FIX LFR. Players with Mythic tier win tier token

Gotta get that transmog, sir.

So what?

Maybe they want all the LFR gear for tmog…

If it was PL and they won, it would just mean you would have been whispering them begging them for their gear.

My reward is your embarrassment and some amounts of fixes to issues I perceived.

No, I called Snozay petty.

Everyone replying to the OP is essentially right but at the same time, you know we can do better altogether right?

People hating something once the obfuscation comes down isn’t odd. Expect a lot more of that with WoD thru SL system design all gone.

WoW has become an entire take on MMO Diablo and when it slams the brakes on gear like its 2004 it feels bizarre now. They should either design into that or back away from it.

So edgy. You’re so cool.

something I just realized… with how many of these ‘waaah people with better gear than me rolled need’ posts there are… why are you going around gear inspecting every person who wins a roll that you wanted?
thats… kinda weird and creepy TBH. feels borderline stalkerish to see someone win some gear and your first instinct is to check them and see if they -really- ‘needed’ that gear.

like why are you so obsessed with loot that you are freaking investigating every person who wins something you wanted?

when something drops that I want, I just hit the need button and then carry on with the raid, sometimes something pops into my bag, sometimes it doesn’t. most of the time I don’t even notice -who- won the roll, let alone put so much attention on it that i’m gonna inspect them.

only time i’ve bothered to inspect someones gear, is either a guildie who we are working on gearing up, so I know what pieces they might need. or if someone playing the same spec as me, with similar ilvl is absolutely demolishing me on the meters, i’ll check their gear to see if there is something I’m missing thats causing that difference (usually its just that they are better at the class than me… which aint hard cuz i’m a scrub.)


This isnt a thing.
Bad luck protection as described was for bonus tokens.

Nope, thats just a different system.

Does not exist.

.this happened all the time.

Just try to think of the basic math. If there was bad luck protection then at all times some people have less chance at loot than others.

I mean, it’s ok that you’re mad. I have empathy towards your plight. I’ve defended Blizzard in the past on some decisions. The “2 minute hotfix backstab” is just a thing they do.

Defending Blizzard on anything is often really worthless, because they will respond to overwhelming negative community feedback like these.

This is the best newest I read in a long time!

100% this, sorry not sorry.

Yeah keep painting me as a villain when I only offer a solution in the event that the change, needed or not, did not happen, which is what happens more often than not with Blizzard. When is the next bond movie? I’ll offer myself as the bad guy.

They did just as much work as you. Why can’t they win stuff?

Apparently not. Blizz just now announced a hot fix.

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Well now they won’t be able at all so I guess that fixes that?

They won’t be able to win stuff in 10.0.5. It’s announced.

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Kinda sad really, but then again LFR is a hive of scum and villainy.

Better off just leaving them to themselves.

I was just there to meet a pilot.

You mean WoW … This whole game is like Honywood with the age filter off.

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Yeah, so no reason to take my main through there now and speed it up.

In a vacuum I prefer personal loot for LFR situations, and at least having the option for raid (for pugs).
But I see statements like the OP’s “I’d be bitter at the game not at everyone.”

During Nathria I really liked the plate and mail sets, so I went in there every week to farm the appearances. If I won something, I’d get insta whispered “need?” or people would just open trade chat window. Frequently I’d get whispered multiple times, by people mad that I wouldn’t give them the item. Or we had a few folks wanting to get tier in S3, and I would run and trade them tier tokens if I got one.
Strangers would flip a lid because they felt entitled.
Personal loot wouldn’t make this better, it would be like Shadowlands with people raging in whispers and coming here to cry that they need better odds if the piece is an upgrade.

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