Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

I don’t think it will happen. Better chance to get Silvermoon neutral.

Horde could get Forest Trolls even if both sides help them with the Revantusk and Talanji meanwhile Alliance could get Broken/Krokul. Forest Trolls fighting to keep their city safe and Broken/Krokul helping the Alliance and the Horde with the Void Elves to fight the Void.


True, but the idea alone is intriguing.

Meanwhile Forest Trolls amd Broken being an allied race pair would be rather cool.


For those who are unaware, not alot of people are happy with the Darkspear heritage armor and it honestly makes me wonder about the Forest Troll heritage set. Like if Blizzard would stick to their guns on whatever they decide or take the dislike into account when designing the heritage armor for another troll race.


Saw this and just wanted to share it here, as any Amani partnership with the Blood Elves should be one that focuses on their resentment and disdain, even as they work together. For bonus points, the Revantusk can easily serve as the middle man to get them to work with one another. After all the Revantusk have an in-game reputation for diplomacy, let us see it action here by getting their Blood Elven cousins and Amani cousins working together. We could even see a neat quest chain where an Amani questions as to how a Revantusk could work with the Blood Elves and what not.

We need either the Amani ot the Revantusk in the Horde. I would love to see a grandchild of Zuljin asking to join the Horde to protect his people from a void incursion. Of course that an alliance between the Forest trolls and the blood elves would be a very difficult one but we got the Man’ari on the alliance side, so…


Let me play a super bulky troll.plzzzz


There’s a good chance we ally with at least a group of Amani in Midnight and if we can get the Winterbark in it would be a good time for a Forest Troll Allied Race.


Perhaps Stromgarde’s revival could be the catalyst for the Horde and the Witherbark to begin talks, especially since BfA showed us that that they are no longer allied with the Boulderfist clan. Though branch of the tribe in the Hinterlands being wiped out by the Forsaken could be hurdle towards this… though we are talking about the possibility of the Amani willingly, regardless of circumstances, to work with the blood elves…

I’m of the opinion that the more trolls within the Horde the better. So I’m open to the Witherbark working with the Horde.


What ya do is have a few winterbark in talks with a group of amany who either want to drive back the Void and/or fled widespread Void corruption in ZA.

I HOPE they don’t just make the Amani swear themselves to the Void and become a main enemy faction in Midnight. That would be dull and a waste.

So hopefully we get an Allied Race out of them. With how much work and options they gave the Narubians, a pure NPC race, they may rework the Amani/Forest Trolls enough to work as a full Allied Race.


Ideally we wouldn’t repeat that specific story, since holy cow, is that my definition of ‘cringe reason for X race in the faction’. The heritage quest for Draenei barely touches on it, with SOME nice nods to the Man’ari knowing they aren’t welcome yet and limiting Draenei exposure to them, but getting Amani as either troll customization or allied race would be through a lengthy and bitter story of old hatred and resentment being slowly emphasis on that overcome by the new generations, rather than some crappy prophecy, or a simple ‘we fought alongside each other in this one battle, and you saved me, I saved you, now we’re best friends and the resentment our people have is gone.’ storyline I fear Blizz is apt to use.


I agree. Its also why I wonder if Blizzard would just make the Revantusk playable, while boosting their numbers by having Amani dissidents join them.


Sharing because it honestly makes me wonder if we could see the Strom’ka’s effect in use or even have it mentioned as it was using during the Troll Wars against the Amani Empire.


You know how we have that Zeppelin to the Dragon Isles? It got wondering if we could see future Zeppelin routes, which then made me wondering if we would get one between Orgrimmar and Zul’Aman, should we have friendly Amani.


Or at least between Orgrimmar and Jintha’Alor.

Revantusk deserve to see their city in an update be actually theirs now.


Good point.

I’m now wondering if we’ll get boats connecting Revantusk Village to the Echo Isles and Zandalar.


It would be neat if Amani became playable in Midnight. We got a hint of something happening in Zul’aman in the 11.2.7 quest.

Hopefully they don’t get villan-bated and we kill them off.

We could even have the Raventusk work as a go between.


It would be. Though if playable Forest Trolls are just Amani, then I hope that we can get a “of the Revantusk” title.

I’m hoping that it’s more of a Forest Troll union, with at least the Revantusk and Amani.


are the trolls green or brown

The Raventunks would be a good go-between to help work things out.

Could even use the established NPCs.


Just wanted to share my Hinterlands revamp idea here since its centered around the Revantusk.

Text for those that don’t want to follow the link below.

As for the Hinterlands, my revamp is centered around the Revantusk tribe. Jintha’Alor is firmly established as their new capital, with Elder and Primal Torntusk in charge, while Huntsman Markhor is now in charge of Revantusk Village, which has a boat path to both the Echo Isles and Zandalar.

As we quest in Jintha’Alor, we discover that the Revantusk were in talks with the Smolderthorn and Firetree tribes, who have left the Blackrock Mountains for greener pastures. By the time we arrive the Firetree have joined the Horde and joined the Revantusk in Jintha’Alor. However the Smolderthorn, led by a living War Master Voone, are more hesitant.

From Skulk Rock, the Smolderthorn are courted by both the Horde and an unexpected Vilebranch - Witherbark alliance. After a series of events, the Vilebranch and Witherbark launch on all out attack on Jintha’Alor, as the Revantusk and Firetree defend the city. During the attack we receive word that the Smolderthorn are on the move, with both sides uncertain as to what decision Voone will make.

A cutscene will then trigger, where Voone and the Smolderthorn are revealed to have come to aid the defenders of Jintha’Alor, in the vein of Gandalf and Rohirrim saving those at Helm’s Deep.

In the aftermath, the Witherbark are revealed to have fled, while the surviving Vilebranch fought to the bitter end, a grim end to a dark tribe. As the three tribes establish Jintha’Alor as a united Forest Troll capital for those who serve the Horde, with the leaders forming a council to help govern the city.