Free Character Transfers – Wrath of the Lich King Classic

I feel ripped off. Blizzard owes me $150 for the transfers I bought the last week of February.


Any details on how guilds, guild banks, and gold caps work with the free transfers?


I’m confused… OB is listed as “Medium” pop, just as Atiesh. What is the definition of “Low-population realms” or is there even one.

Feels like we are all being dumped into a hand-full of servers like rats in a trash compactor.


This is really funny. How bout its dead enough to fit a few extra players. Still a bit weird season 4 and cata almost at the same time. Hedging your bets much?

according to there is no gold cap for free transfers.

Please re-consider allowing free transfers off the RP realms. The realm shouldn’t be looked at from a total player base population because there is no cross-faction game-play in this version of WoW. Half the population won’t ever interact with each other in a meaningful way outside of a few world PvP encounters while leveling or doing dailies. The individual Alliance & Horde populations are more-or-less at the same level as Westfall, which is receiving free transfers.

The idea that RP realms shouldn’t be messed with because of community considerations holds no value because it is an imaginary threshold that has repeatedly been crossed before now. Free transfers have previously been offered to and from Grobbulus in The Burning Crusade: Classic and earlier in Wrath: Classic. Additionally, free transfers to-and-from Grobbulus were allowed across realm types (i.e. Normal PvE, PvP & RP-PvP), so that argument no long holds any weight, as well.

TBC transfers Sept-Nov, 2022
Wrath Classic Transfers June, 2023

Consolidation of players onto a handful of realms is only going to exacerbate the already dwindling player-base on Grobbulus and Bloodsail Buccaneers.


Please add Bloodsail Buccaneers to this list. We are beyond dead at this point, you can count on 1 hand the number of groups still clearing ICC. It would be nice if those of us left could migrate somewhere together and not lose many to the cost of paid transfers.


So What’s the update on Guilds? I have 3 full guild banks full of stuff… can’t really sell stuff to servers closing if people can’t swap all the items over.


100000% agree with this and is well said.

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Thoroughly disappointed with this. I dont want to lose my names after 4 years.


Thanks for all the fish.

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I never comment on forums and just logged in to hear this in lfg channel.
This is all to much to comprehend with changing my name on 15 toons (most I don’t care about) and 4 guild tabs to deal with.
I just re subbed for cata after about a year off and seriously thinking about letting it expire now


My friend just transferred to westfall this month to play with me, can they get a refund since we have to transfer off?


Man how about give us permanent wrath classic realm clone transfers to. Like what the heck to. I will pay for them.


Why these server transfers completely ignore faction imbalance is beyond me. Atiesh horde has been slowly dying, Blizzard just wants to collect all their cash while folks move to Mankrik horde instead of combining realms of equal faction sizes onto a single server, or offer those on dead factions an out to a faction megaserver. Just allow all transfers free and open for a week and let people resettle per their desires, then enforce moves after the dust settles.


I’m losing my guild. THAT is why I am worked up over this.


I had started looking forward to Cata. This might be what makes me quit though. I have the same character names that I had since 2004 (made the same characters again in 2019). Now I’m forced to rename all of them. Also, we had just expanded the guild bank to have the last two tabs yesterday. 7500g in the trash (plus the 2000 we had already put into it). This is such a stupid move.


I mean, I am losing my ability to play permanent wrath classic servers. That is why I am so worked up. Bugs the heck out of me.
I jope you get your guild status back. And I hope I get permanent wrath classic server options.


You’re opening free transfers from Yojamba to Remulos after you already opened free transfers OFF Remulos because it was dying? What on earth?

I really truly don’t want to walk away from WoW but the years and years of apathy and crickets towards this issue make it so hard to stay. Every survey I have begged for some attention to be given to server health, especially for OCE. You drag your feet until after the fact… Remulos is already dead. You opened server transfers (without a word) and that was the end. Some people transferred, some just gave up and quit because they don’t ever want to play on a PVP server. You had years of opportunity to keep those players from leaving… complete radio silence. And now you’ll just let Remulos languish for another year or two until you finally officially close it.

My drive to play Cataclysm again isn’t going to outweigh how much I despise the PVP ruleset. I don’t have hours and hours to play - I want to be able to log on after work and relax. Salt in the wound is devs scratching their heads about how they can give PVPers a server where they can actually PVP – but you don’t care about OCE PVE players who chose PVE for a reason and who are now stuck choosing between a dead server, a PVP server, or quitting.

I already cancelled my subs weeks ago but was desperately hoping for an announcement that would mean I could keep playing PVE, so I could renew. After 19 years, I think this is finally the point where I move on. This sucks. Your realm management sucks. Your communication sucks.


I’m with you in wanting to stay in Wrath. I was planning on keeping all of my characters in Outland and Northrend anyway. Being told my blood elves and death knights not only have to lose Wrath and the old world, but also have to lose their guild? That’s just salt in the wound.

Blizzard is making it very, very hard to justify spending anymore time in Classic.
Edit: And yes, I know the fact I have to justify spending time there is a very bad sign.