Forums are NOT an airport

Every other post on this thread is about players quitting or leaving because of silly reasons. It’s getting tiring to come to the forums to discuss my favorite game and instead it’s just all fake outrage and quitting threads. This forum is to discuss World of Warcraft. Not you quitting the game and not you getting upset over everything Blizzard does.

The forums is not here to promote your departure from the game because of xyz. It’s not an airport and never has been. Let’s discuss about the next patch content, anything about what happens inside the game, but let’s not discuss about the CEO’s bonus or Blizzard changing their pricing. This isn’t the forums for that. That’s why Blizzard has a customer service email to send them a message with your complaints.

Please focus on the in-game aspects of this forum. I make posts about adding more representation into the game through customization options (especially LGBT+) but it gets flagged/overshadowed because I’m not interested in hating on everything Blizzard does. Please keep these forums clean and on-topic.


Of course forums aren’t an airport.

Airports have people entering as well.


The forums are not an airport.

You’re thinking of Oribos.


Everyone please remove your shoes and form an orderly line at the gate please. Empty your pockets of all metallic items. Wait is that a sword??


Sometimes when you unsub they do a brief survey and it says to post here if the little comment box isn’t enough for your feedback.

Pretty sure that’s not what that would be for.


Oribos is not an airport.

But it sure feels like one.

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Literally is. Blizzard sends people here in their exit surveys or whatever.


No, they’re not an airport but they are a bus terminal on the seedy side of town.


Or, you could just not read them and you’d be less tired –

See problem solved.


The forums of a game is exactly where you go to voice your discontent with a company / game. That’s their primary purpose. If you’re seeing a lot of post about the game going down hill… maybe the game is actually going down hill.


It’s like an airport where everyone can take turns being the TSA by flagging posts!


Just because you feel that the reasons given are “silly” they are however important. Some of the reasons given… there is no logical way of addressing the issue to fix it… other reasons however… there are logical ways of addressing the issue to either retain or bring back the player.

Except Blizzard directed the players quitting to post on the General Discussion forum if they choose to about why they are quitting.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Oribos is an airport… Just saying.

If you wish to be in an environment of “blizz does nothing wrong, we totally arent down 11 MILLION PLAYERS and everything is A-OKAY” try the comment section of talestin and evitel, they have the rear-kissing content you crave!


I’m not sure, but I think when a player unsubscribes…

Blizzard sends them to the forum.

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A forums main purpose is not to complain no.

Except, writing about quitting WoW IS discussing World of Warcraft.

Pretty sure it gets flagged because of the LGBT+ part, not the lack of hating Blizzard. Of course, flagging your posts for that reason is just as wrong, but you shouldn’t be so ingenuous as to claim it’s for not hating Blizz.

If you want to discuss the next patch content, make a thread that does so. Ignore the threads that don’t conform to your idea of what the forums are for.


PS OP: As a gay transman I wish the lgbt threads on these forums would stop because they only invite hateful people to act out and it’s really tiring. Please stop.