FIX LFR. Players with Mythic tier win tier token

More threads.

And more threads.

And even more threads.

So staying miserable is your answer.

I don’t do LFR because of the rules.

So I’m going to keep asking for the rules to be changed back to what they were, which was much better for all involved.

Yes, you don’t do it. The OP, which you elegantly said, does. And keep doing even though they’re miserable doing it. I recommend to stop doing it and instead doing it in a environment that this situation shouldn’t happen in. To which you reply OFF-TOPIC!! Doesn’t make any sense.

Imagine being petty enough to look who won an item. If it isn’t you it doesn’t matter who won and looking at them is done out of pure pettiness and jealousy.

Yes, and as such, he wants the rules reverted, like many do as evidenced by the amount of threads about it.

It’s almost like PL worked fine since we had almost 0 threads about it the whole time, except when it came to Guild runs in higher level raiding.

LFR loot did not need this change, no one asked for it, and it’s making the game worse.

You’re going to have to deal with peeps asking for change for a while. Buckle up.

Let’s say it together

You are not entitled to loot any more than anyone else in the raid is…

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Yeah I agree. But one should always assume it’s not gonna change. Just throwing a tantrum while still doing it will amount to nothing. Because there are thousands of threads about m+ leavers being a “problem” doesn’t mean it needs to be changed and a lot more often than not can be fixed by the players themselves.

Also, again, catalyst in 2 weeks.

Or, plot twist, people who ONLY have time to do LFR and can’t commit to a raid team see that mage AND yourself, OP, as people farming gear from one of their limited sources of gear income to better your main raid group.

OP, your guild is progging heroic and seemingly skipping for tier bosses on normal. You’ll get your 4pc. Relax.

“Suggestions I agree with are criticism and feedback, suggestions I disagree with are tantrums” is very ironic. Calling others childish while having such a childish view of debate.

You’re not even trying anymore, just came out and trolled in the open.

Just do what I do, turn off chat in LFR and you will save yourself the disappointment on who got what and if they really needed it or not.

Sucks to be you :

Never defend Blizzard, they will backstab you 1 minute later in a hotfix.

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Where exactly did I say I disagree? Hell I even went into a LFR (shivers) to test a theory. I’m just saying, in the events that it doesn’t change, complaining about it will amount to nothing because the outcome is unknown. I offer a fix they can do, right now, without any Blizzard interference.

That doesn’t affect the OP scenario. It just makes it so if 2 tier tokens the same person can’t win the second piece if they won the first.

Blizzard just announced the fixes.

Well good for them. I don’t see how the hell you think this is some kind of gotcha situation. Blizzard has had a track record of not fixing things. Expansion is a month old and I still crash from time to time taking off dragonriding, which is a major feature of the expansion.

Dude spent an hour claiming it was a “tantrum” “no fix is coming”.

Boom. This is great. What absolutely boss timing from Blizzard.

Remember when you didn’t even know most of the restrictions too ? That should teach you to come in and try to defend things you don’t understand.

Wooo you won an internet argument. You won’t get a reward you know. And you called me petty. Lol. Pot meet kettle.

True but I think this part does

  • Fixed an issue where players could unconditionally roll Need on Set Tokens. The system will now check if the player owns the Token or the Set Piece itself at equal or greater power.
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