Free Character Transfers – Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Can we get more information on the plan for servers NOT on this list? What is the plan/intent for those servers? Without transfers in or out, it feels like those servers will be left behind.

Please see this post as well: Free Character Transfers – Wrath of the Lich King Classic - #87 by Goonersw-grobbulus.


Man. The servers left behind need to just be used for permanent wrath classic realms in my opinion. I would clone to them.


I am curious how Blizzard intends to address the issue of faction imbalance. In Australia, the majority of players have converted to The Horde. This makes playing on The Alliance quite unattractive if you want to find a raid team, which we can imagine most people want to do.

As we saw in retail, a lot of servers naturally gravitate towards dominating one faction. It doesn’t matter whether or not this is due to racial bonuses or the pre-existing population majority, what matters is that this problem is combated before an entire region is only playing one faction.

It would be nice to see free faction changes be implemented to address this, as well as potentially balancing some of the racials - which I know is a hot topic, at this current moment I cannot remember (nor can be bothered) remembering how balanced the racials are, I know people like to stay true to what is ‘classic’ but I personally prioritize faction balance over this. Especially if it’s just a minor racial bonus change.


Faerlina bout to be overpop as fk

Now I gotta comment cuz y’all killed my old server!


I hate this. The move completely destroyed my guild and took a ton of our funds to rebuy all of our tabs. Not all of us like playing on populated servers, some of us actually LIKE smaller communities where server rep actually matters.


Is there any way to move a character on an account WITHOUT an active subscription?

Is the in-game shop (available only when logging in, on an active account of course) the only way to use these free transfers off of these dead servers?

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This might sound petty to some but my character names are very important to me and they are already taken on all three source realms. I also don’t want to play on mega-servers that are super-layered. There is absolutely no reason you can’t do server merges like you did with classic era. Besides, playing on a low pop server isn’t as big of a deal now that there is RDF.


Yeap… I had to rename 2 characters I have had since classic. I don’t even want to log in anymore. Think once my token time runs out, I’m just done. That and 8 months for Dragon Soul raid? Really? Why are they rushing so hard through cata? And it isn’t even ready to launch from my god awful experience on the beta.
I know ICC and RS are getting stale, but sheesh…


OB was FINE like it was. Raids were still being formed 24/7, and with RDF, getting into the daily FoS was not hard at all. Granted, I am a disc priest, but still…there was no reason what so ever to do this my realm.

Our names are gone, my guild was destroyed, our bank funds are now down 10k for new tabs, and it’s been a huge mess trying to herd all the kittens (guild members) over to the new server, despite me and my officers staying on top of discord messages.

I am tired of @ everybody “hey guys here we are!” And I’m certain everyone is tired of seeing the messages.

People NOT on the discord have accused me of stealing the bank and just leaving.

Oh and don’t get me started on the OB server trolls who are no longer on ignore, and have changed their names, and are back to spouting their bs.
Now I get to try and weed through 8000000 GDKP spams, guild recruiting ads, etc. to try and find these buttholes all over again to put them back on ignore.


RIP Old Blanchy server, taken out at the same time as the horse. :frowning:

Guild moves to a new server are often rough, many guilds don’t make it. However, it’s rarely talked about. I hope that yours pulls through after the rough patch.


It’s not going well. We just barely got our officers back, and a few members who paid attention to the discord spam.
We went from having 21+ people online, to… 5 or 6 if we’re lucky, and my ads are buried under the spam of GDKP and 1234556678 other guilds trying to recruit, too.
But in my defense, I try only advertise once per hour, not every 2 minutes like a lot of others, maybe every 30 minutes at most, but that feels like too much.

Over all it’s been miserable. I hate it, and I am really put off by not only this forced transfer, but the amount of time they are giving cata. DS in 8 months really has me scratching my head, and so does this MoP speed level thing.

I was so excited for cata and MoP classic, but this has really got my thinking maybe it’s time to go back to FF14, or even a classic FFXI server…


Can we just skip this whole cata thing? It’s going to be a long wait till we get to MoP this mess up.


That’s too bad. :frowning:

I’ve done a lot of guild leadership in the past.

People often talk about how it’s easier to recruit on bigger servers, without noticing or mentioning the increased competition. For most guilds that are not at the very top, or who have unusual raid times, or who have a real niche, it’s harder to recruit than it was on the smaller server where your name is known.

