Thank you very much I just hope this thread gets more of a response over the weekend I do realize that it is a Friday morning and many people probably won’t see it till tonight or Saturday
I think my favorite memory is from my Vanilla days, back when everything was new and exciting.
I was alone that day. My friends were in a dungeon run by the time I logged on and so I wanted to go visit my favorite spot in Ashenvale, by the waterfall, and then run some quests.
I spent some time just sitting by the waterfall, enjoying the scenery and then went off to deal with some furbolgs that needed dispensing. But when I got there… no furbolgs. Not a one. And no one else around. That was odd…
So I spent a few moments running around the area and realized that there were absolutely no animals or NPCs anywhere! It was an eerily quiet zone. Something had gone wrong with the servers. I was completely alone on a map with no dangers.
Suddenly, I got excited, because an idea struck me: what if all of the zones were like this? What if I could finally make it through the Timbermaw cave and see Winterspring finally?! Heart in my throat, I took off at a run straight up the road and into Felwood!
Coming to a screeching halt as I hit the border, I looked around at the blighted area. Silence. Nothing. Not a single mob or NPC. The place was scary but I could pass unharmed. So I took off again, hoping I’d have time to get to Winterspring.
As I ran, I looked around in awe at the blighted zone. It was going to be so exciting to quest here! But I was on a mission, and I had to see Winterspring. Those Timbermaw kept me out too many times in Moonglade, no more!
I finally hit the border and was at Timbermaw Hold when the system wide warning went out that the servers would shut down. I had ten minutes! I ran into the caves, not a furbolg in sight, then got lost for a moment, before righting my path and I could see daylight at the end of the tunnel!
I ran out of the cave and came to a stop, looking around in awe and wonder. Snow was gently falling, everything was in soft pastel shades, it was quiet and I felt like I could almost taste the cold in the air from the crisp snow around me.
The server warning broke my reverie. Five minutes! I ran down the path, trying to get deeper into the zone. I wanted to see more! Around the bend and at a crossroads, I stopped once more. It almost felt like I was my character, taking in a deep breath of winter air as I watched the snowflakes. My time was coming to an end and so I just turned around and around, listening to the ambiance and gazing at the snowy trees.
Then, my screen went blank and I was disconnected, back at the login screen. I was both sad and content. I finally got to see the beauty of Winterspring, but it was taken from me so quickly. I smiled and got excited once again, because I had a new goal in leveling, so that I could make it back to my pretty snow! Those Timbermaw would love me and I’d spend my days by hot springs and crisp wintery air once more!
My most vivid memory of WoW would have to be in the early days of playing it. At the time, I didn’t know anyone who played and was jumping into the world without really looking up any info on the game.
I can’t recall exactly why (some quest or something), but after figuring out the basics and getting to like level 15 or 20 or something, I decided to go to Darnassus. I had only been into SW front districts and not even sure if I knew the docks existed. Only had a few flight points, so I decided to walk.
The first parts of the journey weren’t too bad…I did know about the tram, so I took that to IF. Then set out in the snow to head to the swamps. I died so many times there it wasn’t even funny. Gave up within site of Menethil harbor. Next day, started again.
Oh, and let me just add – my pc at the time was cruddy old Dell laptop. Slow AF. So progress was slooooooow.
The darn thing was so slow that I couldn’t leave the boat, because the loading screen was still up. Took several minutes to get onto the dock.
And the trek from Dustwallow, into the Barrens, Ashenvale, and Darkshore - was littered with horde players who took no pity on that noobish warrior.
All in all, I believe it took me about three days (a few hours of play a day) to get there.
Then I found the boat to SW on my way out…Dooooh!
For any former FFXI players, you will understand what I’m saying. I was riding my chocobo through the Sauromugue Champaign back in late 2004 when a longtime friend joined my party. She said “I have an idea, let’s sign up for this new World of Warcraft Beta”, I a NIN/WAR her a WHM/BLM both of us trying to avoid Tabar beaks and Hill Lizards.
I reply with “I dunno, I mean we have such an investment in FF do we really wanna switch it up like that?” Which was really just my way of saying i feel comfortable here, i dont wanna start something new! Yet, we took the plunge and both got invited to the Open Beta of WoW. We rode back to the Kingdom of Bastok and left ourselves there.
We began a new journey with “pushed” content to us to try out. The pushed content meant we were at the mercy of playing races etc that Blizzard restricted us to. It became a defacto “stress test”.
