first six months) my best friend and I were playing on our Horde characters, mine being a troll hunter. We were questing through Ashenvale and decided to do some world pvp and attack Astranaar.

There was one higher lvl dude that kept rebuffing us so we met up in some bushes to regroup. That was when I remembered that Eyes of the Beast was a thing, so I spent the next solid half hour playing hide and seek with this guy with my tiger darting in and out of buildings until the spell expired, attacking lowbies and then scampering away when he came after me.

It was, I think, my first taste of world pvp and the ridiculous interactions it can bring lol


First off, thank you TC, for making this thread. So much negativity, hostility, and toxicity going on in the forums right now. This is a breath of fresh air, and I appreciate it.

Secondly, it’s DAMN hard to pick a favorite WoW moment. I could easily make a top 5 list of memorable moments just off the top of my head. So, for now, I think I’ll go with the funniest one.

Cue BFA. I’m raiding Uldir with my guild. We’ve progressed through normal at a good clip, and made it to Zul the Prophet. I’m doing my part as a good Mage, DPSing adds, Spellstealing buffs, not standing in fire, the basics.

All of the sudden, I just drop dead. “Dang”, I thought, “what hit me there?”. We wipe, reset, and try again. And again, randomly, for no particular reason, I just drop dead awhile into the fight. That time, I KNEW my health was at max, so I was confused what hit I had taken to do that.

This time, my Guildmaster had noticed, and asked me what was going on. I had no answer for him. He asked the healers what happened, and they had no answer either. The logs didn’t make any sense in regards to my death.

We pulled a few more times, and it kept repeating. We’d pull just fine, then after awhile, I’d die for no reason.

Then someone said it.

“Hey, Lee, have you been Spellstealing the buffs off the adds?”


Cue everyone bursting into laughter. For those who don’t know (because I didn’t at the time), the adds in the Zul fight have a special shield. When this shield is removed, the add dies. This buff is dispellable, which is the intended way to handle the mechanic, but it’s also Spellstealable.

I thought I was helping the raid by insta-killing the adds by taking away their shields… but the problem is, the part of the buff that kills the adds… was also being applied to me when I stole the buff. So, once the 1 minute duration of the buff expired… so did I.

After we figured THAT out (and proceeded to make fun of me for being a moron), Zul went down not long after.

As we celebrated and passed loot around, quietly, over discord, you could hear someone saying… “Hey, what does this button do?”.

Cue the floor dropping out from under us, as we all fell face-first into the Sarlacc Pit that is the boss room of Mythrax. I think you can figure out what happened after that.