Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Par the course for them really.

1 report is all it takes for it to pend review by the moderation. Though we won’t know if anything will happen unless action gets taken against our own post, such as a post removal notification. We won’t know anything about other people though, and I think that is all within good reason too.

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Same, no anonymous reporting. Show who reported what!

you mean to see who reported our posts? i would love to see who reported my stuff
so i can know who my fans are lol. don’t be shy now. why did ol moondoggie say to make ppl upset this time!

and tbh, the only reports ive gotten in the past 2yrs are this and forum related topic posts lol

No, with what decisions are taken against people if we flag the person.

Honestly, I don’t. I could see this being something where people can use to turn against people, and cause more drama than there already is. Though this is my own opinion.

I get a lot of post flagged every single day, mostly from my thread in relation to BattleTags. Despite the thread being unlisted for over a year, I still get post flagged in that. And not sure as to reasoning why people are still flaqging post in that thread despite it being locked and unlisted for over a year.

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Yeah for sure. People can be pretty wild around here and they will view it as a personal attack when it’s not.

“Oh, you reported my post? Let me get revenge by reporting all of yours.”

Plus, that will make people think twice about reporting abusive behavior because they might become a target themselves.

It may make people think twice about false reporting, but it will do way more harm than good. Besides, our reports aren’t as powerful as people seem to think.

We report things we think are inappropriate. At worst, it gets hidden if a GROUP of people agree. That doesn’t mean it’s going to get removed because, ultimately, it’s up to the mod’s view of it. If they think it’s a problem, they’ll delete it.

If not, they won’t. But people love to blame others for their own actions so :dracthyr_shrug:


That is one example, and more than a possibility too. I think it is better we don’t see who flagged our post, and leave that only for moderation to see.


i’d like to know who is “we” because i wish i could honestly think
people are reporting because it’s something truly just bad, and not
because someone said the color yellow is better than orange or w/e.

This is a fact though.

Quick question. What does deleting a reported post do? Does this make sure the mod’s don’t see it? He said something of a threat to the OP and now he deleted it.

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Yet you’ve indirectly announced that you’ve done that anyway in context to this post.

Not really practicing what you preach or doing the sensible thing of muting or staying out of a thread that clearly upsets you.


The only possible reason that info would be useful is if you want to brigade and harass the people you feel are ‘unjustly’ flagging you, even if it is objectively warranted.


They can see what they deleted.

As one of them mentioned before.

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It doesn’t have to be bad. Vrak has said before that if we think someone is breaking the CoC that we should flag it and leave it up to them to decide.

People can get flagged for many different reasons and I don’t think there’s a lot of people who don’t get flagged. Technically, spam is against the CoC so if someone thinks a comment is spam, they can flag it.

The problem is that people always jump to it being personal. “I did nothing wrong, people are just reporting me because they don’t like me or my opinion.”

Not saying that doesn’t happen because I’m sure it does, but I’m also confident that the majority of people flag things because they truly believe it violates the CoC, is trolling or is trying to cause problems, especially if that person has a bad reputation for doing just that.

I get flagged all the time. Sometimes my stuff is removed, sometimes it’s not. It’s really not that big of a deal and I don’t care who is doing it. I accept that some people think I did something wrong :dracthyr_shrug:

It’s not like you get banned for having a couple posts deleted. Plus, some posts get deleted simply because they’re replies to a post that got deleted. It’s really not as deep as people are trying to make it out to be.

If someone truly believes they are being targeted, they need to reach out to a mod or to Blizzard and explain things. Most of the time, though, like I already said, people take it personally when it’s not.

People thinking you said something wrong is not a personal attack.


“It’s not as deep as people are making it out to be.” Then proceeds to make a whole list of what needs to be changed on the forums.

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Say it again louder for the people in the back.


Oh pretty much. They’re against people flagging them and want people punished for doing the right thing in flagging post if they feel it does violate the Code of Conduct.


It’s pretty telling that certain posters will go on a tirade about ‘false flagging’ right after they’ve had some posts deleted.


If anything, they should be mad at the mods because they’re the ones who made the decision to delete it, not us :dracthyr_shrug:

But they can’t do that without getting in trouble so they settle for us instead.


It’s almost like they have an overdeveloped sense of vengeance.