Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Yeah… I’m not seeing any evidence of this. Could you supply any? Or is this just from your imagination?

Thanks friend! :blush:


its been off the rails for days lol. btags and other stuff relating
just won’t go away so wont be too surprised if this topic get knicked
its just not as bad as the other topics atm but the accusations and other nonsense still crops up lol.

Close enough.


You do know they’re not going to supply with any evidence to back up their theories. They’re taking everything out of context, ignoring sourced post, especially if from Blizzard themselves.

Like, honestly, it feels like moderation just allows certain people to troll while those who aren’t trolling get targetted as trolling. We do the right thing by reporting the post, and yet, nothing happens. Just feels a lot like double standards.


You are not moderation.

You cannot police what can or cannot be posted on this forum because you don’t agree with moderations previous decisions to close older threads.

Take your own advice and mute this topic if it upsets you that much, moaning that I’m allowed to have my post isn’t going to do you or this community any favors.


Give them enough rope as they say. At some point they will trip up. Gotta play the long game.


So you admit to following him and reporting his threads and posts instead of ignoring and muting like you tell everyone else to do. Sounds like harassment.
Also what does this mean?


This post wasn’t made just to be a slapping contest against specific users or their ideas.

It is to discuss forum change and if wiping it is going to do anything.

So far you’ve convinced me that without more controls it wouldn’t do much of anything unless our identities became randomized or changed.

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I dunno, you figure it out… you seem to have all the answers.

Context: Wants anonymous posting, also wants to identify everybody who flags anything for any reason.

So… yet another unserious non-starter of a suggestion.


C’mon, man, everybody knows you never believed it would.


For what it’s worth, my experience has been that I don’t think wiping would do much. I don’t recall anything major changing when this new forum came up back in…what? 2019 i think it was.

I don’t think randomizing or adding anonymity changes things for the better. being able to identify who you’re engaging with builds community.


it’s so weird how you can’t just…respond without round abt responses like this.
its just feels like a set up so ppl can just get reported bc u wont reply lol.

what do u mean? posts get deleted.
or do u mean bans?


You aren’t on the moderation team. Just because you deem something as trolling doesn’t mean it is. Blizzard is the judge, jury, and executioner here.


Which is a fair point.

Some potential good could come of it if Blizzard introduced some new forum controls, though it would have to be accurate in what it sees as negative or non-constructive depending on context.

Lots of what ifs to consider if controls are looked at seriously.

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do we know that blizzard will remove posts without them being flagged? i legit don’t know, so I’m not asking a rhetorical. I’ve always looked at the flagging policy as blizzard acknowledging the community’s ability to, in some part at least, police itself.


It is. He’s been bugging me since the last 2 topics about this, kinda weird. Same odd tactic too.


they do. in my experience when wrath classic rdf was broken and blizz
tried to gaslit us about it, a whole bunch of posts vanished. i saw no flags
so they do a clean up w/o a notice as well.


If a post only gets flagged by 1 user, you (as another non-mod user) have no way of telling that, and it still goes into the moderation queue to be looked at. You not seeing any post get flagged enough to be hidden, does not mean posts weren’t getting flagged.

If a thread is going off the rails, sometimes they will clean up “orphaned” posts, where people were replying to now mod deleted comments, just so the thread makes more sense, and it doesn’t look like someone’s talking to themself.


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