Forums are NOT an airport

I did that.
I left Shadowlands but sometimes resub for events (like now).
So is not impossible but I do have to admit… most people who are like “I unsubed for X that I didn’t like” are just doing it for the drama. But some do bring good points… like how tedious the game has become and how little rewarding it is for casuals.

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That’s not a reason to stop feedback for more LGBT representation.

An airport Wendy’s or a real one?

By making this post, you are also not discussing anything meaningful related to the game.


The game is less tedious now than it was the last two expansions because the daily chores have been removed.

As for rewarding casuals, they added an easy-to-get set of gear on par with the Normal raid set.

If any of the complaints actually made sense, maybe it would be different. But most of the bellyaching flies in the face of the actual facts.

Hello welcome to Oribos…all trans and outerdimensional entities must have a passport…yes even Cthulhu… and remember, Maw rats are legally classified as Chihuahuas and must therefore be crated at all times.

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You guys are giving the impression of doing it to troll.
You present the post with a okayish idea but your defense on the topic is “if you don’t like you are an ist-ism”
So you only make people here hate more and more that topic, because of low-IQ people who act bad on behalf of another community they don’t belong to.


early sunday thread… oh the joy.

Can’t really complain about people doing what GM’s are telling them to do. People are directed to the forums…

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Yes they are and it’s okay to make a post with informative reasons for leaving the game. It’s not okay to make forum post about leaving because you’re mad at the bonus of the CEO or other silly reasons. It cloggs the forum with legitimate feedback from players who have real reasons for leaving with feedback to help Blizzard. Most of the quitting posts or outrage posts are just those trolling and it’s getting out of hand.

I would rather read complaining posts about quitting the game (which actually say what WoW features the player dislikes) than read posts about “representation” for somebody’s pet cause.

The forums is not here to promote your pet cause.


That just comes down to opinion. The reasons people give, while they may be ridiculous to you, is legitimate to them. :woman_shrugging:


Remain seated please; permanecer sentados por favor


Everyone has a legitimate right to say what is in their minds as long as they follow the rules.

If you don’t like a particular thread you are free to close it/ignore it.


I identify as an A64 Apache Attack Helicopter and i will land where i want tyvm.


Let’s give free helicopter rides to spread the acceptance of our people!!!


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Rough translation:

“Please discuss the good points of the game, I am tired of all these debby downers.”

Which translates to a good instruction set to make the forums become a ghost town, because at this point, there’s hardly anything good about Retail, unless we’re talking about what made WoW great in the past.

I never thought that I would become a hater, but Shadowlands is just that awful IMO. I mean, I have hope, how little that is, that future patches will help fix the issues. But I can’t see it.


Why are you here if you think the game has no good points to talk about? There’s plenty of other games out there if you think WoW has nothing good to talk about. Negativity needs to be checked.

Stop saying things I don’t like everybody!

Only say the things that are good and I agree with!

If it were an airport I’d be in the bar sipping a meh airport cocktail.