Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

You are ignoring the very example I cited as a hypothetical in this very thread about this very suggestion.

I guarantee you, were this implemented and someone decided to report someone calling a trans person a seven-letter word for one who does something untoward with children, that person will feel empowered to take that further.

Want to know how I know? They do it anyway without this!


i didn’t ignore it, i just don’t view it as relevant.

Well they’re back to ignoring literal facts and anything else that makes them look bad

As usual, forum wipe is pointless and the only people who want it seem to be people who want to avoid any responsibility for their actions


Well, I’m here to tell you, it will happen if implemented, and any aftermath of that would rightly be on those who advocated for this feature if so.


You mean the Nuh Uh argument?


You gotta be confidently incorrect to say the literally mods of the forums aren’t relevant when they’re talking about the thing you’re talking about


as far as i’m concerned you don’t have any evidence of this phenomena, so i don’t believe that it is a hypothetical that needs to be considered.

you said yourself that your example is purely a hypothetical, did you not?

I mean the majority of posters in here would probably say the same thing about just about everything you post…politely, of course.


So… nuh uh?

Uh… nuh?


I’ve seen open harassment in these forums in the past. Considering you have a boosted 70 and expensive game-license exclusive items, I hazard that you are hardly a new person, but rather a new account for a veteran of the game.

This has happened, with open harassment of LGBTQ+ people on the forums in posts and responses to flags took a long time. Many of us in this thread can personally speak to those events.

I can say with near absolute certainty, were there a way to see who was reporting such posts, the people flagging them yet not participating in the talking would find themselves the target of harassment as well.


Hey remember when a certain blue poster also called out a certain someone for just constantly posting the same thing and ignoring anyones comments on the topic and just kept repeating their lines, ensuring their was no actual discussion happening?

Gee, its like history repeating itself


So what? You want a blue to come out and say it?

Oh but then you’ll “NUH UH” that too.

Well yeah. They are doing this purely to get threads derailed.


im getting confused about the gif thing.
what was vrak targeting by when he said that gifs were off topic in discussions?

Low tier trash troll.

Gawd, that sounds stupid…

I want to report those that flagged my post, so I want their names. Fine, your name will show up and I’ll flag your post for flagging, and so on…

Also It’s a good way to detect someone using alts, weren’t you guys having a grand hissyfit about revealing your alts publicly?


There’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t make sense at this point.

At this point it’s arguing for the sake of arguing and it’s just tiring.

If people want forum changes then fine but just making stupid damn suggestions just to be posting them is not productive.


I really think some of these people, have short term memory issues about what they said previously…

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I ain’t getting into any of that.

It’s essentially an argument of “here are 4 or 5 halfway decent suggestions” so they flood it with a bunch of non sense suggestions that we all know won’t be put in purely to get people riled up and arguing.

Then go “nuh uh” to really cement in it.


I really don’t think they care.
They will just say anything to keep this going no matter how nonsensical.


If you want the full citation on what that means, using alts to flag a post. For example, me using all my alts to flag your post I’m replying too, just for an example. That is abusing the Reported Post Feature.

This has been stated several times, I’ve even linked some here.

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