Free Character Transfers – Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Excellent, thank you

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So let me get this straight. You are forcing us to move to a more populated server (which is fine). But won’t allow us to transfer guilds? A lot of us put in a lot of effort to build these guilds. We bought all the tabs, filled the tabs up with gems, enchants and other useful items. Not to mention all the gold built up. And now we’re going to lose most of it. Are you going to refund us the cost of the tabs so we can build another guild? Or what is your plan?


I agree 100% with Nanarn here

Why does it have to be my realm to close why not Mankrik or the other realm that was suggested to me to join.

So if we are the big loser, this should be transparent to us, not one dime lost.

I have been with this game since the start and if your transfer makes me lose one dime. I will stop playing.

Your project at your cost not the costumer. What happen to the say that : costumer always right. Did we lose that privilege?


OK both my target realms have max characters for those servers. Now what?

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They should just keep a couple of the low pop realms and make those low pop realms permanent wrath classic realms.


use and abuse. and no, they arent going to buy us dinner first.

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In my experience, the customer is almost never right, especially ones that use that phrase. The customer simply has the right to be wrong with dignity.

When you say launch of Cataclysm Classic, this means the 20th of May? Not the 30th of April? So we have until the 20th of May to move our characters with the free transfer?


So I heard that rare spawns are disabled on locked servers. Is it true and does that mean my hunter wont be able to get spirit beast

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What happened to free transfers?

I just logged in with my toon on Skyfury and there is no free transfer, only paid one

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Is there an official day when they are forcing server Xfers? I know they say “the launch” but to me the whole shattering is essentially the launch of the expan as everything changes. can someone please confirm when the official cut off is for choice of new server?
#want to gather while I still have the opprotunity


I mean, I think it is a bit of an outdated mentality. It was back when companies didn’t have to cater to narcissists and all this other bullcorn that we have today. Now, anyone could just say, 2+2 equals fish. And they would probably be right. Wouldn’t want to offend them or anything.

And I hate all those surveys that I get all the time. Like, tell us how we did. How would you rate us. Like, companies everywhere. If I have a legit problem with the product or service that you gave me. I will open my mouth and say something. Plain and simple. I don’t need to rate my service unless it was a bad service or an actual problem took place and needed resolved.

Now, companies don’t even care. Like why provide feedback if they don’t care about feedback. I mean, look at permanent wrath classic. We were told on a wowhead post they weren’t making permanent wrath classic server options at that moment, and were collecting feedback. Now, People like me have been providing the feedback, while getting impatient and annoyed, while also being annoying in the process. But they have yet to say a darn thing about it. So, they might as well not posted anything on wowhead.

It’s just stupid. All these big companies ask for feedback. But yet none of it ever seems to matter. They say it’s to improve quality and service. Yet I never see any of that improve. Regardless of how many surveys I send out.

Customers aren’t always right. And some are just annoying to deal with now. But I never truly feel like my opinions are valued anymore. By any company. It doesn’t matter what I think. They are probably going to keep doing whatever the heck they feel like doing anyways.

Thank you for posting this! :slight_smile:

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They know that CATA is pretty poorly received by the community in general, but MOP is revered as one of the best expansions ever IMO this is what they are doing pushing through CATA as fast as possible to get to MOP.

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Just need that permanent Wrath ever era realm to transfer to. /sigh


So, if I’m forced to a new realm, how will you handle that my name is not available on any of the available realms? Changing names is NOT an option. Why wouldn’t you just do connected realms. You really really suck. Cannot wait for AI to make my own WoW, free of your crap.


I don’t even know why they are calling it “classic” anymore. They need to call it like “cataclysm revisited” or some other thing, because it is -NOT- “classic” WoW in any sense of the word, but then again, neither was Wrath. Ugh. What are you doing Blizzard?!
And yes, I agree MoP was fantastic.


You’ll lose your name if it’s taken on the big servers, which in my experience was common sadly. They really needed to do Connected Realms so we could’ve kept them.


The name is everything in an rpg. Lose a name, what else is there to the game? First time since Jan 2007 that I won’t be playing. There is no worse decision they could make than effectively deleting your characters.


if they did there would be RDF in SoD. Which would be awesome. But as it stands, they dont want to fix that stupid design choice.