FIX LFR. Players with Mythic tier win tier token

It’s not a “fallacy”. The fact is that LFR is ez mode raiding. Which is still raiding, even if he doesn’t think it is. It’s part of his agenda to try to convince the playerbase of this, even though he hasn’t yet convinced a single reader on the forums, which are only a vanishingly small percentage of the playerbase. But he can’t help himself. He has to keep trying, because surely if he does nothing different he will see different results in the future.

Because the token isn’t the same item as a tier item and since you can potentially roll tertiary stats or indestructible you can roll multiple times.

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There is a massive different between passive presence and active participation.

Literally impossible in PL for a person to win multiple tier pieces off 1 boss.

Literally impossible. This is just apologism.

You literally can’t read. I literally said it’s raiding and has the same loot system as the rest of the raiding difficulties.

You just have really sore feelings to keep spreading obvious lies.

Nobody is gonna take off higher ilvl tier for lower ones because it’s “indestructible” or has “avoidance” etc.

Which means Blizzard should put in a wee bit more effort, because as it stands, the most important loot everyone is there for has no restrictions that make randos in the group behave.

Bring back PL.

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I agree. However it’s in place to let people who have the same level tier price still roll need.

If I have LFR shoulders and the shoulder token drops I’m definitely going to roll need for a chance at tertiary stats.

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You and I tend to agree on a lot of things but I will never support PL returning in any form.

Which is ridiculous, it should count as offspec roll if you already have the tier piece or higher ilvl of the tier piece.


And that shouldn’t be a thing. Because for you it’s so MINOR to someone who doesn’t have the token. And the “CHANCE” to get extra stats, meaning you could get identical item and vendor it. People like you are a problem with group loot

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But it’s not an offspec roll if I’m rolling for tier as a main spec.

GL/ML works only in guilds.

In LFR and pugs, it’s proving to be what we knew : A thread generator for GD.

Everything I predicted about it as come to pass.

Let’s face it, you’re not putting on 376 tier pants if you have 415 tier pants, the socket doesn’t make it worth it at all.

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Why not? I participated in the kill and every right to roll for a chance at a better piece.

I’m pugging with strangers I’ll never see again.

And I have never said otherwise, I don’t know why you keep bringing up this stupid point…

Actually the difference is all in your head. If the person decides to not trade the PL item, they are taking an active action to deny someone else the loot.

Regardless, it doesn’t matter and I am a little tired of this back and forth with you anyways…

Again, the reason group loot shouldn’t be a thing in pugs at all


You were otherwise wrong.

Because it was literally impossible.

It’s almost like it’s called a “psychological” factor for a reason.

Which game designers should keep in mind when shoving a bunch of random strangers together, if they want to keep the drama to a minimum.

All the PL snobs that trolled all the people wanting ML to just come back as an option in guild only groups has caused me to have zero and I mean absolutely zero sympathy for people crying about GL.

No but I have LFR pants and the LFR pant token drops I’m going to hit need.

Nope. Like I told Raiimor

I find it weird how folks say PL and GL are the same, but then they are against PL… even though there is no difference?

I don’t care one way or the other. Just saying it’s interesting to see.


And as such, geared players often contribute an outsized amount to the quicker success of these groups. If people contributed to the kill, then they should be able to roll, period.

Though I do now think returning things to group loot was a a poor idea. Regardless of whether the game was still rolling internally to distribute loot, shifting the blame from AI to the actual player who got -whatever it is someone wanted- just exacerbated the arguments about this stuff.

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