For Vrakthris , again

My greetings to everyone,

I would like to say that i am actually genuinely dissapointed to say the least with all this sitution that has happened with my topics about suggestions for a forum features that could enchance more privacy and security for all players.

4 th time, topic itself is destroyed, again. By those who are actively asking account wide ignore and forum battle tags.

It does actually look like a coordinated group that are running rampant unchecked with zero penalties.

I did actually wrote comment and flagged my own post to get a moderation attention in a last topic so maybe i did not need to come here and ask again and maybe get explanation what did happened, why topic was “hidden” but post was removed because someone else flagged is at “spam” and no answer was provided.

It does not feel and look right, when 4th time topic cannot be discussed. When your posts are falsely flagged then restored, then flagged again and then deleted.

I do understand that individuals are contaminated in that other topic which is filled with a daily spam, gifs, offtopic and nonsense, but do people who like and have other ideas to share are allowed to be here and have their topics at least not locked or hidden and moderated to keep them clean from those who actively trying to derail topics into 404, just because they do not like suggested ideas?

The mist of doubt is around me about this situation.

What is wrong with me that 4th time, my topic is destroyed?

That’s all. Tired to continue a genuine topic that could help a lot people, that were hesitant, to make such topics, to be heard.

That’s all. :four_leaf_clover: :dash:

This, coming to this forum in order to discuss moderation, needs to stop, Nelfas. Leaving a note by editing the original post in the last thread was a way of trying to provide some communication, but these forums are not made for that, so having an explanation provided is not going to be common.

The topic itself is still active, it was merely unlisted so those who don’t have the direct URL or who weren’t already reading/participating it in won’t see the thread. Community Management felt that was a viable option to allow the thread to continue and not have to close the thread entirely.

You are placing the blame on others posting in the thread, but reviewing your many posts you have been contributing to the thread being shut down yourself by doing the one thing I specifically said to avoid.

I should also mention:

What was implemented in Overwatch 2 was in the game, not on the forums. Nothing like that was implemented on the Overwatch forums, they use BattleTags.

So, as of now, the thread will remain unlisted. It may be closed, but for now Community has decided to allow it to remain.