Free Character Moves Extension Request Thread

My thing is coming from herod was there was no end date in the original post to transfer to earthfury. There was a second blue post that a lot of people were not aware of stating that there was an end date.


I agree! Another transfer wave to all the low pop servers. All these people on full pop realms have no idea what phase 2 will bring ( higher ques + and even less chance to tag mobs in game ). Need more transfers!

The biggest issue was more so the transfer to a brand new server. Many wanted to wait and see if that server was going to be a ghost town. Then once you get a feel of that some are coordinating groups of people with varied schedules.

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I’ll say it again as I’ve said in multiple threads, the transfers to Earthfury/Heartseeker/Arcanite Reaper (and maybe include some others like Anathema and Netherwind) need to actually stay open longer than 5 days.

Blizzard, just, okay, listen. Leave the transfers open for a solid 3 weeks, if not a full month. Give people time to plan moves, give guilds time to organize moves, it isn’t something that is easily done in a short time frame. The short time frame only works for very small groups or solo players. This is the second time in a row you’ve prematurely ended the transfer windows.

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Some of us don’t spend our spare time reading articles, watching videos, reading reddit, joining discords, etc. We login at night when we get home from work, stare at the login queue (grab some dinner, etc. while we wait), and see the notifications that said “Free character migration is available for this realm…” There was plenty of room there to add (until 9/16/2019 at 1:00pm Pacific), but they chose not to, instead burying it here (plus looking at sites such as wowhead, etc. the cut off date wasn’t listed in the posts that pop up when I google them).

But as we have said, sure the info was available, we didn’t go out of our ways to search for it (one would have “ASSUMED” (yes assume is a terrible thing to do) they would have been kept open until there were NO MORE QUEUES), so it’s our faults. But opening them back up hurts NO ONE (well maybe Blizzard’s bottom line if they plan to open paid transfers later this week). So I don’t understand what your argument is other than “haha too bad for you suckers!”


So, aside from what blizzard posted, The majority of people should have:

  1. been reading articles about wow classic,
  2. Watch youtube videos regarding transfers
  3. subscribe to r/classicwow
  4. joined discord
  5. listen to people talking on the server

That is not exactly defending blizzard, you’re pointing out how other people needed to broadcast something that blizzard itself was too discrete about. Nothing in your bullet points was something that blizzard actually communicated to the players.

You should add a few more bullet points…

  • My guild motd said it

  • There was a guy shouting in STV about it

  • My mom told me

  • I listen to the radio and they mentioned it


We had just finished deciding ourselves about moving. Weighing the economics and population on the new server. Hunting down people that didn’t play often. Polling the crowd so no one would be left behind. By the time we had a decision it was over.

I was beginning to wonder if it stopped because of the hemorrhaging of the Alliance players that created further faction imbalance on Stalagg. Unfortunately, this means we’re stuck on a 70/30 server with terrible night time queues which will just result in more players quitting the game.

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What happens if the destination realm fills up after 1 or 2 weeks and they need to end the transfers early so the server doesn’t become too full?

I think it helps to do these transfers in more limited periods of time so there’s less of a chance that they cut off transfers before the announced deadline. Furthermore, it lets Blizzard fine-tune transfers every weekend for the realms that need it the most.

Different situations. If some of the realms started to fill up (hit 80% or some arbitrary number) then Blizzard could have started communicating this out (preferably via the launcher or queue message) and letting people know that they would be shutting down these specific transfers on X date. But based on the realm population data I have seen, none of the servers that were opened for transfer are anywhere near in danger of that.

That’s not going to happen, lol. I could say with 100% certainty that even a full month of transfer availability isn’t going to cause these servers to hit full capacity. What it will do, however, is actually get some people to take the transfers instead of being afraid of making that jump with such a short window.

Also there is no “filling up” of the realms. Go look at Faerlina and Herod etc. that have population figures of 80k+. Pretty sure Faerlina is over 100k. You could still have the transfers going, there is no hard ceiling, it would just cause the current low-medium pops to start having queues as well, but those queues would be pretty tame most likely and the end result is the queues on the megaservers get smaller.

It would be better to have every realm be as even as possible. If they all manage to hit full status, it means the queues overall are going to be massively reduced to playable levels for just about everyone.

“Announced cutoff”, they did a really really poor job of announcing considering the amount of people that had zero idea there was an end date for these transfers at all.

Now if we can just get a blue post on this!

Full capacity for phase 2 when layering has been removed?

Anything hitting Medium already has more players than full realms back in Vanilla.

Yeah, no. There was a definite timeline and they gave everybody a week or more to make a decision. Blizzard does some things I do not agree with but this was not one of them.


Well, it was in the free transfer announcement thread…


All’s I’m saying is that if you paid the most minimal amount of attention, you would have known about it. I didn’t actively search for articles, but I have an Android, and had articles pushed to my notifications about it.

I’m clearly barking up the wrong tree here, though.

I am a little puzzled by this post. Didn’t blizz already say that a LOW/medium POP server now is like 4x the population of vanilla server? and a full server is like 10x the population

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Well who is hurt by them re-opening it? The people who want to move will move. The people who dont wont. The people on sleram/herod will not notice the players gone exept for queue tkmes will go down, and earthfury will be more populated. Seems like a win-win.


They’ll probably open free transfers again this weekend.

As long as there are really imbalanced realm populations, I don’t see why they’d completely discontinue doing them. They’re probably doing them in limited periods of time so they can fine-tune the transfers and the destination realms don’t get too full.

What makes you think this? Just curious