Now for anyone familiar with FFXI, the TOUGHEST parts of leveling was twofold 1) getting a group together to effectively kill mobs - there was no solo experience that would allow you to do so - 2) The (inevitable) death penalty - you actually lost experience by dying! The move to WoW was like something magical happened “WHAT!!! we dont lose experience and possibly DE-LEVEL by dying!!!” Thats just great! We stepped into this world with NO pointers telling us where to go or where new quest hubs were, we had to figure that out. BUT, the fact that quests had !'s and ?'s for turnins were a boon to mankind for us, you see in FFXI there was zip, zero, nada, zilch… you had to remember who gave you the quest and where to turn it back in.
Fast forward in time a bit to the release of The Burning Crusade. “OMG flying in outlands, WHAT!!!” I remember saying to her “im gonna farm up so much ore!” which, i did once i was level 70, but stepping back upon it’s release, the sheer number of people waiting at the Dark Portal was EPIC… I’ve never seen such a large gathering of people in an MMO for any reason anywhere. It was so incredible to see that for once, i didnt mind the enormous lag created by it. We were in awe (until we realized “hey its likely we wont be able to get anything done LOL”) But that first kill on a pig right outside of Honor hold, that gave in excess of 1k EXP where the max we were seeing in vanilla was around 300 … our jaws dropped. I remember feeling sad for Garrosh as the story played out for him in Nagrand.
Fast forward a bit more to 2008 and the release of Wrath of the Lich King. WOW!!! What an engaging and incredibly emotional start to an expansion pack that (for me) came to define what World of Warcraft meant to me as a game. Arthas became the villain of villains. The trip through Northrend was NOT fast and it was NOT easy, some of the quests were outrageously difficult to complete even with 2 or 3 people in quest gear. But, we eventually got there (after many stops on MY part to fish for hours until i got the Sea Turtle mount from a pool in Borean Tundra, for which i think i jumped up and down for days). Then came the many many runs through something to this day i regard as the absolute best memories i have from World of Warcraft, Naxxramas with a guild called Unity. We all got along REALLY well and there was zero drama. In fact its the one - and only - time i developed an addon specifically for our guild, one that kept track of who received what from previous runs through the raid and what classes benefitted from the gear that dropped from any particular boss.
After Wrath her and i lost touch and the guild basically went their own way, but to this day, those 4 years that encompass the BETA up to WotLK remain my fondest memories of World of Warcraft.
Back when BC came out I had this level 70 Alliance rogue and a level 70 Horde Priest.
I was farming Herbs on my Priest in Hellfire peninsula and was flagged for pvp a level 70 Dwarf hunter started to attack me. My gear was not great but I managed to get away and fly on top of the highest tower.
The Dwarf followed me and I was able to MC him off the tower and fall to his death. This went on for a while.
I logged on over to my rogue and found the same Dwarf and asked what he was doing. He informed me that he was trying to kill this Horde Priest and could I help him when he comes back.
So I played along and said yes. I told him I’ll go look around and see if I can find him. When I left I logged out and logged into the game with my Priest only to MC the Dwarf to his death again.
After about two hours of this the player was beyond pissed and because my rogue was never around to help him when my Priest showed up.
I never had the heart to tell him it was me all along. I’ll say one thing about the player he had determination that’s for sure.
It was one of the funniest memories I have of this game.
My favorite memory was the first time logging in to WoW in the dwarf starting zone, not knowing what to do or where to go. Before all the toxic behaviors and toxic people became apparent and could ruin the experience. It was all so innocent in the beginning.
Favorite memory was in wrath, I had a group of friends from various guilds at that point but we all used to be in the same guild. We sat around the well in dalaran and told scary stories to each other in /s. We had people stand around to watch or share too. It was why I fell in love with WoW. The connections I felt with people was real, and as somebody with social anxiety it felt amazing.
The mount isn’t worth it. It reeks of desperation and lazyness. Instead of adding it in actual gameplay content they throw it in the store to milk the players.
Its a milking tool to milk the players of money. The greed on this company makes me sick.
The first time I ran through the wetlands death run, being escorted by a level 22 hunter, on a pvp realm (Altrac Montains), as a level 14 to reach IF and seeing the gates for the first time. Then forgetting to get the flight path and hearthing back to Storm Wind.
Mine is just a major horary moment. I spent no joke roughly 72 hours and 86 fallen charger kills before i got that mount. my god i was so happy when i finally received it. Its my favorite mount of all time. (i know it hasn’t been in the game long.)
It was when Grimoire bequeathed unto me the wonderful gift of the Sunwarmed Furline". TY in advance for my most precious WoW memory!
