Free Character Transfers – Wrath of the Lich King Classic

And there is no note from an NPC in the mailbox? I found out that counts as the mailbox not being empty. Good luck!

okay what about Bloodsail??!!

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i have done restore Mail from the support thing… everything i even went as far as Deleteing my toon … Btw when u have incoming mail u cant Delete a toon and i was able ot delete it its a bug in the system and the GM are just not as they used to be pretty sure they just sit around wait for pplto log off then hit an auto reply button… cuz if they read my ticket they seen i alrdy did the restore mail and it didnt work they reply wiht we cant restore mail go to the restore mail button gl … aka didnt read

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Also here in support of Grobbulus. We had to transfer off of Herod which fell apart after transfers were closed to Herod. We have found a wonderful home in Grobbulus, however the population has dwindled from around 17k with a 50/50 split to like 4k raiders. As one of the only balanced servers, we would love to see Grobbulus as a transfer target for free transfers.

Absolute garbage move - treating you player base with complete disdain, can’t even bother to comment on people’s genuine questions. No help managing Guild transfers ? What a fricken joke.

Just merge servers - offer a free transfer if you want after - this is a complete trash move.


Not a fan of this to be honest. Doing Connected Realms as was done for Era would’ve been an awesome change. Now I’m forced to transfer to a server with a community I don’t know and my characters all lose their names they’ve had since Era.


agreed. i was only able to keep two of my names (and i have a few vary obscure ones lol), and we are losing the record that our guild as been around since right after classic released.


Bloodsail Bucs need some love, too! Dis server is dead AF…or as I say ‘population issues’. Please fix this, Blizz! :smiley:


Grobb is small rn because people are by and large done with Wrath. My entire friends list is on SoD last time I checked. In Cata it’ll be very populous again without a doubt. I wouldn’t sweat us not being on the transfer list, if anything it could problematic since pretty much all those servers that are getting closed are single faction which could be bad for balance.

That is a great idea !!

I am on Horde I have been in the only 2 Late night raiding guilds on the server was in ReRoll from BC-Ulduar when they called it quits over recruiting issues. Then I joined WAR loved every minute of raiding in both guilds, but we spent most of ICC progression with 1-3 empty spots because issues recruiting. It just is not fesible to keep a 25M going late night on Windseeker, and has not been since middle of BC.

I was wondering if sending mail that hasn’t been read by the other party would be considered mail. as it would be returned in 30 days. just a thought.

This is crap. What about guild banks as i seen i can’t transfer it so i loose? Guild members have no place to call home on a new server and have wasted their time helping out? What about the gold spent on each tab, the hours farming mats to have a helpful bank? I’m just suppose to give it all back and start from scratch? I think this is where we all quit the last time, just sayin.


Oh, I hope not, but that might be a possibility. Fingers crossed that if it is a bug, the patch this morning fixes it.

RIP Windseeker, you were a good home. O7


Time to learn your alt+codes.

Open up a transfer to Grobbulus too silly devs!

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RIP Windseeker


what do we do if there is no PVE server to move to since i already have characters on the ones listed?

Let us move from maladath to benediction, I already have toons on benediction now since thats where my friends are, I would like to move my maladath toon there