Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

On par with as much information as btags would be for you.

I just want an enforced single account identity, with post history, trust levels, and ignores tied to that single public identifier.

We already have battletags designed to fill that role, and the only reasons i’ve seen as to why blizzard needs to re-invent the wheel have depended on 1 or more lies.


I’d venture to say that false reporting is a bigger issue. Just report people who are breaking the rules and eventually they’ll be punished if they are actually breaking the rules. Who cares what forum picture someone has? Blizzard could implement account wide ignores without letting you see btags.


Doesn’t matter what the icon is, as long as they’re locked to 1.

And again, I’m saying btags is the easiest, because they already exist, and sufficient evidence that re-inventing the wheel is necessary has not been presented.


There is no such thing as false reporting and there is no such issue as false reporting.


Some people don’t get dark humor. :rofl:

From my reading, they’ve followed Teuf here from a nasty post in the CS forums from days ago to harass them about something that’s not even against the rules, nor on the subject being discussed. That is off topic, in comparison to what others like to flaunt.


I thought “False Flagging” was when a poster flags a post they want to hide or dislike. Nothing to do with breaking the CoC. That’s one of the reasons I want the “Dislike” option back.

The mods have seemingly decided that because each person’s definition of what they consider to be “trolling” could be different, there’s no such thing as a “false flag” in that regard. If at that time your definition of trolling matches others, and at least one mod, then it’s deemed trolling and a mod takes action. If the mod decides it’s not trolling, no harm no foul on all accounts, including the flagger(s) who thought it was trolling. People who frequently have posts hidden (and sometimes but not always restored) have been the ones propagating the “false flag” narrative, simply because they’re annoyed their posts get hidden more often than others. If they aren’t breaking the CoC and posts are restored, then it shouldn’t matter, but…
The only real “false flag” I can see sticking is if the same people are flagging the same posts repeatedly even after a mod has decided it’s OK and unhid it several times, such as the OP (potentially, but we don’t know who has flagged it or how many times).

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Btags give no information .
Even if they were shown they wouldn’t do much especially once a person is ignored .

Btags are wanted to tie the various aspects of the forum together such as likes and flags (so people can not mass like their own posts and mass flag others with alts) , post counts and trust levels ( so everyone person’s characters have the same post count showing for their respective toons as well as the same trust level ) and finally the most imprtant one the ability to ignore the entire account of those we no longer wish to participate with ever.

And the thing is most of us have no problem if they just put Btags in the background where we can’t see them but the features we want are there .


It’s like you avoided my entire post so you can state the obvious. Obviously I’m aware of the CoC, I was suggesting it should be changed.

So you approve of people using alts to flag the same posts over and over, got it.

I’m a bit flabbergasted how you got something I didn’t even talk about out of what I said and then came to that conclusion


Sheesh, alt-army flagging is nuts. The only way swapping for flags even makes sense is to continue making reports on subsequent posts after flags have run out. If one were to swap and then report the same post they did on another character, that’d be self-brigading essentially.

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Doing that is also punishable by mods. I’m not really sure where they came up with me thinking it’s OK because that’s not even what I was talking about. I specifically said that if a post had been flagged and restored already by a mod, but the same people go back to flag it again repeatedly, then that could be considered false flagging. But nowhere did I talk about alt hopping to flag bomb, nor did I approve of it.

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You’re stating there is no such thing as false flagging, I take it I found something you find to be wrong with flagging.

Perhaps re-read what I said? It’s a simple explanation of what the mods do and don’t consider false flagging compared to what most seem to think it is.


That’s not what was said, or even implied in any form. How did you come to that conclusion from


No spamming please, and I didn’t say you did or didn’t talk about it. I’m pointing out you missed it when talking about there being no such thing as false flagging.

As you and others jumping on me about it, clearly find alt flagging to be a bad thing and against the rules, that kind of tosses the whole no such thing as false flagging out the window.

I don’t agree. I believe that flags are used to dislike a post when they know no COC has be broken. Also, being able to switch to alts and continue to flag post past their 5 flag daily limit is wrong. We need account wide likes and flags so flagging is not abused.