There is a difference. It’s just minor.
Most of the complaints about Gl wouldn’t be fixed with Pl anyways.
There is a difference. It’s just minor.
Most of the complaints about Gl wouldn’t be fixed with Pl anyways.
And when PL eventually makes a forced come back, you’ll have wished you had joined forces with them against your common foe, instead of being played like a pawn to misdirect criticism away from the perpetrator : Blizzard.
At this point I just hit need on everything.
Who am I kidding, I haven’t stepped a foot in a random LFR. Literally just did a LFR with a full 25 guild group once and that’s it. 15 minute LFR wing, no mechanics done, tier funneled to proper raiders.
I just ran LFR Kurog Grimtotem and can roll on LFR boots (I have 17 ilvl higher) and the tier token. I couldn’t roll need on the tank trinket cause I already have it.
So yeah. Appearances do let you roll need.
(I’m waiting to see if I have priority, some people aren’t rolling)
People having more control over what they do with their loot is a good thing.
Your boots are not Kurog boots.
It has to be the same item.
I can’t roll need on the LFR shield because I have the Mythic shield. If I had a rando 13/13 Mythic+ shield, I could roll need on the LFR shield.
The restrictions don’t even make much sense, but they exist.
They do not.
Here, I made a thread when they implemented the system in pre-patch, with screenshots :
I can confirm it still works like that because I couldn’t roll on some items I had from Heroic/Mythic when we ran our guild LFR.
If it makes a comeback it will be addressed then.
I highly doubt it will though. LFR raiders want to be raiders so bad they can use the same loot.
Like I said zero sympathy.
Been solo quing on priest/mage to get tier
And all they had to do was remove the trade restrictions from personal loot, was a simple fix
Shoot. Well that is dumb then. If ilvl isn’t the restriction, appearances shouldn’t be.
That would have been a TERRRRRRRRRRRIBLE fix, I can’t even begin to say how much more terrible that would have been.
If it’s an item not equipped/ in bags or bank yes. Wearing it? No. Tier shouldn’t let you roll if you’re wearing equal or higher tier in that slot
I want the mog or the piece for a friend.
It is daunting to see geared out mystic raiders in LFR. They can just ignore most mechanics if they’re a mystic tier tank as nothing hurts them.
Because the only complaint it had was that you couldn’t trade higher ilvl pieces
PL could still be exploited.
If you were one hunter against a group with 12 clothiers you had a less of a chance to get gear.
That’s false. It was one of many complaints.
PL is by far the worst loot system to have happened in this game.
Well I just roll 100 on the tier piece and won it. Get rekt XD Kappa. No but seriously, I don’t know how you guys wanna have it. Are we meant to never get the appearance ever until in 2 expansion when we hope the rng gives the piece when we solo?
“Wow! You can read the brochure!”
Then why should tier be the only mog you can roll on ?
Why not the Eranog Shield ?
Why can’t I roll need on the LFR Eranog shield ?
Because, again, the token isn’t a piece of gear.
False. You had same chance to get gear, just less chance to be TRADED gear. Yes people loot stacked for trading, still better then now where items can drop nobody in raid can use at all