Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Sorry to side track a bit, but does anyone know how reporting works?

Me and my friends have a bit on an Issue with our friends who… um… lost his account way back in the day and was given a link account… to play. However we notice he had his account back like 2 years prior… so we been told our friend that he should return to his account, but… anyway he refuses “because he won’t lost all the transmog and achievement”.
We haven’t hear of the generous owner for some time now… and we worry that his account might get in trouble because our “friend” has literally take the link account as his own… (not really sure how that works)

Point is I found out that he should not be doing that… as last effort I try to report the incident… but he is still playing it.

So my question is:

  • Is he (The friends who borrow the link account) really entitle to keep using that account as his own after the owners inactivity since he has paid for sub, transmog and other stuff like he told us when we confronted him about it? (The owner is a really nice guy that’s why we worry even when his inactive, to share his account so we could play together the dude was gold, I hope he comes back)
  • Maybe when support told me I was not suppose to do that, (I was going to link my account with my brother but ask support first if this was ok, just to be sure since our friend kept promoting it as the best way to play sharing achievements and transmogs)
    So maybe I’m wrong and its not a big deal, to report it… we haven’t gotten hold of the owner so we try to talk and persuade him to stop only to be disregarded and mock that Blizz won’t do anything?

Anyway I already reported it a few times recently, so I don’t plan to keep at it, I guess its the owners responsibility like my other friends says, but he keeps playing… and me and my friends feel a bit uncomfortable at this point… seeing the name of the owner, yet is not him…etc. My brother even stop playing with him unless the rest of us are in the group… it’s gotten that tense between the group of friends.

But then I read people get lock and or ban for mass reporting (who would want to do that, insist one of few reports enough to determine if a ban is applicable?!)… I get confuse and wonder how reports are work. Are they worked individually, automated…??

You’re going to get better answers to that in CS.


Ok thank you I… will copy past it there then.


Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages

About 2/3 down the page.

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Okay. You cannot gift an established account to someone else. Falls under account sharing. Also, I have seen many time some one bought an account and later down the road, the owner reclaims it, saying it was stolen or hijacked.

In game, mass reporting. all it does is cause the account to be squelched, forcing a GM to look at it. Ignore the chuckleheads that claim otherwise. There isn’t auto ban from the forums or ingame, or I would have been shut down long ago.

If you really have a policy question, post on the CS forums, I’m sure a blue there will elaborate.


Letting everyone know who flagged their post is opening the door to harrassment.
That’s NOT accountablity.

Really weird take.


Blizzard takes harassment seriously, they’ll just be banned anyway so who cares?

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You don’t really care how your post doesn’t make sense, do you?


ok well here’s the issue - if people falsely flag your post, you really don’t have an option to report them, do you?

by allowing us to see who flagged each post, we would give the accused posters the opportunity to send in a report regarding false flagging.

Didn’t Vrak said?.. :point_down:

I’m not saying you’re wrong. Sourcing things is a good thing.

I’m saying there’s a bit of a discrepancy here between the rules and mods. (Or a mod, idk) Maybe the Rules at the time they were written were just outdated.

Idk, if any mod wants to come in and tell me why that is, feel free so.

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Sorry, blue said false flags arent really a thing

You guys like to quote him a lot, so its weird you ignore this part

Bonus, how would you know any of the people are the same people if you’re trying to say they’re reporting as alts?


Make alts like “Iflagu” or “lolflagged” or something.

You’re in no position to determine that your post being flagged was a ‘false flag’, so you have no point.


Who cares? No, you just don’t do it so that someone doesn’t need to be subjected to the harassment in the first place!


They whisper me in game I report em.

Let em. One less person I gotta put up with.


Of course, this is obvious to anyone here who isn’t trolling. :hugs:


false flagging is a form of harassment though and should be dealt with as such.

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First off, my thousand apologies for Vrak here for quoting him, but …

Second, again, this just sounds like it’s opening the door to harassment, basically revenge flagging. For as much your group is against harassment and “stalking”, it’s werid you’re perfectly fine with being an idea where this “looking at others who flag you” only be used to harass others.


The threat of false flagging does not outweigh the potential for harassment if you make those who flagged a post visible! It’s really that simple!


no, it’s not. people who get falsely flagged are being harassed and deserve the opportunity to put in a report against that.