Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Now this is a genuine quality of life change they could bring to the forums. Make the formatting more phone friendly. Sometimes it’s fine, sometimes it’s completely bonkers.


Please don’t stalk people across the forums.

And good luck with that banned account.


but it would be best to have some more safety measures in place just to help the moderators have less work to do, right?

I am completely confused on what is going on between you two.

Oh yeah 100% sometimes the mobile stuff is super hard to see or it’s so big you can’t see anything else.

Sometimes the formatting doesn’t stay consistent.


I’d be inclined to share a poem or two of my own.

There once was a Dracthyr from the game
Who called to the Light for the fame

When faces change
To the widest range

The nameless army the same

A song about Visage forms


There was once… a man… from Nantucket.

Oh I better not say that one.



I can understand the earlier flags at the start but…inappropriate name?

Like…how often does a post have to be flagged before someone has to wonder if those flags are being used for other reasons than its intended?

This is getting ridiculous.


I say people can opt out of being able to ignore via btags but not out of being ignored .

laughs in Dracthyr


I’d like downvotes back too, however that functionality is not built into the Discourse forum software. Btags would be much easier (and more importantly to the bean-counters, cheaper) to implement since the framework is already there.


Could they just do two different forms of likes but one be a different picture so it “looks” like updoots and downdoots?


But people keep giving them exactly what they really want, attention. They’re not going anywhere.

Don’t worry about it. Just telling someone they shouldn’t edit people’s replies.

I’m so confused but… ok then.

It wasn’t edited it looked like but anyway. Sounds like you two figured it out. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Most people on the forum are uh lack of a good word. The word I want to use starts with s. But removing the s stuff doesn’t remove the s people from doing s things again.

several of mine were reported and restored
so who knows, one i was replying to someone else n talking to only them lol.

if folks are that against any forum ideas then maybe vrak should just come and say it. better than all the reports all day getting old.

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It would help in a way. Reason I say that is it could clarify some things but could also cause people to make a lot of threads too (if people are so inclined to do so… I know I ain’t I got that one thread about the 30 day lock feature suggestion already up… that’s enough).

Time will tell. That’s a silly reason to have something hidden though. Again, I may not like Ard all that much but I still respect the thread for what it is, the discussion at hand, and different ideas that come up.

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Especially if it’s a poster reported by the same people constantly. It’s too bad that who reports what isn’t visible.

Why? What use would that information be to you?