What I found moving from Earthfury to Faerlina in regards to recruitment was the large number of people who seemed interested and then would just ghost or disappear after one raid. Finding this type of player was about 10x more common than I’ve seen elsewhere, and you can weed some out immediately but a lot of the time people would seem super interested and ghost anyway. My guild survived but that’s only because we brought in the players from another guild from our old server that was like-minded and was having the same issues. Otherwise I’m not sure if we would have.

There are some unique aspects when you feel responsible to other players in a guild. Do what is best for you. If that means not playing that is ok.


See the thing about our guild is, we were formed for people who have disabilities.
Mental, physical, etc. we have people with severe anxiety, a deaf player, one has dementia, we even had one with down’s syndrome, and a few with severe autism, or just severe social anxiety, and we run jointly with a guild that has a player whose close to being completely blind.

A lot of people don’t want to take things slow, or run with people who can’t “pump,” or they tell me they aren’t carrying “noobs,” but when people inquire about the guild, I am honest.

We take things at a slower pace, but even so, we have downed LK, and have done a few fights on H mode (and I don’t mean loot ship).
For people with severe disabilities, this is an accomplishment, but a lot of people don’t see it that way. We were doing great on OB. We had a very large guild over there full of anxious, but friendly helpful folks.

Our whole guild was formed around being all inclusive, so that people like me (I’m the dementia patient) can actually SEE the dang content, instead of cheering from the side lines “yay, great job guys!”

It’s saddening more people don’t seem to want to help us non “pumpers,” which ironically enough, they are screwing themselves out of our spouses/friends who ARE pumpers lol!

But our new server seems to be… not accepting of people like us, and recruiting has been very hard.


I speak as someone who was only messing around in Wrath because SoD beyond phase 1 has turned into quite a disappointment.

Let this whole episode serve as a warning for all who thought letting Microsoft swallow ABK whole was going to save your game. Their people committing actual resources to developing a temporary game mode to flog the FOMO horse again should be enough to show you these folks cannot help themselves.

It was entirely foreseeable that this decision would upset people and they did nothing to smooth the transition. Why not provide guild transfers to help out? I know someone hanging up their wizard hat in a few weeks and it’s all because of the lack of era servers. The forced migration to a high pop realm and the loss of names and multiple guild banks was just the cherry on top.

They could have generated good will at no cost to themselves but instead they shoot themselves in the foot by creating a lot of unneccessary friction and bad blood. While going into one of the most unpopular expansions no less, and for absolutely no reason when it all could have been avoided.

Pity the people who wasted their money on transfers to servers they were planning on killing all along and being refused refunds.

After a string of small successes are they riding high on hubris already or is it straight up stupidity?


Really people who were clinging onto that never should have been. I worked for Microsoft for 4 years and saw some of what goes on there but regardless you can tell looking at the company from any direction. Plus Warcraft was not the main IP Microsoft was going for in the first place. They stated that they were going for the mobile games.

It does seem like there has been more of a push for the devs to be creative which is nice in a way and some players likely enjoy that but most of the Classic devs focus these days appears to be on rebalancing classes in SoD, which may be fun for them but it’s not really useful.

Customer support type stuff may be another part of the team but the reactions to things like this have not been good Blizzard would do refunds in the past (as I know from friends) but now it seems the stance has changed which is pretty gross IMO and shows a poorer customer service experience which will drive people away. Five of my old guildies who are RealID friends quit WoW over server migrations and I haven’t seen them since, so this does happen. Not everyone quits due to raging over not being able to find a fast pug group.

Agreed and with the guild transfers being added in Cata this should have happened.


Some jerks that had grouped with my brother decided to change their names to his on early transfer. He had been out of game due to losing part of his finger and waiting for it to heal. Now his names he has had in OG and Classic are gone along with the reps he built with those names due to some douche bags thinking they are funny. So, no. you do not get first pick on your own name(s).


So… when is this happening?

I have my characters prepped, I just need to button to clicky.


This is why you go to your target server and reserve the names. You delete right before you transfer so there is less time for someone to grab your name. I already had a Beaupeep on my target server from a long time ago, so I was already safe. Some of my other characters will not fare as well, which is fine.


I feel this got glossed over and we need story time here.

Transfers are already ongoing.
On the Character Select screen while on one of the closing servers, go to the Shop and the first item should be the Free Character Transfer.