Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

it wasnt a singlular post, it was on a topic where people tried to tell blizz
something was wrong and they did a mass prune over it. im sure mods
shadow delete all the time and just dont watch the forums when a call comes in.

I get that you’ve decided what reality you wish to live in, and no amount of information about how things actually work will change that.


i mean
 i was actually there when it happened. so why are you talking to
me as if i wasn’t there when they poofed all the posts?
you always wanna argue with me and be condescending lol.
just dont talk to me if ur gonna do all that please and ty.


No, it wouldn’t be practical for Blizzard to actively monitor the forums. They rely on players to flag topics and posts that don’t adhere to the Code of Conduct.


That ‘just ignore me’ schtick works both ways. If you don’t like the way someone interacts with you, you have the power to stop it yourself.

You only see your own flags. You won’t know anybody else has flagged a post unless and until it is buried.


see this was my understanding, otherwise I can’t really see why blizzard would have provided users with the means to flag a post if blizzard was already going to do that without intervention/assistance from the community. but i have (had?) nothing to go on besides my intuition as to how a system like this really functions behind the scenes.

so the topic i was in when all the post got removed w/o any notifs meant what?

it sounds like it could mean that one flag doesn’t hide the post, but one flag is all that’s required to ‘ping’ mods to check the post and validate it’s compliance - or lack thereof - with the CoC


Common sense says that the removed posts had been flagged, but not so much that they were buried prior to removal.

Another possibility (and knowing Vrak, it’s likely, even), so many posts were flagged that he just scrolled through removing anything he saw, whether it was flagged or not, that was worthy of deletion.

Understand, though, that Vrakthris isn’t a moderator, he’s a support forum agent. Moderating outside of the support forums isn’t in his job description. That he did was largely because certain people kept going to the CS forum to complain.


well my point was there was no notifications.
if 1 report = 1 delete, the user should know why it was removed.
im under the impression 1 report does nothing lol.

and the 2nd possibility i literally just said,

so yes, some posts get shadow deleted. ty for reconfirming it at least

they just went down the line and removed it and idk if vrak did it, it was on classic forums
he didnt even post on it. just kinda rude to tell someone its “in ur head” when it wasnt.

Good, then nothing need change.

And there wouldn’t be, unless a penalty was applied. If you had a non-constructive post removed because a moderator happened to see it, and it didn’t otherwise fall afoul of the CoC.

You are free to believe whatever you like. Just because you believe a thing doesn’t make it true, though.


so to clarify, the mods can delete posts even if no one reported it?

Why would you think they couldn’t? Isn’t it their job to remove posts that are counter to the CoC? Did you believe that a post needed to be flagged before they could remove it?

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then was told that doesnt happen so


Blizzard does remove posts without anyone reporting it, could be for any reason. If you report someone 1-2 times, they do not get a mod notice, no one knows if you were fully reported until the 3rd report. The only time they’ll cut posts if it’s in a Blue made topic and it gets messy and they clean up instead of locking their own topic. No, you do not have to reported and/or flagged for your post to be removed. Yes, mods do scan the forums without waiting for reports. It’s pulling teeth to get proper responses here because some here have to be right even when they are dead wrong.

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Is this projection? This feels like projection.


idk i was there when it happened so idk what that whole crap was abt lol
i just wanted a clarifcation but i think we all meant the same thing?
one does get tired of the aggression here from the same folks lol