Forum System needs change: Forum ID system

ID : Wariya
Designation: Wow forums
Quotes: Rage is good , Be mad or get mad
Notes: Horde sucks

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They learned it was a bad idea which is why every other Blizzard forum uses it?

Unless you are confusing it with RealID on the forums that they suggested years ago, dunno why people continue to confuse the two but they are entirely different.

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They didn’t. That’s why Btag is used on every other Blizzard game.


BTag is not Real-ID


I know it’s not… the person I replied to acted like it was.

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My bad! Lol

Funny. It looks to me how all other forums work.

I got that fixed!! -very proud-


You are the real MVP.

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I vote for a single username per account. And the ability to download your own avatar and signature.

Like I have done on every other message board I have been on.

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I don’t think they are ever going to do that. Then they would have to approve/reject all the images. Way too much opportunity for abuse and it would create more work for Mods.

At least on WoW we can select a char and mog it to something we like.

Forum signatures would slap. Just limit it to text so people can’t get weird and boom. We used to have them here no? Vaguely recall such.

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you know you really need to read the CoC before you claim it doesn’t violate anything at all

Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

Gurl y’all already tried to report it last night and mods restored it this morning so here we are.

Moving on :relieved:

Would be cool if instead of a designated character to appear along with our BTag, we could pick any of the spell icons from the game for our images too.

yes and that is their right to restore it if they want.

it wasn’t false flagged though.

what? the current system does that fine, yours will increase harassment carrying over into the game.

How can someone harass you with your battletag? It gives them access to nothing unless you accept a friend request.


Or maybe the fact this post and other post don’t actually read the same at all and the intent isn’t to repost but rather to open the conversation since most of the community can’t be bothered to read any forum outside of General most of the time that the principle of the rule doesn’t apply :slight_smile:

You could, in fact, simply he incorrect :slight_smile:

Gonna ignore you because you’re just here to be against the idea, in a way that is materially false (eg your false statements about the other forums yesterday) or antagonist (eg your current posturing)

So goodbye :relieved:

If they let us pick any spell icon to use for the forums I’d go with one of the Warlock Spells icons.

Maybe Demon Bolt’s icon.

Yes! I had a misconception about it, but definitely the idea of all Alts being visible would be a no-go.

how can they harass you if you post on a trial character - it gives no one anything.