Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Just about accountability.
There is a reason you are allowed to face your accusers in the law. Its not for playing tiddly winks. Its so you know who is accusing you, justly or unjustly.

Otherwise we have web forums where anyone can accuse anyone of anything falsely and there is zero accountabillity.

Im not the one who started this accountability nonsense, lol…those who dont want their flags being seen publically are.

Oh, we know they don’t. The only thing showing tho flagged a post would really do, is enable people to harass others over said flag, which is probably there because the flagged is doing what vrak told them to do (flag if you think it’s close enough to the line that a mod should check)


I’m indeed one of those people. You think I want a bigot knowing I flagged their post calling someone a seven-letter word that suggests things untoward being done to children? That’s inviting disaster and harassment.


IF I believed every flag was being made for geniune reasons and not out of petulant spite in many cases, sure…I could deny the idea that some might be somewhere else talking off site about who in here ‘needed’ to be flagged.
Since Ive seen it myself with my own eyes…I can no longer deny that its a thing.

This is a forum not a court. The worst that happens is you get banned, no one’s throwing you in jail.


Except, there is no such thing as false flagging. And people should not be punished for being wrong if they flagged someone, as Vrakthis has stated, and here, for a requote:

What is punishable though is mass flagging, in which is by switching between alts to flag down the same post over and over again.

Sorry Vrak.


People make alts like “lolflagged” or “qqflagtou” or something just to flag posts.

And yes this is Fuzz on my main. Figured I would do a swap over for now.

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Woops, this one has a political tag, lemmee find the one that doesn’t.

Apparently harder to find than I thought, so here’s a cute floof.



I don’t like the idea of trying to completely get rid of “troll” comments. Everyone’s idea of offense is different. And trolls need to exist. Part of the ecosystem lol. It sucks, but it’s better than censorship.

You choose to be on the internet. If you never wanted to read something mean, stay inside with the blinds down and unplug your router. I don’t like people being nasty, but nobody owes anyone anything.

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Reporting will now auto-initiate a duel will the person on your next login. Neither party will be able to do anything until the blood feud is settled!


Ya know it’s very sus when these people are talking about law. It’s almost like these people want to call the cops on you for disagreeing. :thinking:

These people REALLY want 4Chan airstrikes to happen on this forums, huh?


Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

To respond to your OP here before I mute this thread.

no, doesnt need wiped.
What it needs is for trolling and inappropriate to be removed as ‘violations’ as those invite abuse of the flag given they are 1000% subjective in nature…neither DEFINES anything.
the rules need to be crystal clear…as do the punishments…‘do this and that happens’.
Subjective rules are designed to be misused.

Then a better ignore and clear instructions to use those instead of abusing the flag as a downvote under penalty of punishment if it happens often enough

That would fix most of this forums problems.


The assertion is, and always has been, that if someone just had your Btag, no, they can’t harass you in-game.

If they have your character-server which is the system that we have now, as long as those are still displayed then people have no more ability to harass and stalk than they do now - as evidenced by one of the most persistent bad-faith trolls in these threads whispering someone in game to harass them about a thread that had been removed.

Who accused who doesn’t matter. All a flag does is ask that the moderators look at a post. If the post is fine, they’ll clear any flags and let it stand. If it’s not, they’ll remove it, and at that point it literally doesn’t matter who asked them to look at it, only that it did in fact go against the forum CoC or was unproductive enough to remove.



Angry dragon noises


That’s good to hear, And you are right. Laws exist to protect Victims and Innocent people from Legal wrong doings. Rules exist to help keep everyone in line.

But, we’re not discussing criminal law or even civil law. Because…

I could call the police and report someone anonymously for breaking the law. And when the Police arrive and see that you are breaking the law. I am not the Accuser. I am just the reporter.

When someone Flags your Post here. They are reporting you. Blizzard is the one who is bringing action against your account. So they would be the accuser and you can confront them if you wish, through a appeal of course.


i, in a very polite manner, explained that i do not feel comfortable posting the gif because it is a non-constructive post.

Hey they ever gonna fix the thing if you type in :middle it doesn’t bring up a rude hand gesture? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why does it also bring up this also? :point_down:



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Lol I guess since the middle is open between the two fingers? Idk

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