C’mon… you cant be this mad on a Friday. Its bad for you!
i already have my cat but this is a great idea. thank you for doing this and thanks to everyone who shared a memory so far!
Great idea
Thanks for that.
Favourite memory?
Going into the game - seeing the the world and feeling so surprised in seeing actual other players in the game - venturing through coldridge valley into ironforge. Being in awe of the huge castle of ironforge.
/rp walking in, feeling like I was somewhere special.
Buying white gear from the vendor and thinking I was decked out…
The sight of Ironforge itself was worth it a lone.
Favorite memory:
Being able to talk to the Alliance for the first time on my PvP server at the time (Azgalor) during the WotLK pre-patch event. We all got turned in Ratchet and sudden we could understand each other as ghouls. Years of pent of frustration against each other all let out in glorious, glorious trash talk. Oh, and vomiting on each other. What a great event!
Not the best, but good. I was on my 60 orc on a boat from stranglethorn to kalador. As boat left, a 40 dwarf jumped on and tried to hide then I went below to him and he begged, so I didn’t kill him. On arrival a human 60 attacked me and the 40 dwarf also attacked. Now that the tables were turned he had no mercy. I logged onto daughters account and invited dwarf to a party so I could see him on the map. He joined and I followed and killed him on my orc. He asked why my alliance didn’t help or get killed and I said the party was just for revenge.
I remember playing back in early 2005 with my brother.
He was playing a Troll Hunter and I was playing this character, although we were on Laughing Skull(US) at the time.
We would 2 man dungeons once we were slightly above the levels of them and successfully cleared RFC and WC. The loot was still decent since Vanilla loot was all over the place.
I also remember borrowing gold from him when I hit rank 11 to get my epic mount. I was completely broke from focusing on pvp so much while he never spent money on anything if he could help it and only pvp’d once in a while with his guild.
Getting my epic wolf and Lt. General was a fun, and difficult, achievement back then.
Well, I’ll answer this honestly though it may be poorly received since it’ll come across like bragging. My personal favorite memory in WoW is soloing the Warlock epic mount quest chain from start to finish back in Wrath when I was brand new to WoW.
My approach to the game was much like my approach to life – I sought ways to do things on my own. I leveled all the way to max level without ever having joined a guild or even joined another group. I learned everything from scratch on my own using sites like thotbot, alakazam, and of course, Wowhead.
The epic mount quest chain was expensive, and very challenging to do without help. But I did it. Along the way I rode that little standard speed felsteed mount all the while I was progressing through the chain and saving every copper and silver from every mob I ever killed, doing what little I could with the auction house and saving as best I could for items I needed for the quest chain. I finally completed the chain and got my epic mount when I was level 69. I was just over a bar shy of level 70.
To this day, that quest chain was an integral part of the most exciting, immersive, fulfilling adventure I’ve had in the game. It was absolutely amazing, and I am very proud of what I did.
After getting the mount, I went on to level to max level, which at that time was level 80. And finally, after hitting max, I joined a group with other people for the first time. When I was asked for a summoning stone and soulwell, I was confused about what they wanted because I’d never been in a group before so never needed to use that ability. I was asked if I had bought my character, since I was so ignorant about commonly known things.
When the epic mounts eventually became available from a vendor for 40g, that was the single most disappointing moment in my WoW history.
To me, in my mind, that epic mount and the quest chain to get it were invaluable. They were sacred. They meant something. And blizz stripped all that prestige away and trashed it without warning. I felt wounded. The game lost something for me in that moment which, despite my enduring fondness still for the game through the years, it has never gotten back.
My best times in WoW have been when I’ve played with my little sister. I’ve helped her level many of her characters, we’ve explored the world together, quested, just messed around. Nothing particularly funny or exciting, but these are times I cherish nonetheless. My favorite memory of them all is when I took her to the Darkmoon Faire for the first time. We played all the games together. You should have seen how excited she was about the roller coaster
We waited for both of the concerts and danced until they were over. In the end she had so much fun, she told me “Loremaster Joestur (my toon) and (her character’s name) are best friends!” Oh man, I almost cried :’)
[Censoring her toon name b/c she is little]
Our relationship isn’t the best anymore, but I will always remember our times together, playing this game…
15 years ago my former best friend was on a “date” in wow with a girl he met online. They were both night elves and were taking a walk in Teldrassil talking about their lives and their kids and how they both were single and thinking about meeting in real life. I walk up to his computer and ask to let me look at his gear I need to check something, he gave me the keyboard and I /fart emoted on his date. She was furious saying why would he do that he totally killed the mood I couldn’t stop laughing as he try to explain that it was his friend that did that and wasn’t him