For the most part, Pro/Anti LFD folks are equally right

Look. LFD was there for half/less than half depending on who you ask of Wraths lifetime.

Each side has a point.

Want it? Don’t want it? It’s all good. While I prefer people to take things personally because it’s more fun to read, it’s pretty sad being that most of us are 30+ years fighting fighting like children and taking this video game so personally.

I have no horse in this race. I’m a what you call, a Vanilla Andy I think. I think Wrath is trash. I think LFD is trash, as was 25 man sized raids. I thought TBC was trash. Yet, I can sit here and tell you that objectively both of those xpacs were better designed Vanilla - even if i didn’t play much TBC and Wrath not at all.

It’s not hard to say, while I think LFD is garbage for various reasons, I think it’ll be better for the Classic Wrath as a whole because of the convenience it provides. Granted, it’s hard not to troll the otherside because of how personally they take iti.

Perspective is hard. /sarcasm


No one is forced to use LFD. If it is in the game, we can all choose whether or not we want to use it. If it is not in the game, that choice is taken away from us. I prefer letting players make their own choices about how to play the game.


Cross-realm bgs were in Vanilla for like 20% of the time, yet were in Classic.

Where were all these people making this argument back then? But now suddenly the time it existed in the expansion matters. On one issue.

The lack of consistency and hypocrisy speaks volumes.


How are both sides equally right? Blizzard agrees with one side of the player base and disagrees with the other side of the player base.

Yeah, I replied to your other post too that was buried and I’m honestly not for or against RDF but it would be nice if people were a bit more respectful to each other. When I see people bullying others and getting likes instead of getting marked for trolling it’s kind of sad. Just because someone agrees with you does not mean you should support them when they are being really nasty to others. We are all people playing video games.

I’ve been passionate about my own things too, I get that part, and I’m not saying people should not fight for what they want and their beliefs. I’m just saying to try to stay respecful. No other player did this to you.


We heard, “You think you do, but you don’t” for years. Let’s not pretend Blizz has any understanding of what the players want.


lfg haters are giving false reasons for not wanting it.
every reason they mention can still happen without lfd & much worse.

i don’t understand why they’re telling lies just to get rid of LFD for whatever reasons they have in mind.
Blizzard really need to track anti-lfg to check if they’re gold sellers or not.


Good lord, people are still bringing this up?

There are so many flaws to the “If you don’t like LFD, just don’t use it” that its honestly painful every time I see someone say this.


so are you ok if blizzard leave current servers as they are to advance into Wotlk without LFG but in same time they will create new servers for folks who want to have lfg? so they can play there with it?

now you don’t have to use it and non in your server will use it, are you fine with that :)?

Seeing how that is never going to happen, I’m not sure what point you are even trying to make.

Yeah, it’s hard for Blizzard to know what the players want when the players themselves do not know what they want. Didn’t someone post quotes of you both arguing against LFD saying how terrible it was and now you’re praising it?

Absolutely. I’ve said several times how I’ve changed my mind on the subject. Apparently being open minded and willing to listen to all sides of a topic is now considered a negative?

Which, by the way is why authenticity should always be the guiding principle. Not trying to ‘sense’ what players want. Authenticity is set in stone.


why would you claim that it’s never going to happen?

so you should just answer the question.

Yeah, it’s another thread of pure passion and going at each other instead of respect LOL. This is funny because your thread was pretty much trying to say be respectful of each other… but that’s not going to happen. Got to play politics and pick sides that aren’t even horde vs alliance.

I’m going to go back to staying out of this topic unless it finds its way into other irrelevant threads. Good try though Xanthak.

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Please quote where I attached a negative connotation to that, I’ll wait.

The point I’m bringing up is that Blizzard goes to their forums, sees you criticizing LFD, so they remove it. How is that Blizzard not “understand what the players want” like you accuse them of here?

Sure… why not.

It’s really a class thing isn’t it? Some folks have a hard time finding a groups I guess. I personally don’t see a difference unless you are talking about mid level dungeons. It’s easy to find a quick group for early dungeons and the current expansion’s dungeons. LFD for 25-60(70inc) don’t have a downside. Otherwise I agree that LFG is better for the social side. I found my pre-wrath guild that way.

You can go back to the day this forum opened when I was posting on Mogar. From day one I said just be authentic. That’s it. Make the game like it was. That’s all Blizz had to do.

So you can spin it all you want. That’s always been my stance. So yes, Blizz doesn’t know what the players want. Hence…just rerelease it like it was. Because in the broad sense all players want is to play the old game that no longer exists.

Nitpicking and adjusting every little variable and system is a recipe for disaster. Trying to make an ‘improved version’ that will please players is an exercise in futility.

I believed that years ago. Classic and TBCC have proven it to be correct. As will Wrath Classic.


Cool, it looks like that you have been deceived about the LFD matter, i’m not sure who told you what, but it seems that you was never here in wotlk when LFG came out, at least i’m now sure that you’re not one of those trolls or gold sellers who fight against dungeon finder to get irl benefits via RMT.

you might not believe my words now But you will love the dungeon finder when it arrives in wotlk :yellow_heart:

It’s impossible. No matter how “authentic” the game is it will never be the same because of the time that has passed. We need to let that go already.

No, it’s the players that do not know what they want themselves. Blizzard can’t know what the players want if the players themselves do not know what they want.

Except many people still played both Classic and TBCC, including you. And, I think it’s fair to assume, many will play Wrath as well, even without LFD.