Forums are NOT an airport

Here we go again with trying to derail the thread. You’re comparing two different threads on two different topics. Please go troll somewhere else. If you can’t refrain from keeping this thread on topic you need to not reply.

Mmm Cinnabon. You’re so cute, I’m stealing you!

To be fair you are coming off very “bossy” throughout the thread.
It’s not your job to police the forums.
Ppl are allowed to leave feedback you may not agree with.


And you need not make threads telling people not to make threads you don’t like.


It sounds like you don’t like mmorpg grinds. Reputation grinds are a big portion of rpgs. It sounds more like you’d enjoy games like fortnight or other instant gratification games. If you dislike having to progress a character there grinding than MMORPGs are not for you.

Blizzard tells people who cancelled their subscription to come here to give feedback on why they’re quitting.
So, yeah, suck it up.


I want to get away! I wanna flyyyyyy away! YEAH!

At least you’ve stuck a decent song in my head for the rest of the day.

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You do realize you can not click on the posts that may possibly offend you correct? Just keep on scrolling.

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Marigolds! Get your marigold seeds here!
Tulip seeds, get your tulip seeds here!
Hops! Get your Hops seeds here before I brew em up and drink the stock!



But we don’t allow logical thinking around here.


People are BORED and have NOTHING ELSE to talk about since this expansion SUCKS. How on earth is this your favorite game? It’s awful

20 nuggets 3 baconators 2lg fries and a diet coke

Have we figured if the OP is Ralph yet?

I want one of these for oribus


I find it outrages how you must have international ticket to even buy something at duty free. Like, cmon. Let me buy a box of malboros here instead of going to 7/11. Jeez

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You meet the weirdest ppl in airport bars.

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Your post sounds like fake outrage. Get over yourself.


Blizzard tell people to come here when they cancel.

You try tell people what to do. You not in charge.

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There is a little wheel on your mouse- use it to scroll past topics you are not interested in and click on ones you ARE interested in. I only see one or two “I Quit!” topics every now and then and if just seeing them bothers anyone so much, then the people posting those topics are not the ones who have a problem.

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