Forums are NOT an airport

Classic, but that clip cut off one of the best lines ever.

Negativity is fine. The guys at blizzard are big kids and can handle some negative feedback.

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No this is every day now from this one. Sometimes more than once a day.

Not a single topic that I’ve seen so far that wasn’t trolling (designed to stir up an argument here), and a throwaway account to do it no less just in the past week.


Oh god no… Airport bars are ridiculously overpriced. The price a few drinks… you could have bought all the ingredients yourself.


Right now there’s lots of issues going on with this game that I don’t like which is such a shame given how passionate I am about the story,

We got the scummy game time changes, and the fact that there is literally nothing to do the fact that people are saying that 9.1 might not even be out until August, that’s terrible!!

I mean yeah I get there is the whole covid thing going on around the world still, but I am worried if this becomes a regular thing of 6+ months each time before any regular content updates, that is a bit of a worry.

What’s even more concerning is that if 9.1 doesn’t even release until August, the problem with that is that you then have no more then 4-6 months to then release a 9.2 patch, and that would be a big worry as the last expansion we had with only .2 patches was basically WoD, and that expansion was probably the most hated by the community tbh.

Are we only going to end up with a 9.2 and then straight into the expansion after?

I mean I try to think that this all just due to the whole covid thing, but I don’t know…

Alright everyone, drop your “I quit” posts here just to spite the guy.

I quit quitting!


GD doesn’t micromanage topics of discussion. As long as it is in regard to World of Warcraft, that’s perfectly fine. Given how many people make posts on ridiculous non-WoW topics I think someone coming on to say good bye to a game they have loved and saying why is absolutely fine.

Here are your options:

Don’t click on them
Or open them and Mute them

The latter works fine and you never have to see it again. In the meantime, how about you consider that ‘freedom of speech’ thing and move on.

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Derailing threads is against forum rules.

Au contraire, mon ami.
The outrage is all too real.


Yep, too bad that would be on topic.


Excuse you, there is not a single Cinnabon in Oribos.


Why am I here?

Because I can! 2ndly, just because I don’t like the game in it’s current state does not mean I want the game to fail. I want Blizzard to realize what dumpster fire they’ve created, I want them to fix it. But at this point, I don’t know if A) they can or B) care to.

My question to you is, “What is it about WoW, in its current state, that you like?”

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You are wrong
You are using that “rule” against people who don’t agree with you.


Ah yes, your legitimate feedback. “Oh please please can’t you please let me give you more money.”

I think WoW is in one of the best places it’s ever been in. Shadowlands is a very fun expansion and the dungeons/raid is top notch. Covenants are super fun and there’s a lot to look forward to in future patches. I’m very excited for new content as I’ve already gotten KSM and I’m working on my gladiator status. I think most of the post claiming wow is “dead” or “boring” don’t bother to play the game and only want to be spoon-fed. You need to put the effort in to get the most out of this game. Just like it should be!

Oh yea and let me direct you to your own post:

Making threads about telling people to stop making threads you don’t like sure sounds like trying to be an moderator or MVP and doing some free simping.


Hot Take: The forums ARE an airport.

All I read there was a lot of tripe.

I asked “What do you like about Wow?” Not “How much can you spit shine Blizzards behind while looking like a gigantic tool?”

What you posted literally tells me nothing.

But to sum up why I dislike the game in it’s current state:

  1. Need to farm Renown to even see the meat and potatoes of the Covenant story.
  2. Need to farm Anima to get any of the cosmetics the Covenant has to offer.
  3. Need to farm Soul Ash to create and maybe empower our legendaries?
  4. Need to find Soul Conduits to empower our character.

I mean, all on their own, it would not be so freaking bad. But all of them, together? That sounds like a list of chores. And if I wanted to do chores, I would not be in WoW playing the game, but rather doing my part to keep my house clean. That’s the best analogy I could come up with.