Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

That would be badass!


Pretty good concept.


Still baffles me that elves can get UNDEAD VERSIONS of themselves, and draenei get to be literal DEMONS as customizations and yetā€¦

ā€¦we canā€™t pick forest or ice trolls as customization not even as skin color, or pick dragonmaw and shattered hand skin color for orcs, who are already in the game and makes sense.

Like??? why??? i know they have their favorites by come on, the skin colors ARE in the game, you would not need to change stuff


This questline is clear love letter to troll fans and treats them respectfully therefore it wonā€™t happen in this game.

Blizzard has a habit when it comes to screwing over the trolls, even the playable ones, and I am expecting another uninspired villain bat.

ā€œWaah, weā€™re desperate! We want out territories back! ā†’ Trolls become a threat ā†’ Quick! We need to stop them! ā†’ Trolls are put down and someone important on their side diesā€

Didnā€™t you get meno Gornur- itā€™s time for Elf tribes to reunite, not trolls. Even if it was foreshadowed back in MoP and Volā€™Jin said in SL " for the Darkspear and All the tribes!"

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Im glad this was seen. And I perfectly understand the doubt of Blizzard doing something like thisā€¦

Though Iā€™m hoping that Midnight will have a more nuance take on Forest Trolls over just having us fight them.


Bumping for the Forest Troll love.


Ya i wand amani trolls. Give me thick forest trolls plz


Would love to see the Revantusk tribe finally be playable.



Iā€™m rather hopeful that we can get some type of Revantusk- Amani reunion, either from the Amani being on their side in Midnight or Amani dissidents joining the Revantusk.

Still boggles my mind that were getting Earthen before Forest Trolls and Ogres.


If we donā€™t get Forest Trolls in Midnight, I donā€™t really know when we could get them.


The Harbinger questline specifically mentions a trail of Void activity going cold at Zulā€™Aman. Iā€™m fairly sure weā€™ll see something to do with the Forest Trolls come Midnight.


Midnight would be the perfect for them.

True, Iā€™m just hoping that its something position.


If the amani show up it will to be killed.

Ogres and trolls are ugly in blizzard eyes, therefore, need to be enemies or erased from the plot.

Hell, the devs evens aid they are uniting ā€œelven tribesā€ like LOL, elves who donā€™t have tribes, are gonna unite before the troll tribes, when we literally got the zandalari empire in the horde already, its revolting.

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Pretty sure they donā€™t mean literal tribes but rather the different typesā€¦ Thats a common use of the term to indicate similar culture, but separate groupings among civilizations.


We know what they meant, the problem is deliberately using that term, like you donā€™t know your own stuff.


Amā€¦am I taking to more than one Syegfryed?

I donā€™t see the same problem I guessā€¦

I do think they should have the trolls all unite though and add either customization for Darkspear or full ARā€™s for the Forest Trolls and Ice Trolls. (and Sand Trollsā€¦ Cause Iā€™m still pretty sure they yellow tone is just a jungle troll color.)


Theoretically we could get Ice Trolls for Last Titan.


You and me make we, no?

Its long past since i give then benefit of the doubt or good faith

the last two expansions with the complete lack of care with most non-elves broke my trust

I said before, but we are in a timeline where elves can pick undead versions of themselves and draenei can be literal demons, but we canā€™t get SKIN COLORS that are in the game for almost 10 years.


The Darkfallen donā€™t bother me, but I think their should have been a bigger in-universe reaction to demons being amongst the Alliance.

Something like the an Orc just pointing out how they get this Alliance hate, while one of the very demons that corrupted their people is accepted. Or Alliance members expressing reservations or wondering if Velen has lost his mind.


They donā€™t bother me for existing, since i pretend they are non canon

What bother me is they getting options that break canon, while other races have ton of options that fit the canon, and we donā€™t get then because the devs are way too lazy to implement or are just waiting for an emergence i guess