Does behavior warning expire?

I just got a behavior warning from SS. We both reported each other. so I’m just wondering how long a behavior warning lasts. is it something that doesn’t go away and there will be a suspension on your next warning a year or years after?

Behavior warnings are just a warning, they have no bearing on your account if you get into trouble in the future. Only account actions do!

You get warnings if some people are reporting you. If a gm see’s no violation then nothing happens and it a mute point.

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but does it expire? i know behavior warnings accumulate and eventually cause account action when there is enough. but i want to know does behavior warnings expire or not. for example. i got a behavior warning and the next time i get reported i will get silenced or suspended but how long do i have to wait for the first warning to go off. or does it ever go off?

You get a account action when a gm reviews reports and you have violated the rules. It does not happen from too many behavior warnings!

WARNINGS even too many do not cause you to get a account action!!! Violating the rules does.

You only get silenced or suspended if a gm sees that you broke the rules!


It’s more of the amount of reports in that one event that cause the warning and more to move it it. Different warnings, to my understanding, doesn’t affect one another. We have no idea on the back end of thing, and the blues here, along with GMs, ain’t bale to see it. So assuming, they expire on their own or just have a level of reports of their own.

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That isn’t how that works. A behavioral warning is just a warning that lets you know that your activity is being reported by your fellow players as a means to encourage you to look at that behavior. If you continue to receive reports then yes, we may need to step in and look into those reports but otherwise, if no other reports are received it will fade.

It isn’t something that is going to be hanging over your head for the next month, 6 months, etc…


(post deleted by author)

You’d be very wrong though.

Also to note. To have your posts hidden by flagging means more than one person is flagging your posts. I’ve flagged your posts because frankly what you have said in comments is either not helpful or grossly incorrect.

Now, is there a reason why you couldn’t make your own thread instead of commenting in one that is unrelated? This is called Hijacking, and is generally frowned upon and why your comment in this thread was flagged (at least, by me).


Several yesterday flagged your posts for the reason Nephe mentioned. At least one of your posts yesterday was not close to being correct and not very helpful. To the point of implying that if you get reported you would get a account action and that is not true!

We want others to post but when you post wrong information it is not very helpful.

I would also read the SFA’s reply to you yesterday.


Just going to pop in here. While I said your participation is welcome, as anyone is welcome to post here, we do try to help when someone has an issue/concern.

The advice of, well there isn’t anything you can do people will report you no matter what, best just turn off your chat… isn’t really constructive advice. Especially when that seems to be a standard answer for you.

It’s like saying, well people break the law so you might as well just not bother… just let it happen… That doesn’t build the kind of community we want.

Yes, people can report you for nearly any reason. However, the majority of time that simply doesn’t happen. Most of the time when we look into the complaints of “I was mass reported” there is nearly always a violation in the reported text.

Here is the reply you got from the SFA yesterday in a different thread


By the by, you can get a quote from another thread by highlighting it, wait for a small box to show up and hit the “Quote”. It’d bring the user icon/name and, in blue text like Vrak’s, along with it. Somewhat akin to Nephe’s reply.

Not so easy on my phone

In your post above, highlight Vrak’s words and then hit the quote button in the task bar. It won’t do a proper quote, but it will help it look like it’s someone else’s words.


Just going to pop in here. While I said your participation is welcome, as anyone is welcome to post here, we do try to help when someone has an issue/concern.

Not sure how to do that as i am posting on my phone and not a computer.

I’ve logged in onto my phone to help in regard:

I’ve just pressed and held onto your text until a highlight popped up and move it over. That’s where the quote came up and got that.

Okay thank you for the help will try that next time.

Behavioral warnings? This feels like a weak tie-in in order to discuss reporting, but … No, it has no impact on the forums.

No, abuse of the reporting option would be if someone is using multiple characters or accounts to report a post. Simply reporting a post because they feel it may violate forum policies isn’t abuse.

They may not be correct in their assessment, but being wrong isn’t abuse.

It is rare that someone would report a post for “no reason”. They absolutely have a reason and while you may not agree with it, that doesn’t mean they are abusing the system.

Again, abuse would be if someone used multiple characters or accounts to report a single post. It might be considered abusing the reporting system if someone were using a category like “Real Life Threat” when reporting Trolling or Harassment. However, simply reporting a post, isn’t abuse.

There is definitely time, Cooperbrew. We still have people moderating. Understand, moderation is not always black or white. If someone uses inappropriate language in a post, there is a clear violation and easily dealt with, but the category of trolling is more nebulous. Sometimes it isn’t a single post that would put a poster’s conduct into trolling but it is something seen over several posts/threads.

If a moderator only saw one of your “Disable Chat” posts, which may have been reported for trolling, they may think your advice peculiar, but not necessarily trolling. So in reviewing that report they may just reject it and restore the post. However, if they were moderating over several hours/days and noticed that you seem to jump into every thread on the same subject with that same bit of “advice”, they may agree with the folks reporting that perhaps, taken on a whole, the posts are a bit more non-constructive than originally thought.

That’s not exactly true. Looking at your posting history the majority of your posts haven’t been reported at all. It is the ones with your “disable chat” message that are.

Reporting those, isn’t considered abuse nor is it harassment.